con-sara-cy theories

Episode 8: JFK - Jay Weidner's Documentary

Episode 8

A fake death using Hollywood props and make-up? A trap door in the limo? A cop supposedly nicknamed "JFK" who also died? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

Buckle up because you get that and more in Jay Weidner's documentary JFK X: Solving the Crime of the Century.

Some reviewers have noted that this should be called a mockumentary rather than a documentary because the ideas presented are so outlandish. And they are very bizarre and kooky. The sad thing about it for me is that we can throw the baby out with the bathwater here because Weidner actually brings up some coherent questions re: the Zapruder film, the autopsy, and the strange death of Mary Pinchot Meyer.

⚠️ Spoilers lie ahead. Also: by nature of the topics discussed in this film, this episode will have more than its fair share of gore. It is what it is.


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Transcription by  Please forgive any typos!

Welcome to con-sara-cy theories. Are you ready to ask questions you shouldn't and find information you're not supposed to know? Well, you're in the right place. Here is your host, Sara Causey. 


Hello. Hello, and thanks for tuning in. In tonight's episode I want to talk about Jay Wagner's documentary, JFK X solving the crime of the century. It came out last year and I was busy not knowing that it existed. I found it one day at random wasn't even planning to watch anything JFK related. But it popped up on my to be as like, Hey, here's a suggestion you like all this JFK stuff? Why don't you watch this? Alright, don't mind if I do. Maybe there's some new information here. Something I haven't heard before. And yeah, wow. Wow, we Wow. We it was, it was really quite something. The blooper reel for this episode is spectacular. Because I have sat here and sat here trying to even think about how to intro this episode. I don't even really know what to say. Spoilers lie ahead. That's that's one place to start. So if you have not seen this documentary, but you want to go watch it, First, download this episode, bookmark it, save it, whatever you want to do, and come back to it later. Because I truly don't want to spoil the stuff that gets alleged in this documentary, you need to go and watch it for yourself, I'm gonna pour myself a cold beverage. This is another episode where it might be better if I could have a whiskey sour to do this. Let's saddle up and talk about JFK x. So if you're still with me, I'm going to assume that you're fine with spoilers. You've seen the film if you intend to, and we're on good ground here. I will do this differently than I normally do. Typically, if I'm going to review a film or a documentary, I just take things in chronological order. And then at the end of the episode, I'll start talking about my general impressions or potential conspiracy theories around the film. Or I'll go chronologically and then insert these various conspiracy theory ideas as they come up naturally in the plot. This one I want to handle a bit differently, though. And as we get into it, you'll understand why the first half hour approximately of the movie is really a recap of what happened in Dallas that day, it's setting the stage. So if you're already highly familiar with the circumstances around the JF k pop, pop, you're not likely to learn anything new in that half hour. In fact, it might come across as being rather dry and boring, because you're sitting there thinking well, I already know all of this already. So the the the master thesis, if you will, for the film, the alleged solution to this crime of the century is that there was no crime really? Because JFK drumroll please, you know, like the conspiracy theories around Elvis. JFK faked his own death. Not not this is not me. This is not Sarah telling you this. This is what is purported in JFK X. i So don't look at me like did you just come up with that? No, indeed, I did not. This is in the documentary. So according to Jay and his research, JFK faked his own death. He felt like the walls were closing in on him. There were odds, let's say between JFK and the intelligence agencies as well as the mafia. He knew that he had made some real enemies. And he also had a variety of health problems, which these things are known. We can we can look at this information and say, there's other evidence. It's not like Jay Weidner is telling us information there that we haven't already heard before, or that we couldn't independently substantiate have been plenty of documents and books, research, etc, to come out to tell us that there were there was some real tension there between JFK and the intelligence agencies, as well as the mafia. I don't think anybody's going to say that these mobsters and JFK were best friends, even if they may have started out on friendly terms, doesn't seem that they ended that way. Same thing with the intelligence agencies and the famous quote, some people try to put it into the realm of Marie Antoinette saying let them eat cake or the legend of Nero fiddling last Rome burned. But there is the famous quote that allegedly, JFK was going to take the Charlie India alpha and Splinter it into 1000 pieces and scattered to the wind. So this is not new information, the information about his health problems, also not new information. I mean, he had a host of medical conditions. And that had been something that plagued him ever since childhood. I mean, he he had some real serious health problems. And he was on a variety of medications, plural to try to deal with those things. I don't imagine mean, if this situation had played out differently. I just don't imagine that he would have lived into old age anyway, I know that sounds terribly morbid, and it's, it sounds very sad. And it is sad. I mean, it's just the man had a lot of serious significant health problems. He was taking a lot of medication to try to deal with all of that. And so I just, I think the odds are probably against this imagining that he would have been 80 years old sitting on the front porch in a rocking chair, having a sweet tea and watching the grandkids play on the yard. I just, I don't think that's highly likely, again, sad topic. But Jay is not giving us brand new information when he's saying that. However, he's laying that as the groundwork for his theory. So you've got JFK at odds with all of these very powerful people. You have his his variety of health problems, perhaps he didn't really want to spend whatever years he had left in the White House being at odds with all of these people. And then also, Jay alleges that there were some pretty significant marital problems between Jack and Jackie, and that the goal ultimately was to get a divorce. So this leads him to conclude that JFK uses this Hollywood make up slash theatrical makeup type device that he calls a squib. I had to look this up because I was not familiar with it. It wasn't anything that I had ever heard talked about before. But he uses this device called a squib. Back in the day, apparently, somebody wanted to use one that had like a string that you pulled. Now they're remote control operated, but they're used on stage or in films. So if somebody is shot in a movie, for example, this squib device has like a bit of gunpowder and some fake blood and, like, you know, a way to make it look like the gunshot is real for theatrical effect, but it's actually not. So according to Jay, JFK is using this squib. And one of the motions he makes allegedly is him putting the squib up against his face, so that the gunshot the one that is so terribly upsetting to watch on the Zapruder film, well, we need not be too upset by it because it's fake. It was just it was Hollywood. And one of his reasons for thinking that is that, according to him, this is a gory topic. I probably should have said that I need to put a disclaimer in the write up for the episode we're going to be getting into some blood and guts and so if that's not your thing, this is probably not a good episode for you to listen to. It might be traumatizing, in fact, but according to Jay, it the the wound the injury that we see, as it occurs on the Zapruder film doesn't look accurate. Because to him, it should have just been incredibly bloody. And he doesn't think that it is. I'm thinking of that skit, who was I think it was Dan Ackroyd that played Julia Child. Remember that skit from the old SNL where he cuts his finger he's like he's in drag pretending to be Julia Child and he cuts his finger and there's like a comedic amount of blood that comes out everywhere all over the chicken all over the table. And he's like, Oh, my goodness, I've got my finger. I'll link to it. I'll see if I can find it on YouTube or something and drop a link to it. But that was the first thing I thought of I was like, Well, is he wanting this to be like Dan Ackroyd is Julia Child or what I mean, it's a pretty disturbing image. But But according to Jay like this should have just been blood city, you know, between Kennedy being popped in the back in the throat. And then finally, in the head, it should have just been like a fountain of blood letting of blood and guts. And according to Jay, when we look at those a Pruder film that just doesn't pan out to be true. So he thinks that it's been faked. And he goes on to say that it's possible that this Presidential limousine has a trapdoor in it. And that maybe at some point like for example, when the limousine has picked up speed and they're going to Parkland Hospital, Kennedy could have just gone into the to this trapdoor and hidden in the trunk. I'm not shitting you


This is in the document binnorie Okay, but he it's kind of like hold my beer and let me do you one better. He also talks about JD tippet, supposedly having the nickname JFK, because his colleagues and the police department thought he was a good looking guy, and they thought he resembled JFK. And so they gave him the nickname JFK. Again, allegedly, supposedly, I'm gonna be using those words a lot here, because this is this is not my idea. I'm just repeating what was in a documentary and reviewing it for you. So they don't even go in and talking about this stuff. It's kind of like yeah, so and, okay. Allegedly, JD Tippit was killed so that his body could be used in place of JFK, so that JFK can go in this trapdoor at some point he could escape and run off. And then JD Tippit would be the stand in like the poor guy the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong kind of physical appearance. And golly, gosh, he just got it so that he could be the corpse stand in for JFK. And Jays theory is that JFK and his favorite mistress, allegedly his favorite mistress, lord knows I don't want to step on any mistresses toes. JFK and his favorite mistress Mary Pinchot, Meyer went off to a Greek island that was owned by Aristotle Onassis. And then lo and behold, several years later, Jackie Mary's, Aristotle Onassis, and apparently they all had some contact here on this Greek island, and I don't know lived happily ever after. Whenever


I sat there, and I thought, What in the hell did I just watch? As a soap opera? It's excellent. If somebody had said, Hey, do you just want to watch like a weird tabloid esque soap opera about JFK and Jackie. And I knew what I was saddling up for. I might have thought, yeah, well, okay, why not? That's like, I watched a bunch of the dark shadows. I watched the whole series. years ago, not when it was on. I wasn't alive then. But years ago, I watched all of the dark shadows. I even went to one of the conventions and I got to meet David Selby, which was like a huge deal. Jonathan. Fred was still alive at that point in time. I didn't get to meet him because he was on stage talking while I was there, so I got to see him do a presentation. But yeah, I got to meet David Selby, and I got my photo taken with him. I just thought he was such hot stuff is Quinton, the werewolf. So that was a big deal. But if somebody had told me like, Okay, this is a soap opera. This is a mockumentary. This is silly. I'm billing Okay, well, all right, whatever. But as a quote, documentary, it's frankly a lot to digest. I will put a link up to the Wikipedia page, which has a picture of JD tippet. And you can decide for yourself, this is sort of like the idea in The Shining that omen is supposed to represent a sort of stand in for JFK, Americana and the President and the official sort of attractive, smiling face of the government. And then meanwhile, the summer caretaker is more like the intelligence agent that's lurking in the background really running things. Now, even though Jay is presenting this information in a 2023 documentary, I want to be clear in saying that, it's not as though he just came up with these theories himself as brand new, organic information, because there are other conspiracy theorists who have alleged the same thing at earlier points in time. In fact, I will drop a link to an interview, that conspiracy theorist, researcher person, whoever you want, whatever label you want to use for some of this stuff, an interview that he did about this question of Could there have been a body swap? Could it Could it really be that tippet was killed in order to take the place of JFK, and that when we see the autopsy photos, for example, it's not even actually JFK? It's actually tippet. So this is not brand new information that Jay Weidner is coming up with now the squib thing may be the idea that that JFK faked his own death using stage props and makeup. And then he went into a trap door in the limo, and maybe that is new information. I'm not sure I haven't encountered it before. But once I started looking into this, it's like, Oh, wow. So apparently this is information that other people have already posited in the past. Still, there's also a video, I think from 2014. I could be wrong on the year, but I think it was from 2014 that Francis Richard Connelly released called JFK to 911. Everything is a rich man's trick. And that's also, one of the theories that he brings up in that video is that tippet may have been killed, supposedly, and I haven't been able to find any independent verification of this idea that tippet had the nickname JFK on the police force. If somebody else has it, if if they know where that idea originated, if it's been published in some sort of reputable periodical, that's great. I mean, I haven't found it yet. Doesn't mean it's not out there. It just simply means as of this recording, it's not something that I've come across in any of my research. So I don't know if that's true, or it isn't. But that's one of the things that commonly talks about in his documentary movie thing is that supposedly, JD Tippit had the nickname JFK. He looked like JFK. And so whoop dee doo switch a Rooney. It may just be that and commonly doesn't get into this idea of the limo with the trapdoor and the faking of the death. His his take on it is that because the job was botched so poorly, and again, I know we're getting into a lot of blood and guts. I'm sorry, guys, but because Kennedy's head was so severely damaged, that it wasn't going to fit with this lone pop Popper, crazy cuckoo communist that got in the Book Depository and acted totally by himself. They needed to have a stand in so they could make their farce work. That's more so Connelly's thesis, but again, I'm just I'm really want to reiterate here that it's not as though Jay Weidner is coming up with this material, and it hasn't already been hashed out before. There are other authors that have said very similar things. Again, I don't know about the trapdoor and these these gaped to Greek Greece or whatever. Go live with Onassis. Yeah, that gets pretty soap operatic. But here's the thing, even though we are getting into some very weird territory here, and it does seem like a soap opera, it's feels like a lifetime movie. Just when you think it can't get any crazier. Oh, wait a minute it does. He actually in this film brings up some cogent points. And this is something that this is just my opinion, and it could be wrong. This is strictly me making an editorial comment based on things that I've observed over the years. It seems to me that popular disinformation, takes one of two tracks most of the time, they either present you with 80 to 90%, bullshit. And then 10 to 20% truth, but you're so overwhelmed by the bullshit, that you never actually get into the parts that are true. You just discount the whole thing you throw the baby out with the bathwater, because you assumed the whole damn thing is a pack of lies. That's one track. The other track is to give you 80 to 90% Truth, and then pepper in 10 to 20% Outrageous bullshit. So again, your focus on that 10 to 20%. That's so outrageous, so outlandish, so bizarre, that no sane person could believe it's true, and you discount the whole thing. So it's like, they may have told you some elements of the truth, but you're not even paying attention to it. Because it's like what Dr. Phil would call outrageous overshadowing both people in a relationship would be behaving poorly, and acting like turds. But one person would just be so outrageous and over the top cuckoo that their bad behavior was overshadowing the other person. And I think that's what happens sometimes in disinformation campaigns. You just get so bowled over by the bull crap, that you're not paying attention to the things that might actually be true. And so Jay Weidner in this documentary for all of its strangeness, and believe me, it is strange. He brings up some coherent questions, and one of which is about the veracity of the Zapruder film, because there are frames that have been removed from it. The Zapruder film that we all see, is not the original one. There's this whole backstory about how it was sold off. I mean, the original film as it was taken that day. I'm sure it probably doesn't even exist anymore. What we're seeing has had pieces of it removed and even though it doesn't amount to a long amount of time out of the video, because not a long video anyway. But even though it's not a long amount of time out of the film, it still makes us ask the question more. What was done to it. mean, where are the missing frames? What would they show? What is what's going on that we're not supposed to see? I mean, that is suspicious because that's such an important part of any investigation. Or for that matter at anytime that somebody talks about the Pop Pop, or they want to show a video of the pop pop on the television, you're seeing, typically a very edited version, not just the edited version of the Zapruder film that anybody can see if they have a mind too. But an edited a highly sanitized version, it sort of skips ahead to where JFK is slumped over and Jackie is crawling on the back of the car and a secret service man is finally trying to get up there and see what's going on. That's typically what you see on television. And so when you see what has happened, has at least been not edited enough to show what happens to his head. It's horrifying. It is really, really horrifying. You know, there was that


episode of Good night America, which was hosted by Geraldo at the time this predates you know, Geraldo getting into all the Satanic Panic stuff in the 80s and Al Capone's vault, you know, where everybody called, everybody was like, Oh, my God, we're gonna get see dead bodies and bottles of prohibition booze, and there might be cars now in there, and it was nothing. It was freaking dust in the wind. This is before all of that. And did Gregory had had gone on? And provided? I think, with Robert Groden, if I'm not mistaken, had provided provided the Zapruder film to be shown on late night television. And Geraldo makes the comment like that's one of the most horrifying things I've ever seen. And it is the first time that you see it, you really see, you know, Pardon, pardon my directness here, but the killshot God, it's awful. It's just awful. I mean, and you just you can't you can't stop thinking about it's like, Oh, I wish I wish I had just never seen that. I'm, it's important. Historically, it's important because, you know, a very, very bad thing happened that day. But man, man is difficult to watch. So if there have been pieces of this film removed, if it's been edited in some way, then what are we missing? And and j also brings up another point that I think is very important. There were all of these people that had come to Dallas to wave at the motorcade to get at least a glimpse of Jack and Jackie, you know, when they were at the airfield there and there's a picture I have, I published it on one of my blog posts over on conspiracy theories of people just reaching out trying to touch Jack and Jackie. But then when you look at the grassy areas in the Zapruder film, the population is pretty sparse. There aren't a lot of people standing there. And it's like, Okay, but why? I mean, why were there hordes of people in other locations, but then not there on the grassy areas? Why is that? I mean, and this is an important question. I think that we were those people told were people corralled out of there and said, we can only have just a small number of people standing here. That's weird. I mean, this this is another thing that we can add to the oddities of like, this stinks to high heaven. There's clearly something wrong here. So that's a valid point. If if the film was edited, who edited it, does the unedited version still exists somewhere? Why did they edit it? What it what are we not being allowed to see? And then why are there so few people given how crowded it was and how much momentum there was of people wanting to see the motorcade that day? Why are the grassy areas so sparsely populated in the Zapruder film? That's weird. He also brings up points about the oddities and the the things that just we can't make any sense of as it relates to the autopsy. Now, that's another grotesque, morbid topic of conversation. Was it really even Kennedy's body at the autopsy? Did they do something to the body? Did they alter it? There's a book I intend to read called the President's mortician because it talks about it talks about this very topic. And this is another one of the weird JFK rabbit holes that you can go down. Each one of these rabbit holes leads you into another into another into another. It's never ending. It's like that movie Inception. So if you watch the series, the man who killed Kennedy which that that whole thing needs to be separate episodes, and I say episodes plural because there's a host of information there. They interview a lot of witnesses and Connolly in his JFK to 911. Cast some doubt maybe cast some aspersions you might could even say on the the veracity of some of those witnesses, because he's a big believer that whenever you see people crying and getting super emotional in an interview, it's probably fake. It's meant to distract you. It's meant to bring out your emotionality so that you're not thinking critically about the actual words the person is saying. So he he's very clear in his documentary of saying that he has doubts about the whole thing, the entire ball of wax. But funny enough, he draws from the documentary. So I'm like, Well, wait a minute, if you think that the whole ball of wax is propaganda, maybe even propaganda coming from an intelligence agency, then why are you drawing water from that? Well, I mean, again, really interesting and weird questions that we get into. But in in the men who killed Kennedy, as well as the topic of this, the President's mortician book, they're talking about this man named John ligat. And prior to watching the series of episodes, and the men who killed Kennedy, I had not ever heard of John Liggett before, or his wife or his former family. But man, there's some crazy stuff going on there too, because according to his former colleagues, this guy was like, Next Level talented, like scary, talented as a mortician. There was nothing he couldn't do. There was nothing he couldn't reconstruct. Like if if a family if there had been some terrible accident in the family said, we really want to be able to have an open casket funeral. What can you do to make this possible? He could do it. Even if he had to work all night. It was like there was no body part there was no heinous injury that he couldn't reconstruct and paper over. He was just like supernaturally gifted as a mortician. And in this documentary, his former coworkers are talking about how he would just disappear at random times, he would never get fired. It was like the management of this funeral home knew what he was up to, or at least they didn't question they didn't get in his business. So there were times that he would disappear for days or even weeks at a time. And when he would come back, he wouldn't be fired or reprimanded, it would just be business as usual. And the excuse was sort of like, well, you know, the guy's crazy talented, we need him. He is just incredible at what he does. So if he vanishes here and there, we're willing to overlook it for him. And allegedly, you know, he, he behaved very odd around the dates of the pop, pop. And he got called away. And then whenever he returned, he came into a very substantial amount of money. And that before, Ruby, pop, pop, Oswald, he was like, freaking out, and he made the family leave the house and go to a hotel. But then as soon as Oswald was dead, it was like a fog had lifted, the sun was shining again, and they could all go home. And then also, he got very, very wealthy out of the deal as well. I want to read that book, just because I find it an interesting topic, like how does somebody get to be a supernaturally gifted mortician? I mean, that's a talent and it's a necessary skill. But whoa, this isn't the to me. This is just another area. And this is why the JFK Pop Pop is such a wellspring, because you start out in one direction. And the next thing you're you know, you're like, how did I even get to this guy that's like the world's most talented mortician that can fix anything. But bringing it back to JFK x. This is another potential idea that this supernaturally gifted mortician could have taken bodies plural, because there would have been cadavers at the at the Naval Hospital. So he could have taken these bodies as well as all of his tactics, all of his tools of the trade, to be able to reconstruct Kennedy for the autopsy. But then, according to, you know, the documentary, maybe maybe he did it well enough to fake the photos. Maybe he didn't. I look, I don't I don't myself believe that tippet was killed strictly to be a body double. I think it's entirely possible that Kennedy's body was altered for the X rays and the autopsy photos because it just doesn't make any sense for what the witnesses say that they saw and what we can see on the Zapruder film, The autopsy footage and the Parkland doctors, I mean, the doctors, you have all of these people who were there, saying that there was a wound in this man's head that was like the size of a grapefruit. But then when you see the autopsy photos, there's no such wound. This doesn't make any sense. It's something something about this stinks. But see Jay is bringing up these good points. In the film. It just gets lost in some of the soap operatic craziness of trapdoors and escaping the grease and Onassis and all of that. Another thing he taught talks about is the strange death of Mary Pinchot Meyer now this is another topic that could be its own separate episode and probably will be at some point because I need to read more about her situation specifically, but as the story goes, she died under really weird circumstances. She had had a relationship with Kennedy so far as I know this is well documented. It's not anything that somebody is just making up like, oh, wink wink. Yeah, sure. She did. No, I believe she did. There was even a photo of her at JFK is 46th birthday on the presidential yacht. So I mean, they had some type of relationship. But she she died in 1964, under weird circumstances like she was shot. But then as Weidner brings up in the documentary, it's not a bloody crime scene the way that you would expect for somebody that had just been shot twice. And apparently, a murder weapon was not ever found.


Supposedly, this woman kept a diary of her communications and escapades with Kennedy, but the the diary disappeared, of course, I mean, duh. Um, it's just it's it's a weird circumstance that she dies under now. In the in the documentary, JFK X, Y nurse contention is she also fakes her own debt. The reason why the whole scene the whole crime scene is weird and screwed up. The reason why there's no blood even though this woman was shot twice, is because it didn't really happen. She faked her own death so that she could go and be with JFK on this Greek island. And this would would allow Jack and Jackie to split up without there being like a big national scandal over it. Jackie would be free to go off with Onassis and then Jack would be free to hang out for the rest of his days on this Greek island with Mary Pinchot Meyer, and everybody gets just gets to live happily ever, ever after. Again, super super duper soap opera Lifetime movie. But it again, it's easy to focus on the salacious, the lubricious and the ridiculous and then not ever even really get into like, but wait a minute. He brings up some good points about the Zapruder film if it's been edited, and there are frames missing, we need to know why. And we need to knew to know who did that. Why is that area the grassy area so sparse? When there are all these people that wanted to see the motorcade and there had been throngs of people other places. Why was the grassy area so cleared out? That's weird. What's going on with the autopsy? Why Why was JD Tibbett killed that day? Because there's evidence to suggest it wasn't really Oswald that did it. I mean, how does he fit into all of this and then Mary Pinchot Meyer dying also under weird circumstances in a very weird crime scene. Now I don't personally think that JFK faked his own death with a squib. And then Mary Pinchot, Meyer faked her death, and they all ran off to Greece and lived in some kind of soap opera. There are clearly some very scandalous things, especially for that time, maybe for 2024 Not as much, but some scandalous things for the 1960s that allegedly, were contained in Mary Meyers diary. Mal Warwick has a good review of the book, The Lost diary of em, that's like a fictionalized account of what was supposedly in Mary Meyers diary. And they talk about, you know, they have the sexual tryst, and they smoked pot together, and they dropped some tabs of acid, and she was this pacifist, and maybe she was the one because they were passive. She was a pacifist, and they were dropping tabs of acid together. Maybe that's what caused JFK to become a peace, Peacemaker instead of a war hawk. I don't know. I don't know. And, as I have said before, whatever that man was doing sexually with other adults is not my freakin business. I don't care. I wasn't married to him. I wasn't married anybody that he was sleeping with. I don't care. I'm very libertarian on this point. What consenting adults do behind closed doors is not my freakin business. And it's not the business of the state either. It's just not the two key words there being consenting adults. As long as you're talking about people that are of age grown folks, and they can sit they want to be doing the activity that they're doing. Hey, do you want to come spend the night with this guy? He's interested. Yeah, sure. Let's do it. It's not my business. is not my business. So if he was having some torrid love affair with this lady from we know what all the gossip mongers say he was having sex all the time. I don't know how he had time to even eat a sandwich or smoke a cigar because apparently he was having sex with the whole planet. I don't care that that part of it is not it's not relevant to my daily life. But if we're, if we're talking about evidence has been withheld from us evidence has been manipulated. We've just been relentlessly lied to, and we're still not allowed to see the full documentation. There's still documents that haven't been released, there's still documents that haven't been redacted, or that are excuse me that are redacted so that we can't see certain names certain information that we ought to be able to see as the American public. Things get a lot more serious we get out of the realm of soap opera silliness. Oh, JFK was having sex with this woman. And isn't that scandalous? And oh, Jackie was gonna go off and do NASAMS we, you know, we get into this stuff that's so soap operatic and silly. And then that distracts us from the things that really matter, like cover ups, like a coup d'etat on American soil, like agencies that report to no one. People who aren't elected, who aren't accountable that can do whatever the EFF they want, at any point in time. No consequences to it. See, that's significant to me. That matters to me. So JFK xx, it brings up some interesting points, I think, unfortunately, it just gets overshadowed if you're not careful. It gets overshadowed by the stuff that's a bit silly and over the top. Check it out for yourself, come to your own conclusion. What speaks to you? Is the whole thing laughable or do you like me find a few things sort of like diamonds in the rough buried in the rubble of all of this insanity? There actually are some questions that deserve to be asked. Stay a little crazy. You have to in this line of work, and I will see you in the next episode.


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