con-sara-cy theories
Join your host, Sara Causey, at this after-hours spot to contemplate the things we're not supposed to know, not supposed to question. We'll probe the dark underbelly of the state, Corpo America, and all their various cronies, domestic and abroad. Are you ready?
Music by Oleg Kyrylkovv from Pixabay.
Podcasting since 2023 • 75 episodes
con-sara-cy theories
Latest Episodes
Episode 59: Transhumanism in Captain America: Civil War & Iron Man 3
"Transhumanism is the position that human beings should be permitted to use technology to modify and enhance human cognition and bodily function, expanding abilities and capacities beyond current biological constraints." -
Episode 59

Episode 58: JFK - "Winter Kills"
Winter Kills is supposed to be a political satire / dark comedy in the vein of Dr. Strangelove. However, it's nowhere near as good and really seems to be a further bizarre smear campaign against JFK and his memory. After readi...
Episode 58

Episode 57: "Network" & the Current State of Tabloid Culture
For me, Network predicts the rise of tabloid "news," corporate-controlled media, and the use of propaganda to pacify and distract people. It also shows us the death of democracy and the whole world as one giant web of corporations.&nbs...
Episode 57

Episode 56: JFK - The Men Who Killed Kennedy - The History Channel's rebuttal episode
You know someone lobbed a Molotov when a network decides to impanel a trio of "experts" to tell everyone how bad/false a previous episode was. 😆And said experts are old white men who tell everyone what they need to officially believe. Q...
Episode 56