con-sara-cy theories

Episode 27: TTW Alex Broke into Bohemian Grove

July 24, 2024 Episode 27

In 2000, Alex Jones released his documentary film Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove.  Before going in, he interviews a variety of locals in "man on the street" style. One interviewee claims that he was on a cigarette break in the area and was accosted by $ecret $ervice men.

So is this true or just figments of wild imaginations? What actually happens in the grainy video footage that Alex supplies?


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Transcription by  Please forgive any typos!

Welcome to con-sara-cy theories. Are you ready to ask questions you shouldn't and find information you're not supposed to know? Well, you're in the right place. Here is your host, Sara Causey.


Hello, hello, and thanks for tuning in. In tonight's episode, I'm going to talk about the time when Alex Jones broke into Bohemian Grove. Even though you have people that don't really know much about Alex Jones or don't ever watch Info Wars? It's still one of those things, almost like an urban legend that's actually true, like, hey, you know he broke into Bohemian Grove that one time a long time ago. So I'm going to talk about the actual footage that he captured while he was there, and this weird ritual called the cremation of care. So pour yourself up a frosty beverage of choice, and we will saddle up and take this very strange ride. Before I get into the actual documentary video itself, it naturally begs the question, Well, what exactly is Bohemian Grove? So we will go to Wikipedia, we will get a sort of officially sanctioned idea of what is Bohemian Grove. Bohemian Grove Monte Rio California, is a restricted 2700 acre campground at 20601 Bohemian Avenue belonging to a private gentleman's club known as the Bohemian club. In mid July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a more than two week encampment of some of the most prominent men in the world. The bohemian Club's all male membership includes artists and musicians, as well as many prominent business leaders, government officials, former US presidents, senior media executives and power and people of power. Members may invite guests to the grove. Guests may be invited to the grove for either the spring Jinx in June or the main July encampment. Bohemian club members can schedule private day use events at the grove any time it is not being used for club wide purposes, and they are allowed at these times to bring spouses, family and friends, although female and minor guests must be off the property by nine or 10pm after 40 years of membership, the men earn Old Guard status, giving them reserve seating at the Grove's daily talks, as well as other perks. Former US President Herbert Hoover was inducted into the old guard on March 4, 1953 he had joined the club exactly 40 years prior, Redwood branches from the grove were flown to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City, where they were used to decorate a banquet room for the celebration. In his acceptance speech, Hoover compared the honor of the old guard status to his frequent role as a veteran counselor to later presidents. The Club motto is weaving spiders come not here, which implies that outside concerns and business deals networking are to be left outside when gathered in groups, Bohemians usually adhere to the injunction, although discussion of business often occurs between pairs of members, important political and business deals have been developed at the grove. Oh, I bet the grove is particularly famous for a Manhattan Project Planning meeting that took place there in september 1942 which subsequently led to the atomic bomb. Those attending this meeting included Ernest, Lawrence J Robert Oppenheimer, the s1 executive committee heads such as the presidents of Harvard, Yale and Princeton, along with representatives of Standard Oil and General Electric as well as various military officials at the time, Oppenheimer was not an s1 member, although Lawrence and Oppenheimer hosted the meeting Grove members take particular pride in this event and often relate the story to new attendees. Other behavior at the campground has led to numerous claims and even some parody in popular culture. One example was President Richard Nixon's comments from a May 13, 1971 tape recording talking about upper class San Franciscans, the Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time, is the most *** thing you could ever imagine with that San Francisco crowd. End quote. So make of all of that what you will.

It sounds pretty freaking bizarre. And then you have this assortment of power brokers, all dudes apparently going there to hang out. They're not supposed to talk about business. Wink. But at the same time, you know, the idea of the Manhattan project was conceived there. It does sound awfully suspicious and weird, does it not so Alex's documentary opens up with these graphics that remind me of Tales from the dark side. You know back in the day, like creepy inverted images of the forest. When he actually starts talking like after we get this Tales from the dark side looking opening credits, he. Talks about occult connections like he's laying the foundation for you that the main reason why he's doing this is because he wants to see what the occult connections are between these rich and powerful people. Like, what are they going out in the woods to actually do out there? And then, what relationship does it have to occult rituals? Now he calls it Canaanite Luciferian Babylonian mystery rituals, which try to say that 10 times fast, even just so I could sit down and record this episode. I was like, Okay, wait a minute. What all does he rattle off there? Canaanite Luciferian Babylonian mystery rituals, he talks about a giant statue of a stone owl and compares it to the ancient deity Moloch. This mysterious deity Moloch is referred to in the Book of Leviticus. To my knowledge, it was not ever represented as a stone owl. Now I'll drop a link to an article in all that's The true history of Moloch, the ancient god of child sacrifice. Perhaps no pagan deity was as reviled as Moloch, a God whose cult reportedly sacrificed children in a furnace set inside the belly of a bronze bull. End quote. So I'm not trying to say that what they were doing was good. The point that I'm making here is I don't, I don't know of any representation of Moloch that was a stone owl. It sounds to me like Moloch was some other type of creature that had a hollowed out area where these human sacrifices took place, which is terrible. I'm just not sure if we should conflate the one with the other. They may very well be doing weird pagan rituals out there at Bohemian Grove. I'm just not sure yet exactly what the stone owl refers to. One thing that I will agree with him on here is to have all of this connected to world leaders is disturbing. It is, I mean, going out to some all dudes club in the woods, invitation only. Now we're not going to talk about business deals. We're not going to talk about politics out here, wink and to have all of this security, to have all of this protection. Outsiders are not welcome. Nobody's supposed to know what happens here, and then we're gonna do this ritual called the cremation of care. That is weird. Do you? Do you really want these fat cats and hyper elites that make the rules for all the rest of us? Do you really want them going off in the woods doing that kind of weird stuff? It's unsettling. If nothing else, something else that he mentions is like the media articles like, hey, they're just frat boys. They are the power brokers. They're the elites. They have to make all of these tough decisions in business and in politics, so they just go to have fun. It's like summer camp for the hyper elite dudes. They're just messing around. They're just having a good time, but it's no big deal. One of the most disturbing things to me is that during his introduction to all of this, he goes and talks to Tex Marrs, who is, I mean, well known for being an anti Semite, for being anti Catholic. I mean, pretty much in his train of thought, if anything negative is happening in the world, he's going to either blame it on Jews or Catholics or Jews and Catholics working together. So the documentary automatically loses a great deal of credibility as soon as he shows up, Alex, along with his cameraman and his girlfriend, fly up to NorCal, and they liaison there with a crew from some type of British filmmaking endeavor that are going to saddle up with them for this adventure, not that they're going to sneak in, just that they're somehow involved in the filming of all this. Once they get their game plan together about how this, how the logistics of this will go down, they do a few like man on the street interviews. They interview some guy that said at one point he worked there, but, oh, I didn't see anything fishy, urban legend kind of stuff. And then he just walks off, like he wants to get away from them quickly. Couple of dudes in a pickup truck are like, Yeah, we heard some weird things. Seems like we saw something in the newspaper. And Alex is like, oh, so the newspaper admitted it. And then they're like, Well, no man, I mean, I don't know. I don't know. Man, they interview a couple more people, including a guy who says that he actually had an encounter out there. And look, I don't know if this guy is being completely serious or not, because he's kind of smirking a little bit and comes across being a little bit smartass to me. That's just my opinion. I could be wrong. And he claims that he was on a cigarette break in the area and a couple. Of dudes from the service came up and started asking him and his coworker, like, who are you? What are you doing out here? And it was freaky. There's another dude in the interview. It looks like he's maybe in a convenience store or a liquor store. And he's like, I don't know. I've always heard that as big, rich, fat dudes with prostitutes out there, that that's not just bohemian Chrome that could be anywhere. Another man they interview says that he's worked there, but never there during any of the rituals, and he describes it as being a really nice place to go when no one's around. And Alex tries to ask him, like, have you ever seen a sacrifice, not a real sacrifice, but a human and effigy, and the guy's like, No, I've never seen anything like that. It's interesting, because we hear these stories, like the British filmmakers talk about somebody that they interviewed who said that all these dudes from like the service and the Foxtrot Bravo India had come through and saturated the areas, looking for undesirables, looking for anybody that could be a potential security threat. But then during these man on the street interviews with the locals, it's like the people will say, Yeah, I mean, I've heard stuff. Oh, well, what specifically? Oh, mean, I don't know, just rumors. Have you heard anything about a mock human sacrifice in front of a giant stone owl? No, haven't heard anything like that. So it just makes you wonder, well, which is true, because if all of these so called Men in Black are going through canvassing the area to make sure that there aren't any undesirables or security risks, you know that people would have seen something, they would know what was going on. So it's like, well, maybe it's just a matter of, nobody wants to be on camera for all of posterity, admitting to something, Alex and Mike walk in like they walk up this area that's not a through road, and they're in like their polo shirts and khakis just trying to dress like when in Rome do as Romans do when you're in with a bunch of overweight white yuppies, dress like they do.

So they walk up and they've got their hidden camera, and it's like, okay, the adventure has now officially begun. One thing I will say straight away that aggravates me about this documentary is that none of the supposed encounters with security people are shown to the public, and to me, that would be one of the most compelling pieces of evidence for the legitimacy of this documentary. Like, okay, yes, in later in the film, we do get to see this weird ass cremation of care, and it is super fucking weird. Whether you believe they're actually calling on some ancient owl deity or they're not, they're just LARPing and screwing off out in the woods. It's really beside the point. It's weird. It's totally fucking weird. But I wish that even if he had put the camera down and we just only heard the audio of what security people were saying, because this happens two or three times over the course of this documentary where Mike and Alex are allegedly descended upon by security people asking who they are, where they're going, or what they're doing. But we don't ever see or hear those encounters, and I find that problematic, because it's like, well, how are we supposed to know that all of this is legit and that they snuck in, and this isn't some kind of controlled opposition, it isn't some kind of further psychological operation, because we're not hearing what those security people said. I mean, I know I'm probably sound all double blind, triple blind here, but I'm just telling you the truth. It would have been more compelling to me. It would have provided more evidence for what's going on here, if we had been able to see and hear what these security people allegedly said to Alex and Mike, I want to know they do some filming of the landscape and like this, this weird, almost like diving board, floating thing, like a pier that's been carpeted where you could go off and swim in this lake. And then Alex says that, after he had already turned the camera off, somebody from the sheriff's department came and accosted them yet again, I'm like, I would want to know what was said to them after this. They say that they just have to go hide until after it's dark and the cremation of care ceremony is going to start so they can, like, get into some seats without being as easily seen, but still yet, like, No, damn it. I want to know if somebody from law enforcement is coming up and being like, Hey, what are you doing out here? Or making threats or questioning them? I not only want to hear what law enforcement or security guards said to them. I would want to hear whatever Alex and Mike said in return. I feel like all of that would be super telling information. He shows photos of like this program that's given out to the attendees, and there's this weird bug. I'm not even sure what to call it. It's like a bug. With a dustpan. I shit you not, if you watch this was hopefully you will for yourself. You need to make up your own mind. But there's this weird, whatever Alex considers to be, like a demonic bug holding a dustpan with the letters PJ monogrammed onto it. And then there's some kind of creature that's being consigned to the flames. Alex seems to think that it's a baby. I'm not sure what the hell it is, to be honest with you, he shows film of like this skull on top of a sign that says it's just we Lafitte, which I think is a reference to the French pirate Lafitte. But then again, who knows? Around the 58 minute mark is when we start to get into the actual cremation of care ritual, which, you know, they're sort of, they've got their hidden camera, so it's at a weird angle, and it's not super sharp, but you can at least hear the dialog. And it is weird. I mean, it's clear that you're watching some kind of ritual. Again, do I know for certain that they are actually calling on some kind of ancient deity? No, they could just be LARPing. They could be having a laugh. But it's just peculiar that's like they start talking about the pyre as awaiting our corpse of care, and you're like, wait a minute. What? So they get this thing, like somebody is in a canoe, and brings this object, an effigy of a human, whatever it is supposed to be, brings this object so that it can be set on fire. And they go through a bunch of language about care fire will have its will of the and then the line is spoken midsummer sets us free. Now that did catch my attention in the episode that I recorded about the shining, I talked about how I don't find the occult dates to have happened by coincidence. That's like if you think back the first day that Danny and Wendy and Jack are going to be totally alone in the hotel. Is Halloween, aka the salon. And then had their contract actually been fulfilled, had they made it through the winter and fulfilled their obligation, then their final day at the hotel would have been may 1, which is the Beltane. Both of those are occult Sabbats. And there are also times during the Wheel of the Year when it's considered that the veil between the living and the dead gets thin. So the mid summer, aka the summer solstice, is also considered to be an occult Sabbath and a very powerful day. That's the summer solstice. It's the longest day. The sun is at its apex, and we're getting ready to go into the dark half of the year at that point. So I don't think it's coincidental, if this is some kind of a cult ritual, I don't think it's coincidental that they're making mention of the midsummer, that they're potentially doing this right around the midsummer now, Alex draws comparisons to this mock human sacrifice, and then the little PJ bug on the cover with the dustpan to bonfires, aka bone fires, and the notion that there would be human sacrifice and then somebody would sweep up the ashes and the dust with the remains. I guess you'd say the Ashen remains of a victim to be used in further rituals. There's a lot of fire, there's some fireworks, some pyrotechnics, and that's pretty much what happens at this cremation of care ritual. From there, Alex goes back to Austin and decides that he's going to try to confront W because it's been reported that the vice presidential decision was made at Bohemian Grove. So Alex goes down by the governor's mansion there in Texas to do his bullhorn routine to talk about how Bush is an occultist. He was at Bohemian Grove. This is how George Bush dresses look when he's at this ritual. He's in a robe like this. He's not for family values. He's not this conservative Christian guy. Look, he's going off doing stuff like this. And look, man, I do give him credit for that, because so many of these so called Christian conservative politicians get caught with their pants down all the time. I mean, they're they go out in front of public view, and they try to court the evangelical or the fundamentalist Christian votes, but then they have more than a few skeletons in their closet. He also shows pictures of W and John Kerry being chummy Bill Clinton and poppy Bush being chummy, I've talked about this before. It's like one big joke, and they're all in on it together. They'll go out in the media and act like they're just at each other's throats, and there's this big difference between them, and there's not then they're all huggy, huggy, and shaking hands. Partying in each other's houses, and it's just for show all of this supposed opposition. It's just window dressing for the public people that are still too stupid to know any better, I guess, according to the official narrative that we get on Wikipedia, the cremation of care is an annual ritual production, Written, produced and performed by and for members of the Bohemian club. It is staged at the Bohemian Grove near Monte Rio, California, in front of a 40 foot tall image of an owl at a small artificial lake amid a private old growth grove of redwood trees. The dramatic performance is presented on the first night of the annual encampment as an allegorical banishing of worldly cares for the club members, and to present symbolically the salvation of the trees by the club, but the secretive nature of the Bohemians and the political power of some of its members have been criticized. End Quote, now, what exactly is the symbolic salvation of the trees by the club. I have no freaking idea what it reminded me of. And again, you know, I'm just I'm spitballing theories out here. I'm not telling you that this is some absolute truth or absolute gospel fact. I think if you're interested in this topic, you should watch the film for yourself and come to your own conclusions. But it actually reminded me of the story of the scapegoat. If we go back again to the Book of Leviticus, there's the story of Azazel, the scapegoat, where the tribe would cast their sins upon this goat, and then the goat would leave taking their sins with him. Hence, the idea of a scapegoat That, to me, is kind of sort of what this ritual seems like, the cremation of care. We're going to cast our cares upon this fake effigy, whatever the hell it is that's burned in front of a 40 foot tall image of an owl. We're going to banish our worldly cares and burn them up out here. That kind of sounds like the idea of a scapegoat, but it's like, Well, what exactly are you putting on the effigy that you're burning up in front of the owl? I think that would be a very interesting question to have answered, exactly. What kinds of sins are y'all out there banishing, especially considering the power brokers and the fat cats that go out there like you know, it would have to be monumental things. Come to your own conclusions, as always, for me, I've brought up the points that I think are questionable, interviewing Tex Marrs, cutting conveniently, cutting out the interactions with law enforcement and security, I would love to know what they said to Alex, and then what was said back to them in return, and then some of the occult connections there. I mean, I just don't know. I have no idea. Is this really some kind of Luciferian whatever. What all did he rattle off of Canaanite, Luciferian, Babylonian Mystery Religion, ritual that part, I don't know. I don't think it's random coincidence. I don't just think it's a silly, funny play that somebody invented for shits and giggles. I definitely think there's some esoteric meaning behind it. For me, it's, it reminds me more of the the story of Azazel, the scapegoat. And I would want to know, well, what, what are you putting on there? And I mean, are you going out and committing genocide and getting America involved in one Forever War after another? And you think it's fine because you did a sacrifice in front of a giant fucking owl, I beg to differ. Watch it for yourself. Come to your own conclusions, stay a little bit crazy, and I will see you in the next episode.


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