con-sara-cy theories

Episode 33: "The Wuhan Cover-Up & the Terrifying Bi0weap0ns Arms Race"

September 04, 2024 Episode 33
Episode 33: "The Wuhan Cover-Up & the Terrifying Bi0weap0ns Arms Race"
con-sara-cy theories
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con-sara-cy theories
Episode 33: "The Wuhan Cover-Up & the Terrifying Bi0weap0ns Arms Race"
Sep 04, 2024 Episode 33

I read RFK Jr's The Wuhan Cover-Up & the Terrifying Bi0weap0ns Arms Race and it's nightmare fuel. The purpose of this episode is not to get into his politics but rather to discuss the basic points he makes in this book. 


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Show Notes Transcript

I read RFK Jr's The Wuhan Cover-Up & the Terrifying Bi0weap0ns Arms Race and it's nightmare fuel. The purpose of this episode is not to get into his politics but rather to discuss the basic points he makes in this book. 


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Transcription by  Please forgive any typos!

Welcome to con-sara-cy theories. Are you ready to ask questions you shouldn't and find information you're not supposed to know? Well, you're in the right place. Here is your host, Sara Causey. 

Hello, hello, and thanks for tuning in. In tonight's episode, I will be talking about RFK Jr's book the Wuhan cover up and the terrifying bioweapons arms race. The cover price is $40 in the US, 54 bucks in Canada, which is very steep. In my opinion, for a book, it is chock full of information. Gets a bit repetitive at times, but it's also nightmare fuel. In my opinion, I was able to find a copy through the library system, and I would really recommend that you do the same as of this recording. I think the Kindle price is about 17 bucks, and the hardcover price has come down somewhat on Amazon. I get it that the guy is trying to run a campaign. He's probably doing a lot of fundraising for that, but Ouch, considering inflation and how expensive everything else is right now, I would recommend, if you're on a budget, find it at a library and save yourself a few dollars, we will saddle up now and take this dark and highly disturbing ride. Full disclosure, I have been squeaking a little bit. My voice has tried to cut out here and there, and I'm just going to keep going. I've had to rerecord a couple of times because it would sound like that all of a sudden, where my voice would cut out, and that's only going to make the problem worse. I want to be clear in saying that I am not recording this episode to talk about RFK Jr as a person, his politics, his presidential candidacy, none of that. Honestly, there's a time delay typically, between when I'm recording an episode and when it's actually published. So who the hell knows. As we go into 2024 I expect hijinks and chicanery and all kinds of nonsense. As of this recording, it looks like we'll have another face off, basically, between the Orange Man and the senile old man. I don't know what will be happening by the time this hits the airwaves. My purpose in doing this is really to talk about the things that I found interesting in the Wuhan cover up book. I also cannot go through the entire book and do some kind of comprehensive review. I mean, you could dedicate a podcast to nothing but talking about chapter by chapter in this book, it's more than 400 pages long and relatively small typeface. I mean, it is packed full of information. To give you some idea, let's go through the table of contents. Chapter One, the soothsayers. Chapter Two, bioweapons and American values. Chapter Three, A Brief History of bioweapons. Chapter Four, picking up the pieces, the birth of a US bioweapons program. Chapter Five, downloading Ishii and his henchmen, Japan's paperclip. Chapter Six, Operation paper clip. Chapter Seven, a three way partnership. Chapter Eight, heyday, the bioweapons industrial complex at full production. Chapter Nine, has the US illegally used bioweapons and more. Chapter 10, Vietnam. CHAPTER 11, reservations about bioweapons development from within the military. Chapter 12, the Biological Weapons Convention. Chapter 13, evading Geneva and the bioweapons charter. Chapter 14, the critical role of vaccines in bioweapons development. CHAPTER 15, the Reagan neocons and US universities revive bioweapons development under Academic cover. Chapter 16, the anthrax attack, Birth of the biosecurity agenda. CHAPTER 17, injure Dr Anthony Fauci. Chapter 18, the medical Military Industrial Complex. Chapter 19, Nas briefly cracks down on Dr Fauci. CHAPTER 20, the Obama moratorium. Chapter 21 a moratorium ignored. Chapter 22 how doctors Fauci and Collins lifted the moratorium. CHAPTER 23 the p3 co chapter 24 Peter daszak makes echo health, the laundromat through which the Pentagon spooks and public health technocrats funnel money and bioweapons technology to China. CHAPTER 25 dasak in the moratorium. Chapter 26 nothing useful. CHAPTER 27 historic accidents, infections and escapes at biolabs. CHAPTER 28 do pandemics frequently jump from animals to humans. Chapter 29 China's ascendancy. CHAPTER 30 compromising US universities to steal technology for China. Chapter 31 Emory University, a template for Chinese spycraft. Chapter 32 Ralph Baric. Chapter 33 China's refreshing candor about gain of function for weapons development. CHAPTER 34 Beijing on the Bayou, the Galveston lab. Chapter 35 gates in China. Chapter 30 6u, US, a ID, a Charlie India Alpha front. CHAPTER 37 USA ID, the global verome project. Chapter 38 spooks in the kitchen. Chapter 39 the Charlie India Alpha recruits echo Health Alliance. Chapter 40 USA ID, slash Charlie India alpha and population. Chapter 40 1n, a, I, yeah. N, I, a, i, d, funded gain of function studies at the Wuhan lab. Chapter 42 Dr Fauci perjures himself. Chapter 43 a detailed description of Dr Fauci gain of function studies in China. Chapter 44 another crazy proposal how a dysfunctional NIH funded a treasonous Chinese bioweapons experiment. Chapter 45 the lab rats run for cover. Chapter 46 The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Chapter 47 dasak unhinged the diffuse proposal. Chapter 48 inoculating wild bats. Chapter 49 barracks nose method, hiding the human fingerprints on lab generated pandemics. Chapter 50 wrapped around my finger the Chinese master, Dr Fauci alchemies. Chapter 51 Fauci surely knew the Wuhan lab disaster from which his tiny monsters were bound to escape. Chapter 52 the Chinese launched the Global cover up. Chapter 53 Tony Fauci and Peter Dak worked with China to fool the world. Chapter 54 sir Jeremy Farrar, mastermind of the covid cover up. Chapter 55 Red Dawn, the pandemic begins. Chapter 56 Farrar money magician. Chapter 57 World Economic Forum. Chapter 58 covering up the lab generation a joint enterprise. Chapter 59 the February 1 teleconspiracy. Chapter 60 the nasom letter to the White House. Chapter 61 the lancet letter. Chapter 62 gates at the outset and finally. Chapter 63 pivot to permanent preparedness for a pipeline of pandemics, end quote. So as you can see, even just from the lengthy table of contents and the number of topics that he covers in this book, you could be here for hours on end, days on end, if you were even just trying to summarize. So the only thing that I can really do in this episode is just hit a select number of high points, things that I bookmarked, things that stuck out to me, that I wanted to talk about on the air. But please understand it is by no means an exhaustive list. It's just me whetting your appetite, if you will. If you haven't read the book, if you've been on the fence about it, I do recommend it, because it is nightmare fuel. I put it up there with books like program to kill by Dave McGowan, where I read the book, and I was like, I don't think I'm going to sleep so well for the next few nights. It's just highly, highly disturbing on page six in the first chapter we read in october 2019, the month after, covid probably began circulating in Wuhan, and just a little over two months before the Chinese government notified the WHO that a coronavirus pneumonia was spreading person to person in China. Bill Gates and former Charlie India Alpha Deputy Director Avril Haines, soon to be Director of National Intelligence and President Joe Biden's chief coronavirus advisor hosted a New York event simulating a global coronavirus pandemic that would kill 60 million people. They call this tabletop drill event 201. End quote. But see when you talk about anything like that, that's just a conspiracy theory that never happened. Meanwhile, it makes me think of it makes me think of Dr Strangelove and George C Scott's character being like, well, you're gonna have to kill 10 or 20 million people. I mean, you need to be worried a lot less about your place in the history books. Just go and kill these people. I've also been watching the movie fail safe. I intend to record another episode about that film because it is similar in some respects, to Dr Strangelove, except it's not done as a nightmare comedy. Kubrick does it as a dark political satire, whereas failsafe is much more head on, and there's a character in that film that talks about that exact scenario, like let's war game it out, probably 60 million people are going to die, and that's acceptable as long as we win and the other people lose, it's okay to lose 60 million people. I mean, that's appalling. At the beginning of chapter two, which is titled bioweapons and American values, he quotes General Douglas MacArthur in 1957 as saying, Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear, kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it in. He also, in chapter two, writes, bioweapons development was the Charlie India alpha's first love, and has remained its relentless passion. The Charlie India alpha's natal obsession with bioweapons pitted the agency against all the idealistic underpinnings of both American democracy and the healing arts of medicine. Bioweapons, after all, are the inverse of medicine by enhancing infectivity of pathogens and endowing them with resistance to antibiotics and therapeutic treatments and to heat and cold. The occult art of bioweapons development seeks to undermine all of the advances in medicine made by 100 generations of doctors and scientists since Hippocrates, among the most alarming side effects of the federal preoccupation with bioweapons has been the systematic diversion of vast resources and armies of academic and government scientists away from public health and healing. We shall see that the rise of the biosecurity agenda has accompanied the diminution of our traditional freedoms, a weakening of democratic institutions, the militarization of medicine and growing belligerence in foreign policy. End Quote, I'm thinking now about Judith very Baker's claims of working on some virulent, toxic, extremely fast moving form of cancer with the idea that they were going to use it to infect Fidel Castro. And it's like On what planet would something that is supposedly going to be used only against an enemy, wink, not eventually be turned against its own people? I just, I can't that's one of those things where I my mind just can't go there. It cannot fathom why you would even want to be playing with something that dangerous. To his credit, several times in this book, he talks about unit 731 the first time that I watched a documentary about unit 731 several years back, it was another moment of I'm not going to be able to sleep so well for several nights. It is horrifying the things that were done there and then to find out that the major perpetrators who did these awful, evil, diabolical things to other human beings didn't face any kind of prosecution. A lot of them went free. You just wonder, Where is the justice in the world? What? What is wrong with people? I'm reading now from his Chapter A Brief History of bio weapons. The Japanese occupiers told local Chinese and ethnic Russian Manchurians that the vast industrial complex that suddenly appeared in rural ping Fang was a lumber factory in a dark joke, the human subjects became logs in controlled open air experiments, physicians and their assistants tied Russian and Chinese men, children and women, often with their infants to stakes in open fields. Ishii's men would then detonate flea laden bug bombs after waiting the four days needed for bubonic plague, or some other deadly contagion to incubate in the bodies of these logs, the civilian physicians dissected their victims alive at various stages of infection to observe the living viscera before harvesting organs for shipment to medical schools and pharmaceutical companies. End quote. So if the idea of infecting men, women and children, including infants, with toxic disease, and then cutting them open alive, holding them down while they're screaming, and cutting them open alive, if that's not bad enough, let's consider what happened to these scientists. Were they put before a firing squad? Were they prosecuted? Did they rot in a jail somewhere? No, by and large, they didn't. Old Uncle Sam came and scooped them up, and he talks about this in chapter five. In December 1949 Pravda reported that the United States was actively engaged in biological weapons development and had employed numerous Japanese war criminals, unit 731 veterans, to develop biological weapons in US labs. After initially denying Russian accusations, the US government finally admitted in 1998 that the Charlie India Alpha did indeed provide positions to unit 731 officers and medical researchers at labs in East Asia. There they helped Americans conceive and carry out experiments on human subjects that could not be legally conducted in the United States. The US efforts to recruit unit 731 doctors and researchers are still veiled in deep secrecy. End quote, my God. He also, to his credit, talks about Operation Paperclip and the Nazi rat lines that were used to smuggle some of these bastards out. I do intend at some point to talk more specifically about paperclip and about. Annie Jacobson's book on the subject. So I don't, I don't want to go too far into that subject here. I just really am grateful that he is willing to talk about it. Because people need to know, they need to know their own history, and you need to know the ideologies that inform these organizations. Because if you talk about something like Jim Mars's book The Fourth Reich, people will laugh. Or you talk about a book, which I intend to do at some point, a review on the book Gray Wolf, which posits the theory that Hitler didn't actually die in the fuhrerbunker that day he escaped and went off to South America. That was just a conspiracy theory. You're a cook. You're crazy, okay. But then when you look at the number of Nazis that were imported, how we imported evil? Some were just allowed to escape, to go off to whereabouts unknown, but some were deliberately imported. I mean, it's going to naturally make you more suspicious when personally, and that's all I can do is just speak for myself. When I read Jim Mars' book, The Fourth Reich and I started piecing these things together about the fascistic nature of how the world is actually run, things suddenly started to make a lot more sense. Things that didn't make sense to me before. It was like I had pieces of a puzzle that didn't quite fit together appropriately. But once I read that book, I was like, holy shit. I get it now. I get it in chapter six, Operation Paperclip. He writes, In 1945 the US military and intelligence agencies launched Operation Paperclip, a network of so called ratlines that would eventually smuggle some 1600 German chemists, biologists and engineers, many of them high level Nazi Party officials wanted for war crimes from under the noses of Nuremberg prosecutors to cushy sinecures in us, chemical and biological weapons laboratories, military and intelligence officials equipped these Renegades with immunity and new identities in exchange for work on top Secret government projects in the United States. End quote, isn't that just what you want? Isn't that the kind of ideology, the kind of people that you want, chemists, biologists and engineers to come over here and work in chemical and bio weapons laboratories, a bunch of fucking Nazis? Let's call it what it is, war criminals, murderers, genocidal bastards. I mean, why? Ah, this is, this is just awful. In that same chapter, he writes, in 1963 the FBI learned that the J i o a director, which, by the way, J i O A stands for the Joint Intelligence objectives agency, the J IOA director, Lieutenant Colonel Henry Whalen, was a Soviet spy the Pentagon officially disbanded the Jio a the official paperclip agency, tried and sentenced Whalen in secret and rebranded Operation Paperclip as the cutting edge science agency, the Advanced Research Projects Agency, ARPA, later renamed DARPA. End quote, by the way, you can also go to DARPA's website. They have this little tag about paving the way to the modern internet. They had access to the internet before you and I had ever even heard of such a thing. They helped to cultivate and develop the technology that we now know as the modern Internet. In this chapter, he also talks about this idea of being able to look at war criminals. And instead of seeing the war criminal, the Nazi or the person from unit 731 who is doing live vivisections, you just see the scientist. Just look at the potential of what they can do for your organization, and forget about the whole war criminal aspect of it. In the chapter a three way partnership, he talks about human experiments from the earliest days of the program. America's bioweapons researchers, like their Japanese and German predecessors, showed little compunction about testing pathogens and chemicals on US soldiers, often without their knowledge or consent. Between 1942 and 1945 the chemical warfare services conducted mustard gas experiments on approximately 60,000 servicemen, including 4000 soldiers subjected to severe full body exposures. Additionally, historian Ed Regis reveals that during a 20 year period, beginning in the mid 50s, the US Army conducted operation white coat, which exposed some 20/207 Day Adventist who preferred serving as human laboratory rats to engaging in combat to a variety of diseases including Q fever, tularemia, sand fly fever, typhoid fever, Eastern, Western and Venezuelan encephalitis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and rift valley fever. The Charlie India Alpha quickly adopted Nazi technologies and ethics. In the spring of 1947 scientists at Edgewood arsenal and Dugway proving ground began human experiments with a tape and gas inside. An airtight gassing chamber. End quote. He also, in this chapter, talks about Operation sea spray, beginning on September 26 1950 the US Navy sprayed a cloud of bacteria. I'm not even going to try to pronounce this Latin name, because I'm certain I'll get it wrong, a cloud of bacteria from a ship about two miles off the coast of San Francisco to determine how susceptible an American city would be to a biological attack. Several Bay Area residents reported respiratory, urinary tract and gastrointestinal infections, and at least one died. End quote. He also talks about additional testing that took place in Winnipeg, Manitoba, St Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Corpus Christi Texas to test the efficiency of a new aerosol weapons system for dispersing chemical agents. End quote. One of the key points that he makes in this book is that these entities find loopholes like they will say that they're working on defensive measures. They're working on vaccines that would help people, that would protect people, but it's a ruse. It's a cover story. It's a means of being able to work on these biological weapons and develop these biological weapons, as well as do gain of function to make them even deadlier. But then, ostensibly, wink, they're working on defensive measures. We're not doing anything on the offense. We're just playing a really good defense. We're trying to develop vaccines so that, God forbid some other power did this to us, we would have the means of protecting our population. In the chapter of the Reagan neocons, he writes invoking the defensive weapons dual use loophole the Pentagon secretly resurrected pre 1972 defensive bioweapons under cover of vaccine development. These included modified viruses, naturally occurring toxins and agents that were altered through genetic engineering to change immunological character and prevent treatment by all existing vaccines, according to a 1986 report to Congress. End quote in the chapter the anthrax attack, Birth of the biosecurity agenda. He also talks about 911, and those september 2001 anthrax attacks, like how those events laid the groundwork for the W administration to say, Alright, now we need a biosecurity agenda. We need to put millions upon millions of dollars into this. And that really like it gets folded into the war on the T word, and people just went along with it. It was like the final the final straw there. Oh my god, we're completely under attack. September one, one has happened, and these congress people are getting anthrax mailed to them. We have to do something. In this chapter, he writes the september 2001 anthrax attacks provided the impetus for the emergence of biosecurity as a potent instrument of US global hegemony and the resurrection of the bioweapons arms race. The principal architect of the biosecurity agenda was George W Bush's vice president the neocon Mahatma Dick Cheney, who, alongside his chief of staff, Scooter Libby, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Paul Wolfowitz, laid the groundwork for the emergence of biosecurity as the Spirit tip of American foreign policy. End quote. He talks at length about people like Peter daszak, phony tauchi and Bill Gates. He also asked this question of like, How often do these pandemics actually jump from animal populations to human populations, as opposed to all of these incidents we've had of historic accidents, infections and escapes at biolabs. He talks about various front companies as well as organizations that are actually just either money laundering operations or just cover stories, really, for the Charlie India Alpha. He lays out clear evidence, in my opinion, that people knew that this was coming. They knew that the was going to happen before it did. And there were certain investments made companies that it was clear would rake in a lot of money while everybody was under stay at home orders, certain investments were made into those companies so that people could watch their stock go crazy whenever it happened. I mean, I feel like he does a great job in this book of naming names, calling people out, and presenting the evidence of who knew what and at what time he talks about the WEF and Klaus Schwab and the whole Ida awkin, Yuval, nothing, and you would be happy you have no privacy, but life has never been better. Oh, okay, great. In the afterword, he writes a popular maxim of human psychology is that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. Will we soon see another pandemic triggered by a pathogen released from a lab, accidentally or deliberately with a response following the. Same game plan as that of covid 19 july 21 2023 as I was finalizing this book for publication, the Biden administration announced the creation of the Office of pandemic preparedness and response policy, which will replace the covid 19 response team and M pox team at the White House, according to an administration announcement, this agency will be a permanent office in the Executive Office of the President. The permanent nature of this new office signals the reemergence and likely escalation of the arbitrary restrictions put into place during the covid 19 crisis as similar scenarios emerge. End Quote, In fact, the final chapter right before you get to the afterward is a tongue twister pivot to permanent preparedness for a pipeline of pandemics. I think about how RFK Jr has said before that the role of the Charlie India alpha is to keep a steady pipeline of these forever wars going. One feeds into another, into another, into another, into another, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, and it may be that way with and various pandemics that are coming down the road, whether whether they're real or imagined, whether they pose a serious threat or they don't, they're just mostly hot air and hype. Who's to say I'm I'm not sure what the future holds. And I understand, believe me, I understand that this all seems very dystopian. It's a dark, nasty, uncomfortable subject to get into. It truly is. I just hope that that doesn't prevent people from reading this book, or they think, Well, I heard something about RFK Jr. I don't like his politics, or I don't like that family. Set all of that aside. Just forget about that. Pretend it was written by John Doe, and just read the book. I really feel like it's important for people to understand, especially to me, the roots the ideologies that inform these organizations. I do, at some point, intend to go back and do a review of Jim Mars' book, The Fourth Reich. I intend to talk about the book gray wolf. I just feel like, and it's just my opinion, and it could be wrong, but I feel like, when we look at the current state of affairs through the lens of Nazi ideology, did not die in Germany at the end of World War Two. Unfortunately, it fanned out and it spread, and you have people that feel like they're part of a superior race, or they feel like they're part of a superior group, and what they do to the inferiors, the lesser than is just fine, because those people are not even really human. They're lesser than. That line of thinking is so corrosive. It's so toxic and the damage that it does to a person's soul, I It's hard for me to even adequately describe that. I've just never seen anything like it. It's like it does some kind of irreparable damage to a person's very soul, whatever it is inside a person that makes us human, that helps us to have compassion and empathy, that helps us to treat other people as equals, that just goes away, and it's like Machiavellianism on steroids, narcissism on steroids. It's really awful. And when we think about that type of ideology being folded into these organizations, particularly with bio weapons, the ability to maim and kill millions of people in one fell swoop, that's terrifying. And I understand that for some people, it may be so terrifying, the idea of even checking this book out at the library is anathema to them. Nope, I've got enough. I've got enough to worry about. I don't want to think about this. I said on my daytime broadcast after I had watched Oliver Stone's film JFK for the first time, and I was like, holy shit. If even a scintilla of this is true. We should be asking a lot more questions. The other thought that I had was, you're not going to beat the system if a sitting president cannot do it, someone who we typically think of as being the most powerful person in the world, the leader of the, quote, free world. If that person can't beat the system me, and you got zero fucking chance. If you want somebody to blow hot air and hopium up your behind, that's fine. You can go listen to controlled oppo, and they'll do that all day long. I respect your intelligence more than that, and I just have to voice my opinion. And as I always say, as Dennis Miller would always say, it's just my opinion. It could be wrong. Maybe these hyper elites really are shaking in their boots and they're scared of John and Jane Q Public. Maybe I don't think so. I really think that the best thing that you can do at this point in time is keep your head on a swivel. Stay alert, stay aware and get some kind of emergency preparedness about yourself. Have a flexibility in your life to where if some shit goes down, you can be prepared to pivot quickly. If you need to be people that just live with their head in the clouds, they can tell you all about who some celebrity is dating, what's going on in Hollywood, what movie won a bunch of awards? God bless them, and God help them. Mean they say that God looks out after children and fools? Maybe that's true. I don't know. I'm not a child, and I try like hell not to be a fool. So I don't know. I think that, because, in my opinion, you're not going to beat the system. You're not going to fight the law and win. I think you're going to get shut down. And the types of things that happen in Waco and the types of things that happen at Janet six would happen to you if you tried. I think your best bet is to try to stay prepared, to stay alert. And books like this at least help to give you some background, some back story, some idea of what in the hell is going on. For that reason alone, I think it's worth your time to go to a library and check it out. Come to your own decisions. Read it and come to your own conclusions. Stay a little bit crazy, and I will see you in the next episode. 

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