con-sara-cy theories

Episode 24: JFK - The Garrison Tapes, Part 2

Episode 24

Transcription by  Please forgive any typos!

Welcome to con-sara-cy theories. Are you ready to ask questions you shouldn't and find information you're not supposed to know? Well you're in the right place. Here is your host, Sara Causey.

Hello, hello, and thanks for tuning in. In tonight's episode, I want to talk about John Barbour's sequel to his original film The garrison tapes. The sequel is titled The American media and the second pop pop of President John F Kennedy, and it was released in 2017 I was able to find it on Amazon and rent it for 99 cents. I felt like it was time and money well spent. And in tonight's episode, I will talk about this sequel. So pour up your beverage of choice, and we will saddle up and take this ride, as with the first film the American media, and the second pop, pop of President John F Kennedy opens up with JFKs quote about seeking a free flow of information. We then see Jim Garrison, and Garrison says that the agency, meaning the Charlie India alpha, is lustful for Southeast Asia and JFK is not Vietnam, represents more in terms of raw materials than any other spot available. There had to be assurance and there had to be cooperation. Meaning, in order for the pop pop to occur, there had to be assurance and there had to be cooperation from more than one agency, as well as from the media. Katzenbach says that Jim Garrison is an absolute nut, and as I've talked about in other episodes, that's pretty much how he was portrayed in the mainstream media, as being a bonkers lunatic. We also hear about a Charlie India Alpha 1967 memo that states concerns that Garrison would get a conviction of Clay Shaw. Rack felt that Garrison would indeed obtain a conviction of Shaw for conspiring to pop pop. President Kennedy as Garrison says it had to be a no risk operation and a few media elements would need to cooperate in that. John barber points out that cases like OJ John benay and Bill Clinton's BJ got way more coverage than did JFKs murder. Now I know that at the time, there was wall to wall coverage of what was going on with Kennedy and him being at Parkland and the journey back with Air Force One and him being taken away for the autopsy, and then Ruby murdered. Oswald, yeah, there was wall to wall coverage of that. But as Barbara points out, when you think about wall to wall coverage now, I mean, when you're talking about OJ Simpson, you're talking about something that happened in my lifetime, and it was everywhere. The OJ trial was freaking everywhere. And then the bride and the bronco. This is AJ, you know who it is. I mean, back in the 60s, you just did not have the wall to wall coverage like you do today. We see a video of Dan, rather, claiming that JFK, his head goes violently forward, but then later we see him as a Pruder film that that isn't true. John Barbour says that on 1122 63 America's Free Press dies as well. He talks about Smedley Butler and the attempted fascist coup. I intend to make an episode about the business plot and that attempted fascist coup to topple FDR and put Smedley Butler in as a fascist dictator. Dabro. Page, okay, people, some of y'all gonna figure out one of these days that when Jim Mars wrote that book about the Fourth Reich, it's not as off base as you may think that it is. After World War Two, we get the Cold War. There has to be this steady stream of war in order to keep the economy up. Now that's something I think. Back now to my notes on Seven Days in May, there's one of the presidential advisors that's talking to the character Jordan Lyman, who's the stand in for JFK in that film, and he points out that the economy has been geared towards war for 20 years, and you can't slam the brakes on that by calling for peace. If warfare has been the economic engine and the country is a vehicle, how the hell are you going to keep the vehicle running if you put an end to war. I've also heard RFK Jr allege that the job of the Charlie India alpha is to keep a steady stream, a pipeline of warfares going all the time. It's like we don't ever not have an enemy. There always needs to be warfare and conflict somewhere that America. Has its nose in, and we see this, as Barbara points out, after World War Two, we get the Cold War. And he also talks about James Forrestal, if you're not familiar with that story, James Forrestal had been Secretary of the Navy and then also Secretary of Defense during the Truman administration, but Truman demanded forrestals resignation. He apparently had some mental health issues and became a patient at Bethesda Naval Hospital. And as the story goes, the official story is that Forrestal died by suicide from jumping out of a 16th floor window. As you might guess from the way that I'm talking about this, there are people who doubt that to be the case. Some people think that he was probably thrown out of that window and that he didn't jump on his own willingly. We also see in this film. Video of David Attlee Phillips bragging about the Iranian coup, and the filmmaker John Barber is more to the point and forceful than a lot of other people in this arena. And I give him a lot of props for that. Whatever you may think of this film, I admire somebody that will just come out and say what they need to say. So we see this video of David Attlee Phillips bragging about the Iranian coup. So in 1953 there was a coup d'etat. It was aided by the United States and the United Kingdom, and they took Democrat, democratically elected prime minister, and he was overthrown in favor of the monarchical rule of the Shah. So we can trace back some problems that we have right now in that region to what happened back in 1953 so one of the things that John Barbour says in this documentary is that he believes that Charlie India Alpha took over the US in the same way that we can look at this stream of coup d'etats that they orchestrated. And we absolutely can. These things are documented. If you just go and look through things like the Iranian coup, the Guatemalan coup, you will see this regime change. Then you also get into things later in history, like Salvador Allende and Augusto Pinochet. So I yeah, I applaud John barber for having the cojones to just say it. He purports that the Charlie India Alpha took over the US. It was a coup d'etat on American soil, and it was done so by this agency, according to barber. He also talks about Operation Mockingbird, like you have this scenario where the agency takes over and then they get the media, the mainstream media, in lockstep with them, via Operation Mockingbird, so that any kind of questions, any kind of dissent, it's not really going to be allowed now, knowing the first thing you're going to say is, but we do have freedom of speech. We do have the right to dissent. Yes, we do. And look at how much controlled oppo is out there. I've said before that in my mind, if you've got a million or more listeners, a million or more followers, you can't say that you're fringe anymore. You might can say that your alternative, excuse me, but you can't say that you're fringe anymore. You got too many people tuning in to be considered on the fringe. And it's my opinion which could completely be wrong. It's my opinion that some of those people that claim that they're fringe, they claim that they're alternative, are not I believe some of them are controlled oppo, and I think that they give people nuggets of truth mixed in with some bullshit and some things that are outlandish. And they also steer people in the wrong direction. Some of the controlled oppo people, in my opinion, steer people into situations where they can lose their lives, lose their freedom, lose their reputation. That's a scary thing. Wakey. Wakey people. John barber also talks about the Church Committee and journalists and media personnel that were involved with the Charlie India Alpha. We're told again, in this second episode, that bill Paley was allegedly OSS which later becomes Charlie India alpha. We are also told, according to the filmmaker John Barber, that William F Buckley is also in league with the Charlie India alpha. And there's this clip they play of Gore Vidal calling Buckley a quote, crypto Nazi, if you have not seen that famous clip, I will drop a link to it. PBS has a an excerpt from that. There was a series of debates in 1968 between William F Buckley and Gore Vidal. And


again, we you know, who knows if this was staged or if. It was organic. We don't know. I'm cynical, so I have to wonder. But they do get into this verbal kerfuffle here where Vidal calls Buckley a crypto Nazi, and then Buckley retorts by calling him a queer and saying that he'll smack him in the goddamn face. I mean, it's, it's really quite something. I think we have the tendency to imagine that the kind of vitriol that we see now in American politics is something new. It's not new. I think it's more widespread than maybe it was 60, 7080, years ago, but it's certainly not anything new. And this video proves that in 1963 John Barbour says that there were 1500 owners of TV and radio stations. Of course, now we know it's a lot smaller. I think there's what, six mega corporations that own all of these different news platforms. He also talks about Arthur crock of The New York Times, saying, if the US ever experiences a coup, it will be from the Charlie India, alpha September 3, 1963 on CBS with Walter Walter Cronkite. I can speak appropriately with Walter Cronkite. There's a video of JFK saying it's their war. We can help, but the Vietnamese have to win it. If you have not ever seen that interview, I will drop a link to it so that you can watch it in its entirety. And I think it's interesting. When you go through the comments section on this particular video, one of the commenters writes, no hyperbole, no insults, no wild promises, just irrational, thoughtful and full explanation of the problems and potential solutions that is the world I prefer. There's also another commenter who writes this interview will be 60 years old in two months. Two months after that will be 60 years since Dallas. Of course, we know that's been the 60th anniversary. Was last November. What I'm most struck by is a president who listens carefully to questions and then actually answers the questions with thought and deliberation, no dodging, no softball questions, no obfuscation. Refresh, refreshing to hear so many years later. Somebody else writes, a president with a detailed grasp of the situations and issues. Somebody else writes, What a joy to hear such an open, honest, wise discussion, so different than what we deal with now, the evasiveness, the secrecy, the lack of caring for our citizens, the lack of open discussions on what is happening with our country and the world, yep, it definitely makes you wonder how things could have been different. Now, he also talks about John Barbour in this documentary. Also talks about Bobby Baker and LBJ even though, in modernity were supposed to think that JFK was the scandal magnet because he couldn't keep it in his pants. There was a scandal a brewing with Bobby Baker. I'll drop a link from January 26 1964 The New York Times. The headline reads, major political scandal looming in the bobby Baker case. As it becomes further unraveled, many persons are expected to be named as having played a role in his wheelings and dealings. Of course, there was a connection between Bobby Baker and LBJ we also learn in John Barbour's film that there was an attempt on to have a pop pop of JFK in Chicago. We also learn about this Charlie India Alpha plot called the family jewels, was that a plot to eliminate JFK. In actuality, this is just my note. In actuality, family jewels was leaked regarding conduct that violated the Charlie India alpha's own charter. Certainly if anything to do with eliminating Kennedy were part of the agency that would that would be a violation of its charter, I would think now the filmmaker John barber accuses Bill Moyers as being the one who encourages the removal of the bubble top from JFK car that day in Dallas. There are other writers and filmmakers who attribute that decision to other people. So all I'm doing is telling you what John Barbour says in his documentary. Then we have the question of, why does the vehicle turn down elm instead of going straight down Main in a straight, clear, linear way? Why does it slow down and make this dog leg turn onto elm in Dealey Plaza, according to Garrison, on Thursday evening, at the 11th hour, the parade route is changed by the administration of Earl Cabell, the mayor of Dallas. Again, this is the world, according to Jim Garrison, it's not me telling you this. I'm just repeating what Jim Garrison says in the interview. They slow down to approximately 11 or 12 miles per hour going through Dealey Plaza. We also see clips in John Barbour's documentary that are played from Mark Lane's film rushed to judgment. There is a woman named Carolyn Walther who says that she saw a man with a brown suit holding a boom stick. Ed Hoffman, the deaf mute, is also mentioned. He is. Interviewed in the men who killed Kennedy as well. People have varying opinions about Ed Hoffman's credibility. Some people think he may be the best witness because he was deaf and mute. He would have been paying a lot more attention to what he was able to see. Other people doubt his testimony. You have to decide that for yourself. Garrison says that the cause of death on the death certificate says a gunshot wound to the temple. Prouty says at noon in New Zealand, he finds a newspaper with a full bio of Lee Harvey Oswald, and it's at too early of a time, he concludes that they must have already had this biographical information ready to go in order to have such a full and complete biography of this supposed lone wolf weirdo ready to go in the newspaper, they talk about the photograph of the three tramps. Prouty claims that a man who was with the three tramps was Ed Lansdale. If you're not familiar with that name, we'll hop over for a second to Wikipedia. Ed Lansdale was a United States Air Force officer until retiring in 1963 as a major general, before continuing his work with the Charlie India Alpha. Lansdale was a pioneer in clandestine operations and psychological warfare. In the early 1950s Lansdale played a significant role in suppressing a rebellion in the Philippines. In 1954 he moved to Saigon and started the Saigon military mission, a covert intelligence operation which was created to sow dissension in North Vietnam. Lansdale believed the United States could win guerla Wars by studying the enemy's psychology, an approach that won the approval of the presidential administrations of both Kennedy and Johnson. End quote. There's a photo analysis that's performed of the Lee Harvey Oswald pictures, aka the famous backyard photos, you know, where he's holding leftist propaganda magazines and a Boomstick, Oswald is interrogated, but no recordings or notes are taken. Again, very, very weird, this man who is presumed to have murdered a sitting president. You're not going to record anything, and you're not going to take any notes. Jack Ruby is allegedly in the room on November 22 and we see a video of him along with the press pool. We're told that the first Boomstick that was actually found in the Texas School Book Depository was not the man licker Carcano, but was instead a Mauser. But then the Mauser disappears and the manlicker Carcano appears. JFKs limo is sent to Detroit to be rebuilt. Oswald gets the blame for an attempted pop on General Walker at his home, as well as Kennedy and Tippett. If you're not familiar with that story, I'll drop a link from History Channel's website before JFK Lee Harvey Oswald tried to pop pop, a former Army General Oswald's would be victim on November, no excuse me, April 10, 1963 was an ultra conservative firebrand named Edwin Walker. You can that's a whole other can of worms. Man, that whole story. So Oswald gets blamed for attempting to kill General Walker, and then he does kill allegedly, Kennedy and Tippett. The bullets used on tip. It didn't match what Oswald had, though weren't a match for the Boomstick that he was carrying at the time. J Edgar Hoover says that the public must be satisfied that Oswald was the pop popper and that he acted alone. Ruby is said to be at Dealey Plaza and at Parkland Hospital on the day of the Paw. Paw. We have Garrison talking about how Julia Ann Mercer claims that Ruby was seen at dealey dropping off a man with a Boomstick. So Julia Ann Mercer says that she sees Ruby drop another man off holding a boom stick. That day, there's a man named Charles L Bronson who makes a film, and it's later donated to the sixth floor museum, but at the time, it's not found to have any evidentiary value, which is weird because it shows the Texas School Book Depository. So why would that not be of evidentiary value? Time Magazine, meanwhile gets a copy of the Zapruder film, or, I guess they get the Zapruder film is what I should say. Copies were made of it. Later, Katzenbach is quoted as saying that Robert Kennedy is told of Jack Kennedy's death by Hoover, and Hoover doesn't sound sad about it.


John Barbour mentions the wink from Albert Thomas. That's something I talked about in an earlier episode. That weird, creepy photo, some people say it was just taken at a weird angle. Maybe he was blinking. I don't know you judge for yourself on that. It sure looks to me like there is some communication being made there between Albert Thomas and LBJ with a wink and a smile. Under the circumstances, a man is dead, supposedly, his body. Body. His corpse is in repose there on Air Force One this murdered man, and the wife of the murdered man, who still has his blood all over her clothes, is standing there, and you're winking and smiling, kind of fucked up, if you ask me. Just saying, there's also a clip from rush to judgment about Jack Ruby getting access to Oswald, and there's a witness named Napoleon who says that Ruby appeared to have a Boomstick in his pocket. Ruby says that others had ulterior motives for what they made him do, people in high places. Of course, he wants to go off to DC to testify, but he is denied. LBJ quickly reverses foreign policy from the way that Kennedy had it. Mcgeorge bundy is alleged in this film to be Dulles man inside the White House. Jim Garrison says they pick men who are honorable to the public but were reliable to the government. I believe that to be totally true. Wikipedia refers to JFKs murder as quote the infraction on its Warren Commission page. I'll have to go and see if that's still the case. Hold on, it looks like it may have been changed since then. I'm sure somebody probably got very embarrassed by that. But John Barbour does have a screenshot the infraction. You have murdered a sitting president in broad daylight, and it's called an infraction. Can't make this stuff up. Man Katzenbach says they were worried that the Soviet Union was involved and that World War Three could occur. Warren did not really want to be on the for which the committee is named Earl. Warren didn't even really want to do it, but Garrison says that he left the Oval Office with tears on his face. Perhaps he thought he was being altruistic in doing it. Maybe he thought he was preventing World War Three from kicking off. But they also, in this documentary, John barber talks about executive order, 11110, hopefully I'm getting the correct number there 1111, zero to print money redeemable in silver. This is something else that I think is fascinating about potential motives. Let's say for the JFK, pop, pop. We call it fiat currency now, because it's just hot air bullshit. If you go, if you're in America listening to this, you have an American dollar. Just take it out and look at it. It's a Federal Reserve Note. It's not backed by anything. However, it used to be that you could get currency that was a silver certificate. It was actually backed by silver. They had gold certificates too, meaning you could go and it will say payable on demand, that you could go and get the equivalent in silver or gold of whatever you had. There were also United States notes that were being printed up with the idea that they would be backed by the United States and would not be part of the Federal Reserve System. Now some people think that's one of the many reasons why Kennedy had to be gotten out of the way. A pundit calls it Snow White and seven dwarves in reference to LBJ and the Warren Commission, which I thought was funny, I made special note of that because I just thought it was a funny joke. Bill Paley of CBS is accused of helping the Warren Commission. We're told by John Barbour that they were already publishing a report to support the Warren commission's findings before the commission was even done. We also are told that John J McCoy helps CBS Garrison says, If you control the body and the autopsy, then you really have control. JFK gets an autopsy not fitting a Bowery bum. That was one of the quotes. I think Weisberg says that in in this film, he gets an autopsy that's not even fitting for a Bowery bum. Dan Rather, claims that Oswald's shot from the Texas School Book Depository was, quote, an easy shot, and I have written in my notes, WTF, dude, the media just gaslights everyone. They were doing it, then they do it. Now there's an interview with Gail Nix Jackson. She is the granddaughter of Orville Knicks. We tend to think of the Zapruder film as being the film, but Orville Knicks had made a film as well, and Gail says that Nick's was badgered into changing his testimony to the news media. Mark Lane describes going to mainstream media news sources and was told not to publish anything about the Kennedy murder. Some even told him to burn his articles. Lane then says that Jimmy Wexler asked why Lane had taken his article to the national guardian, which I think is now defunct, and he's told by Wexler, anyone would have published it. Why go to the left? One of the reasons why I laughed at that is because, in modern vernacular, if you believe in anything other than the official narrative, you're automatically a right wing conspiracy theorist. And I'm like, Why is there no such a thing as a left wing conspiracy theorist? It doesn't even make any sense. Awesome. There is also a video. Now I intend to make an entire separate episode about this, because it made my blood boil, and I'm like, well, here we go. This is what I always suspected anyway, after reading rethinking Camelot, it's just proof positive. John barber shares a video. It is on YouTube. You can see it for yourself, and I hope that you will watch it. As I said, I intend to record an episode about this, because it's somebody saying the quiet part out loud, somebody who's like, Oh, hey, I just want to write this book about how JFK wouldn't have withdrawn from Vietnam. He was just another war hawk piece of shit. But, you know, I'm not biased. So there's this video where Noam Chomsky says the quiet part out loud. He literally says, Who knows and who cares? Plenty of people get killed all the time. Why does it matter that one of them happened to be John F Kennedy? Who cares? I have written in my notes, then why write a book about JFK in Vietnam? Asshole? It's just my editorial comment, okay, I've got a right to my opinion. Ruby wants to go to Washington to testify. He fears that he will be killed like Oswald Jim Garrison discussed Jack Ruby's mother's dental records, because there are these weird things that are in the Warren report that have no relevance to anything, such as Jack Ruby's mother's teeth and even an interview with Lee Harvey Oswald's babysitter from back when Oswald was only three years old. Like, okay, well, does that have to do with anything the press secretary Malcolm killed off appoints to His temple. But this is edited out by the press in later showings. You know, there's that scene where, when Kilduff has the unfortunate news of having to tell the press that Kennedy has died, he points to his temple as being the place where Kennedy was shot. Man on the street interviews, counter the Warren Commission Report. You know, they do these man on the street type interviews. What do you think about it? And they're all like we don't believe it. One woman even says, I think Oswald was Charlie India alpha. We see a Charlie India Alpha memorandum, 1035960, provide a material to discredit the conspiracy theorists. And on that note, I will drop a link to an article that was published December 26 1977 in the New York Times about that exact thing. Cable sought to discredit critics of Warren report. So you can check that out for yourself. Lance DeHaven Smith goes to RT to talk about the Charlie India alpha's global propaganda campaign to label people as conspiracy theorists, ridicule them, say they're just trying to make money. They're in love with their own theories, or they are under the influence of communists. I mean, even still, we have we see the same thing playing out, not necessarily with communism, but with Russia. Mark Lane talks about William F Buckley's show. He was on William F Buckley's show, and has difficulty getting booked for mainstream media shows, but still would go out speaking to groups and crowds. Jim Garrison initially believes the Warren report. But the interesting thing here, and I think that this is a mistake in the film, because initially we were told in the first episode of the garrison tapes that he had met with Senator long. And if you remember back to Oliver Stone's movie JFK, that's the scene that we watch playing out Walter Matthau plays Senator long on that plane ride when he's talking to Jim Garrison. So in this second issue, this sequel to the garrison tapes, Jim barber says that it was hail Boggs and not Senator long, and that Boggs was the one who acts like Yeah. Calling it a cover up is putting it mildly. I think that that's a mistake


we talk about Now Larry King. Larry King gets accused of pocketing money that was meant for Jim Garrison. He was also accused of larceny by a former business partner, and he wound up losing his column at the Miami Beach Sun newspaper and briefly his radio job at W, i, o, D, who knew that I'll drop a link to an article about that. I think it may even have a copy of Larry King's mugshot. I mean, this is real information. Ramparts and Playboy magazine gave Garrison an audience at times when a lot of other people would not garrison. Says that he was the victim of a smear campaign, and then they offered him a bribe to stop the investigation. We hear that William gervich leaked info to the government and to Shaw's lawyers. We also hear that supposedly Walter Sheridan is not only part of NBC, but is also connected allegedly, with the Foxtrot Bravo India and the Charlie India alpha and. The FCC gives Garrison equal time. After that NBC hit piece on him, which I've I've watched it, and it is pretty damning. I mean, if you don't know anything else, and you just watch that video, you think, God, this guy must have been a complete Kook. So the FCC gives Garrison some time. I don't actually think it was equal time. I think that's a misnomer. I think you got 30 minutes of rebuttal, and then Garrison also made it to the Johnny Carson Show. Mike Wallace interviewed Jim Garrison, and Jim Garrison seems to match him in wits, Garrison tried to subpoena Richard Helms and Allen Dulles, but the US Attorney refused to serve the subpoenas. That was when he was trying to do the trial of Clay Shaw as Garrison says, you either get discredited, removed or killed. Those are the options. And I remember when I reviewed the first episode of the garrison tapes, that's one of the things that I made sure to mention in that in that episode, because that's still their playbook today. You either get discredited, you're labeled as a kook, a flake, a weirdo, a wing nut. You get removed from some office so you don't have any power anymore. You're impotent, or you just get axed. Pierre Fink spills the beans about the crappy autopsy at Garrison's trial of Clay Shaw, and some believe the general. So there's, you know, there's the autopsy was like a clown car of like randos, men in suits, military officials, etc. Some people believe that the general who was in the room and was in charge of the autopsy was actually Curtis LeMay, as the as barber says in his film, LeMay was a known Kennedy hater. So if it was him, this is an additional layer of suspicion. They also tell the story again, of Charles spiesel, the accountant from New York. He claims that he met Shaw and Oswald in a park, but then he loses his credibility by saying that when his daughter came back from Louisiana, he fingerprinted her to be sure that she hadn't been switched with a duplicate or a body double by the government. Garrison had expected spiesel to be a witness for the prosecution, but he is accused by the filmmaker Barber of being a shill from the Charlie India Alpha. He seemed to be crazy, and it taints the jury. Shaw is acquitted of conspiracy, but found guilty of perjury. However, the courts say that Garrison cannot actually prosecute Shaw for perjury, and garrison is further portrayed in the mainstream media as a buffoon. Garrison himself is also prosecuted for accusations of bribery and then failing to report the bribe money on an income tax report. Garrison is acquitted, but he winds up losing his bid for re election to Harry Connick Sr, Larry Flint, remember from hustler the pornography dude, Larry Flint offers a $1 million reward for anyone who could help solve the murder of JFK. Because of the majesty of the internet, I was able to find a copy of the ad that went out, which I will read for you now. You can Google this. You can verify for yourself that this is real. This really happened. So the main headline here on Larry Flynn's ad is, help solve JFK murder, $1 million reward. And the text of the ad is because I believe there are many untapped witnesses to the events of the pop pop, and many who have knowledge of those who participated in the conspiracy. I am personally guaranteeing a $1 million reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone involved in the planning or execution of President Kennedy's murder, or for information which makes it possible for the truth to come out. If you have any personal information about the Pop Pop, please contact us. I guarantee we will protect every bit of evidence which we gather, no detail is too small to aid in this public campaign to solve JFK murder. Call or write to Americans for a free press. Then they provide an address and telephone number you may call collect an independent panel of experts and judges including Ralph David Abernathy, Mark lane, Dick, Gregory, Lillian Smith and Robert Groden will determine the appropriate recipient or recipients of the reward. The public has the right to know who really was behind the Pop. Pop, no more cover ups, no more secret testimony behind closed doors. This may be our last chance to uncover the truth behind President Kennedy's pop pop in Dallas. Time is crucial. We must act now, signed Larry Flint, why wasn't the government doing this? I mean, if we really lived in a free society, why is it the responsibility of a pornographer to do that? I mean, just, just let that sink in for a minute. A man who is running a smut magazine, a hardcore smut magazine is the one who's offering a million dollar reward and saying the time is now, we might not get another chance. Here's another little factoid for you. In January of 1978 Larry Flint offers this reward in March of 1978 he was shot and paralyzed. Maybe that's just one big coincidence. In 1975 Robert Groden and Dick Gregory go to Geraldo Rivera with the Zapruder film, and the public, the people who see it are outraged. As a matter of fact, Geraldo calls it horrifying. And there's an audible gasp. I mean, when you get to the really, the really grisly part of it, where you see the the kill shot, for lack of a better term, you hear a collective in the audience. When I saw it for the first time, because my entryway into all of this was Oliver Stone's film, JFK. And so when I saw the Zapruder film as it's shown in Oliver Stone's film, and I saw that for the first time. That was my reaction too. I just froze. And I thought that's what they did to him, because after all of this time, you know, only seeing the edited, sanitized versions of it on television, where all of a sudden, Kennedy's just slumped over Jackie's on the back of the car. You don't really understand why I didn't I didn't know that. That's what happened to him. It is a really horrifying thing to watch. So the House Select Committee is established in 1976 there are also the Hart Schweiker and church committee hearings that cast some light on the dirty doings of the Charlie India Alpha. You have those things, plus geraldo's TV show and a public airing of the Zapruder film. You have an upset public Richard A Sprague begins as the Chief Counsel of the House Select Committee, and Sprague issues subpoenas for individuals in the Charlie India alpha. This does not work, and Sprague leaves. There's a change up of staff in the committee, and Sprague agrees to resign, and he is replaced by Robert Blakey. Meanwhile, Sam Giancana is shot and Rossi's body is found inside a barrel near Miami, Florida. So why would another question that Barbara asks is like, Why would Ruby do this? Like, we're thinking about the involvement of the mafia and all of that, talking about Gian Khan has been killed, Rosselli has been killed. Why? Why would Ruby be the one to pop, pop Oswald, and it's sort of like this idea of the carrot and the stick, the idea being will will reward you, will take care of you, will make sure that nothing bad happens to you. And then after he does the pop pop of Oswald, it's like you better sit down and shut the hell up, because you know too much, and you can come up dead yourself if you squeal. That's just a theory they're positing. The filmmaker, uh, John Barbour also shows a clip of Bill Hicks, which I was like, yes, yes. It makes me so happy that Bill Hicks was integrating this material into his stand up routine for my money, Bill Hicks was ahead of his time. I was watching Bill Hicks back when I was in my 20s. And all these years later, I'm like, my god, he, I mean, he just got it on on such an amazing level, I think so we fast forward in time. RFK is murdered by Sirhan, supposedly. But that could not be given that Sirhan was in front of RFK, not standing behind him. Here we go. There's another rabbit hole we'll have to go down one day. I need to read more about it. But we got a whole other set of rabbit holes to go down with pop. Pops that happened just in the 60s. Carter nominates Ted Sorensen as the new Charlie India Alpha chief. You may remember Ted Sorensen was part of Kennedy's administration. He and Kennedy had a very good relationship with one another. And as an as an aside, I write here in my notes, by the way, senile old man played a role in making sure that Sorensen didn't get in. Instead, Stansfield Turner was chosen. Raymond Lee Harvey claimed to be part of a plot to murder Carter in Los Angeles on May 5, 1979


garrison is asked by Barber, the filmmaker, if he thinks that the President actually runs the United States. Garrison chuckles a little and says he thought so, until JFK was killed. I will be honest with you, because I think it's important whenever possible, for content creators and writers to reveal their own bias. I think that's the case. I think that what the character of Jim Garrison says in Oliver Stone's movie JFK, about the President as a figurehead, he's a business agent. He makes sure that military industrial complex and these intelligence agencies get what they want and it's sold to the public appropriately, guys, I think that's probably accurate. I would have the same reaction that Garrison did chuckle a little bit, take a pull off a whiskey and say I thought so, until JFK was killed. We also see a clip of John Lennon saying that the country is being run by maniacs. There's another rabbit hole to go down. What really. To John Lennon, and for what reason, the filmmaker also rags a bit on Bill O'Reilly and Chris Matthews. And he asked the question, how can Noam Chomsky slam foreign policy all the time? But then he bashes JFK. JFK is quoted as saying, Be tough on an administration and try to get as close to the truth as possible. Meaning, he thinks that the media should be doing that. The media shouldn't be giving an administration just a pass card. You should be tough on them, and you should be trying to get as close to the truth as possible. Can you imagine a politician saying that now, if they did, they wouldn't mean it. They'd be lying through their teeth. And as Barbara points out choms chomsky's hit piece, rethinking Camelot is long on title and short on facts. I laughed out loud. I was like, definitely gonna put that in my notes for this episode. I felt the same way in reading it. I just thought, what's really the point of this? It's it struck me as being a hit piece, because it it seemed to me that it was coinciding with Oliver Stone saying that one of the motives for the Pop Pop was to make sure that the US went into the Vietnam War. And it seems to me that it's just chomsky's rebuttal of saying, Well, no, that's not true. Kennedy was a piece of shit, and he would have been a war hawk piece of shit, just like every other war hawk piece of shit we've had before and since, there was nothing remarkable about about the man. Well, then when we see the video of him going there's been all this effort put into finding out who killed Kennedy, who knows him, who cares? Well, then why are you writing a book about like if you hate the man's guts and you just think he was a worthless piece of shit, why are you writing about him? It's his right to do it. Right to free speech. He can say whatever he wants. I'm just sort of like, Hey, I'm trying to own my biases here. I think other people need to do the same. Hey, I'm writing this book to say that I think he was a piece of shit Warhawk. And I need to let you know that I think he was a piece of shit Warhawk. That's not what the evidence suggests. That's what I'm telling you. I already believe own it, as Barbara points out, Seymour Hersh also makes his book as a peep show artist. Yeah, he has that dark side of Camelot book I've talked about before that's really, I mean, it really sort of gets into this idea that JFK was just 24/7 Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Never did anything good, never did anything positive. He just lived like a rock star all the time. Jim Garrison claims that a federal government witness killed Tippett, that would have to delve into that a bit more. Barber's top 10 list of people who ought to be questioned or looked at further. Now. This is John Barbour, the filmmaker. This is his top 10 list. It's not mine. I'm just repeating what barber says in this documentary film, and he lists off Dan Rather, Bill Moyers, Poppy Bush, Barack, Stephen King, John McAdams, Arthur Sulzberger Jr, Hugh Ainsworth, Noam Chomsky and Gerald Posner. So for my money. Interesting documentary, again, I think only paid 99 cents to rent it on Amazon, so it didn't have a high investment in it. It's just interesting, if nothing else, to see these interviews with Jim Garrison, especially the way that he was maligned in the media. When you watch these interviews, you just don't see somebody who is a complete Looney Tunes, an inarticulate, crazy looney tune. And that's what you expect. Somebody that's written a manifesto in magic marker that seems to be a complete crazy then you watch him on these interviews, and the things that he says make sense, and he appears to be quite coherent and lucid. But again, I leave it up to you. You know, I've told you what John Barbour says in the second part of the garrison tapes, the things that Garrison himself said. You have to watch this and make up your own mind. Stay a little bit crazy, and I will see you in the next episode.


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