con-sara-cy theories
Join your host, Sara Causey, at this after-hours spot to contemplate the things we're not supposed to know, not supposed to question. We'll probe the dark underbelly of the state, Corpo America, and all their various cronies, domestic and abroad. Are you ready?
Music by Oleg Kyrylkovv from Pixabay.
con-sara-cy theories
Episode 45: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick, Part 1
JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick is a documentary by Francis Richard Conolly that's been viewed millions of times. It's packed with various and sundry conspiracy theories about an array of topics. So is it true? Is everything a rich man's trick? My general feeling is that Conolly brings up some good questions but often goes into some weird, unverifiable wormholes that cause the overall quality of the film to go down.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oVpt_I9iQQ&t=6s OR https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2er3gb
Need more? You can visit the website at: https://consaracytheories.com/ or my own site at: https://saracausey.com/. Don't forget to check out the blog at: https://consaracytheories.com/blog.
I am the author of the forthcoming book, Decoding the Unicorn: A New Look at Dag Hammarskjöld, where I explore Dag's leadership style and his personal journey in greater depth. For updates, please visit: https://decodingtheunicorn.com/.
Transcription by Otter.ai. Please forgive any typos!
JFK assassination, Oswald alone, Clint Murchison party, E.H. Harriman, Rothschild financing, robber barons, World War I, Treaty of Versailles, Dulles brothers, military industrial complex, Hitler's rise, mafia control, organized crime, JFK's father, business interests
Welcome to con-sara-cy theories. Are you ready to ask questions you shouldn't and find information you're not supposed to know? Well, you're in the right place. Here is your host, Sara Causey.
Hello, hello, and thanks for tuning in. In tonight's episode, I will be talking about Francis Richard Connelly's documentary JFK to 911, everything is a rich man's trick. It's about three and a half hours long. So I'm going to try my best to really just hit the highlights. Otherwise we could be here all night. If you have not already seen this for yourself, I would encourage you to watch it and make up your own mind as to what you think. Do some points make sense? Are others completely crazy? What's the veracity of this? You have to judge for yourself. It is a treasure trove of conspiracy theory information, and as it suggests, it spans the gamut from JFK to 911, however, he does go back in time farther than just the murder of JFK. So is everything a rich man's trick. Let's settle up and take this ride. He opens up with the story of the JFK murder and how we're all expected to believe even years later, even through lots of documentation that's been presented contrary, we're all still supposed to believe that it was Oswald acting alone. He had no help from anybody. He was some kind of lone nut, communist crazy that just decided to murder Kennedy. End of story. According to Francis Richard Connelly, there were eight pop poppers, six of whom were seen by witnesses and two of whom were not. He also talks about the infamous party, this alleged party that took place at Clint murchison's house, and says that there were 20 important men there, and they were really the masterminds behind the pop pop I talked about this in my review of the men who killed Kennedy Docu series. In particular, that final episode of the Docu series called The guilty men that was so incendiary, they decided to record a rebuttal episode to refute it. I myself am not convinced as to the veracity of the information around this infamous and alleged Clint Murchison party. I'm not going to tell you that it's impossible. He had a dinner party that night. It's of course, it's not impossible. I just have a lot of questions about the supposed guest list and the things that were said. I mean, it's one of those stories that I think could easily be made to distract from other bigger issues that relate to the murder of JFK. One thing I do agree with him on is that history is important, yet most people nowadays don't seem to care very much about history. On that point, if nothing else, we are in complete agreement. He takes us back to the career of E H Harriman, the railroad magnate, and claims that Harriman borrowed money from the Rothschilds in order to start his railroad empire. Sure enough, you can go to newspapers.com and I'll drop a link to this so you can see it for yourself. There's an article from the Oakland Tribune out of Oakland, California, dated from October 10, 1908, the headline is Harriman finances, Frisco line through Rothschilds, and this is apparently some sort of joint deal with coon Loeb and company. So okay, maybe there's something to what Francis Richard Connelly is talking about here. He goes on to talk about the rise of robber barons in the American economy, these companies that are worth so much money, they can basically do whatever the hell they want. Obviously, we still see this today, except a lot of these companies have become global. The amount of power that's held in corporate America, it's mind boggling. That's why, when you hear these people, who I perceive to be as controlled opposition, telling everybody, don't give up, we've still got the power the globalists and these companies and whatever. They're still shaking in their boots over John and j and q public, it's like, sure they are, of course, they are. The amount of money that is in possession here is astounding. Now he says that JP Morgan was perceived as being very wealthy, but then, in actuality, upon his death, it was determined that he was really just a front for the Rothschild family, and that he owned very little in comparison to what they owned. From there, he segues into the advent of World War One, and he pops up what he's calling in this documentary Lesson number one. One war is good for business. I'm thinking immediately now of Gerald Celente saying, when all else fails, they take you to war. I'm also thinking of what JFK talked about in why England slept. Hitler being a dictator, could do whatever he wanted, and so any amount of money he needed to print up, whatever amount of defense spending he wanted to do weapons, he wanted to invest in he could do it because he had this absolute power. Yeah, war is good for business, the defense contractors, the military industrial complex. It's very often not good for John and Jane Q public, and not just because our kids and grandkids get thrown out onto the battlefield, but also the inflation and the devastation in the economy that it produces. It's good for the people at the top. It's very often not good for the rest of us. The International merchant bankers also profiteer off of this, because in order to do this, funding of the war and the reparations and the weaponry, etc, these countries had to borrow money. Well, that benefits these wealthy financiers. It's his contention that the Dulles brothers played a huge role in the writing of the Treaty of Versailles, and that it was their intention. They were backed, and I'm going to use air quotes here, by the Illuminati. Decide for yourself, what that means they were backed by the Illuminati and that they were intentionally trying to crash the German economy. Then, while the German economy is indeed in shambles, you had outside investors buying like stock and shares and ownership of these various German companies while the prices were low, it's Connolly's contention that this was not done just to raid the till, so to speak, and make wads and wads of cash. It was done, yes, of course, to make money, but also under the idea that Germany would become this bulwark against communism. It's his thesis that the powers that be were very worried about the Communist revolution in the USSR. Now, there are other conspiracy theories to the contrary, that that the whole shebang over there was a coordinated effort and then it didn't catch anybody by surprise. Again, Judge for yourself. That's a whole nother topic for another time. But it's Connolly's contention in this documentary that the idea was we're going to crash the economy, we're going to reinvest in it and make it stronger, so that it becomes this hedge of protection against communism. It's also his contention that the military intelligence complex really sprung up to protect business interests and to protect monetary investments. It didn't have as much to do with, quote, the national security of the US as we tend to think it did. It was really looking out for business interests abroad. And according to him, Hitler was chosen to be a sort of stooge, to play the role of someone who's aggressive and expansionist again in order to beat back this alleged communist threat. He segues from there into secret societies in particular skull and bones. And as he says in this documentary, the average person out in the public as soon as they hear about things like occult rituals or satanic activity, they just roll their eyes and think, Well, that's That's absurd. I would never engage in something like that. It's impossible to believe that somebody in high, a high position of power would also be doing that as just deranged and crazy. And he talks about Skull and Bones, the secret society there at Yale. And he tells this story of somebody breaking in and finding things like candles and black velvet covering the walls and coffins. And allegedly, you know, I don't know if this is true. The whole exploration into conspiracy theories around just Skull and Bones could easily be its own separate episode. But allegedly, according to Connolly, whoever it was that broke in, said that they engage in group masturbation and acts of sodomy, these things kind of like blackmail the people. They not only bond the people together that are joining, but also it's like a form of blackmail. If you ever try to leave, if you ever try to defy us, then we'll tell everybody what you actually did, allegedly, okay, I don't know if this is true. He also talks about Freemasonry in the UK, that if all things being equal, you have group of people applying for a job, especially in some top level or within law enforcement, it's always going to go to someone who's a Freemason. He points out that in JFK administration, throughout the government, there were also bones men in high places, and it is true that. Yeah, JFK gave a speech about secret societies. I plan to do an episode just talking about that, because it's like, Well, what was he getting at there? I mean, he clearly knew something, and he was trying to issue a warning. So, I mean, imagine somebody doing that now. You know, if a president came out and said, Hey, we need to talk about this problem of secret societies, everybody would lose their shit.
He talks about the idea that Hitler created an economic miracle in Germany is a myth. In order to have infrastructure and steel mills and all of these new weapons being developed, it takes one thing, which is money. And he specifically points the finger at people like Brown Brothers Harriman, Fritz, thonmar Schacht Montague, Norman Axel, Venner, Grenn, Charles Beddoe, as well as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor the Dulles brothers Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker. He points out the alleged involvement of these people in the Union Bank, and I'll drop a link to an article that was in The Guardian titled How Bush is grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power. So some of this information that he is talking about in this documentary has actually been substantiated by mainstream I'm gonna say acceptable here in air quotes, acceptable media sources. He brings up the business plot, which was an attempted coup to overthrow the government of FDR and install Smedley Butler is a fascist dictator. I intend to record a full episode just on that, because I think it's a forgotten part of history. I mean, people don't realize that you had wealthy individuals funding a potential fascist coup to get rid of the government as we know it and install a fascist dictator. Do you really think, here's one of the things that I want you to contemplate. Do you really think that their desire to see that happen ever went away? It seems to me that some of these people in very high places are good at playing the long game, and if it takes a generation or two or three for them to get what they want, they're fine with that. They have this generational wealth and generational power. So if something doesn't come to fruition in their lifetime, they don't sweat it that much. We're told by Connolly that even though Smedley Butler blew the whistle on what was going on and he expected FDR to do something about it, he really didn't, because he felt like it would lead to more upheaval. The country was already going through the Great Depression, and so if we throw all of these bankers in jail and send shockwaves through the finance system, it's not actually going to help anybody. Something I will say is that I feel like in this documentary, he does a good job of calling out the intersections between American business and the Nazi Wehrmacht. This, again, really needs to be its own separate episode. I have a copy of the book trading with the enemy, and I would like to do an episode strictly about that book. It is really horrifying. And I think that more Americans need to understand our history. We need to understand the businesses, and these are businesses that still exist today, where they were what they were doing, and who they were supporting in World War Two. I've heard van donah Talk about that before. It's really frightening. It's information that's difficult to swallow, but we need to know and understand it. And I also think that RFK Jr does a good job of pointing this out in his book about the Wuhan cover up when you look at the people who were repatriated from unit 731 as well as from Nazi Germany to come over to the United States and become part of bio weapons programs as well as military intelligence, it really helps you to understand the ideology that informs those organizations. Now it's tempting to say, well, maybe back then, but surely not now. Really Are you certain of that? He also talks about the lawsuit that was filed by Kurt Goldstein and Peter dingled against the US government and the Bush family, seeking to not only get compensatory damages, but I think, just to alert the public to the fact that there was some benefit there from the Auschwitz slave labor camp during the Second World War. But the case was thrown out by Judge Rosemary Collier on the grounds that the government could not be held liable under the principle of state sovereignty. Well, how convenient. He also talks about Lord rothermeier, who owned the Daily Mail newspaper. At the time he was friends with Adolf Hitler and referred to him as a great gentleman and pushed for the newspaper to support Fauci. Fascism. He segues from these horrifying stories about the Wehrmacht into where was the mafia, which seems a little bit abrupt. It was like, Okay, wait a minute. Okay, we're on to the topic now of organized crime in America. And he presents what he calls lesson number two, keep a low profile. And in particular, he mentions like the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre as being something that outrages the public, it draws a lot of attention to organized crime, and it just gets everybody inflamed and upset. So it's better if you can keep a low profile and hide what you're really doing in the shadows. He talks about allegedly, the mafia controlled Hollywood, especially during the 1930s as well as the teamsters union, and that J Edgar Hoover was being controlled by the mafia, as well as a whole host of other celebrities. He mentioned several names again. Check the documentary out for yourself. But he talks about this elaborate scheme of the mafia funneling money to J Edgar Hoover through like horse races and betting tracks. He also talks about the death of Anton chermak. And you know, we're we're told in modernity that Anton chermak was killed, but the pop popper was we're actually trying to get to FDR, but chermak was killed instead. But, you know, there's this conspiracy theory that Conley is getting into, that chermack actually was the target because he was trying to crack down on mafia corruption, and they just weren't going to have that. Again, that needs to be its own separate episode, because it is an interesting topic. So Connolly paints this picture of the mafia having a lot of control and a lot of power, including allegedly compromising photos of J Edgar Hoover with his lover, supposedly he's a cross dressing homosexual and especially at that point in time, would have sent a lot of shock waves, a lot of controversy through the country. So by keeping him supplied with money, as well as having the black male photos as leverage, they were pretty much getting whatever the hell they wanted. Connolly points out with chair Max death, it was 1935 you have a decent politician who gets murdered in broad daylight, who's shot by a patsy, and then the Patsy is later killed himself, like, Hmm, is any of this starting to sound familiar? He also talks about the intersection between the American mafia and the Charlie India alpha, as well as Operation paper clip. And as he puts it in this documentary, because they had funded the Wehrmacht, they felt like they were entitled to pick its carcass clean and take whoever they wanted whenever the war was over. Now he makes this allegation that Prescott Bush ran an ad in the LA Times, and the ad is something along the lines of one a desperate politician to do despicable things for cash. Apply in writing to Prescott Bush. So far as I know that that really is just a conspiracy theory. I've never so again. So far as I know that I've not been able to find any corroborating evidence of something like that happening. I'm not telling you it didn't I'm just telling you, I've not found any evidence of that being the actual case. There is a photograph, and I'll drop a link to it so you can see it for yourself, of Prescott Bush and Richard Nixon standing together, wearing Panama hats, I think, in 1953 so the two of them knew each other. I don't think that anybody would debate or dispute that? It's just did this in some form or fashion. Was there some type of cynical newspaper ad posted by prescott bush and then Richard Nixon was the one who answered it? You've got to make up your own mind on that one, according to Connolly, because Europe was ravaged from World War Two, the military industrial and military intelligence complexes turned their attention to third world countries, Central America, Southeast Asia, etc, and that, again, according to Connolly, the Giancana brothers were saying that communism was just an excuse to do everything, and that, in fact, Mao Tse Tung was an installed leader. There was a desire to sell more cigarettes in Asia, and to really have this idea of the communist menace as a reason to go into all of these perpetual wars like the battle between capitalism and communism, West versus East, that becomes the narrative of the Cold War, to get the general public to go along with it, because they're scared of the domino theory and they're scared of communism taking over the world and people losing their freedom. I intend to do an episode really about this entire topic, this conspiracy. Theory that the Cold War was a sham, and for that exact reason to get people to go along with these forever wars, there always has to be an enemy. There always has to be a boogey man in the corner that we're supposed to be scared to death of. Judge for yourself, though these conversations supposedly between the Giancana brothers, is it true that Mao Tse Tung was installed because we needed to sell more cigarettes in Asia. Make up your own mind on that. At this point we learn that his lesson number three is a businessman always protects his interest by playing both sides. This is definitely something that we see, not only in the business world, but in politics as well. If you're funding both sides of a conflict, then you turn out to be the winner either way. He extends this out to the mobsters funding both political candidates in any race that way. It didn't really matter who won. They would always have quote their man in the White House. Now he also talks about the allegation only. He doesn't present it as an allegation or a rumor that JFK father Joseph senior was a bootlegger, and was called bootlegger Joe. He was in with the mafia. He made his fortune by bringing in illegal liquor during Prohibition. In the bonus episode that I recorded about RFK Jr's interview with Vlad TV, he pushes back against that, and according to RFK Jr, that rumor really picked up steam. In fact, it didn't even pick up steam. It started after Joseph senior had had a stroke and JFK was murdered. So there was really nobody around to speak up in defense and say, Wait a minute. This isn't true. So again, I would say, Judge for yourself. This has been a pervasive rumor that has darkened the Kennedy name for quite some time, along with the idea that the Chicago mob was financing JFK and then Jimmy Hoffa was financing Richard Nixon, according to Connolly, Jack and Bobby knew that their father was involved with the mafia and felt like that entire generation of folk was corrupt, so they were going to try to be clean cut and really, like project an image of not being involved with the mafia. Also, according to Connolly, there was a hit put out on Joe senior for trying to swindle the Purple Gang of mobsters. And in order to get the hit called off, he goes to Giancana and makes this deal, because supposedly Sam Giancana knows that JFK is interested in politics, and he's very good looking, so he tells Joe senior, if Jack ever winds up being the president, then we want all of this heat called off of us. And at this point, I'm just like, Okay, this is, this is getting way too far fetched for me and way too complicated. But I would just encourage you, I'll drop a link to it in case you missed it. I would really encourage you to go back and check out that bonus episode where RFK Jr is at least giving the Kennedy side of the story, because Jack's not alive anymore. He's not here to be able to say, Okay, this is bullshit, and I'm going to tell you why. Or Yes, this is true. I mean, he's not here to offer his side of the story. So in a documentary like this, a person can say basically anything, and I'm sitting here going, Okay, wait a minute, I don't completely buy this narrative. Now, that's just my opinion, and it could be wrong, but it seems a little thin to me. Conley also alleges that Sam Giancana planted Peter Lawford and Frank Sinatra in this inner circle. I mean, one of Kennedy's sisters actually married Peter Lawford. Supposedly, this was all done at the behest of Sam Giancana to get mafia infiltration around Jack. He brings up Judith Campbell Exner, who was supposedly a mistress of both Giancana and Jack Kennedy, according to Connolly, Kennedy is playing some kind of game here. Giancana thinks that he's hood winking Kennedy, but in reality, Kennedy has the upper hand, and he's not actually telling Exner anything that would be compromising. I don't know. There's so many stories. And again, as I just said a second ago, Jack's not here to defend himself. He's not here to say who he was or wasn't sleeping with and what kind of secrets were or were not told. I will say that James de Eugenio had written an article for probe magazine in its September slash October, 1997 edition where he tackles some of these mistress stories. And I'm really glad of it, because in some of the earlier episodes, I would just sit here and think, what, what even is the truth? I mean, how do we even try to get there? You know, I did that review of Jay widener's documentary JFK x, where his allegation is that JFK faked his own death and went into like a trap door in the limousine, and that he went off to agree. Island owned by Onassis, so that he could be with his quote, favorite mistress, which, again, how do you even pick a favorite mistress if you supposedly have so many of them? Mary pinch it Meyer, who also allegedly fakes her death so they can go off and be together this crazy town. But in Diogenes article, he talks about how I trying to think of exactly how to say this. Like there was this effort to make it sound like Kennedy got what was coming to him, because he was also going around authorizing pop pops on other leaders. So then it becomes like, well, if you live by the sword, then you die by the sword. If you're going around ordering other people to get murdered, and then you get murdered yourself. It's kind of no big fucking loss. He counters that argument and provides evidence to say that Kennedy was not authorizing those things and had no idea what the Charlie India Alpha was doing. In that regards, they were doing it without his permission and without his knowledge. So then, conveniently, wink, wink, whenever his name can't be smeared with this idea that he was sanctioning pop pops. It's like inter stage left Judith Campbell Exner. We will now try to smear him by saying that he was screwing around with a lady that was also having sex with mobsters. So it is a bit of a convenient timing, Connolly alleges that there was some kind of meeting at the Fontainebleau hotel between Sam Giancana, JFK, and Joseph senior prior to the 1960 general election. It's Connolly's thesis that JFK knew he was never going to be able to get rid of these mobsters and their fascist friends in the government, so he was going to have to trick them, make them think that he was going along with them, but in reality, he's playing some kind of 4d chess with them. Again, make up all this what you will. I'm just telling you what Connolly is saying in this documentary, not what I believe, but what Connolly is telling you. He brings up the corruption of LBJ. He mentions Billy Sol Estes and the murder of Josefa again, these are things that get talked about in the guilty Men episode of the men who killed Kennedy and certainly through gasoline on the fire for the History Channel, they have to do their rebuttal episode. He also claims that the Charlie India alpha and the mafia were funding both sides in the Batista Castro situation, that it was like, ostensibly, they were supporting Batista, but then at the same time, they were giving weapons and money to Castro so that, in case he was successful, they would have some influence and power over him. According to Connolly Castro, double crosses the mafia and starts allowing the peasants to have more rights. And he's not giving he's not giving everything away to American national interests and business leaders anymore. So they feel like they need to get rid of him. Hence, they start to do these exiles, the Cuban squads of Cuban exiles that they're training to go in and try to retake the country. This, according to Connolly, is your backstory. This is what you need to know going into the JFK, pop, pop, the stage has been set here, the types of people and the types of things that they do, and that informs what happens to JFK. Still, a lot more to talk about in this documentary, so I'm going to break this up into two or three parts, because I want, I genuinely want, to talk about the things that he's bringing up, and the episode could, could just simply go on for too long, but at this point in time, we basically have his thesis, as you have these corrupt businessmen that will finance anything as long as they're making a buck off of it, and as long as it helps them to stay in power, they'll finance anything they themselves, apparently have a bend towards fascism and Nazi ideology. They have no compunction about bringing Nazi scientists here, even though these people should have been put on trial and probably publicly executed for what they did, atrocities, crimes against humanity. No. Instead, they're repatriated and brought to the United States. You're told the story of the mafia infiltrating all levels of America, including the government. And we're presented with this narrative that the mafia is funding both JFK and Castro, but then you have both of these leaders double crossing them and making them feel like they need to get rid of these individuals. Make of all of that what you will. I honestly think at this point, just talking about the information he's brought up thus far, I do believe what he's saying about the American companies funding the Vermont because this has been documented. Go read, for example, the book IBM and the Holocaust. It's a very difficult book to read. It's. Fine, go and look at the connection between Ford and and the Nazis. I mean, you're not just talking about the realm of conspiracy theory here. You're talking about documented information that can be proven. So I do believe what he's saying about the connections between these hyper elites and not Nazi ideology, and the desire for us to really live in a fascist country where you could have a dictator that ruled supreme and did their bidding, and John and J Q Public didn't even have the illusion of freedom anymore. Now in terms of some of his other points, do I think that JFK was necessarily in bed with the mafia? No, I don't do I think that the Charlie India Alpha had funded, or the mafia both had funded Castro to play both sides against the middle and then Castro double crossed them, and that's why they wanted to go after him. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, we've been taught so many times that the mafia had a good thing going with Batista, and then when he ever went, whenever he tucked his tail between his legs and ran off from Cuba and Castro took over and tried to make the living situation better for the common folk there, they were pissed off, and they wanted to get their free wheeling days back of casinos and whore houses and being able to make tons of money basically rape the land in order to reap the benefits from that. So I'm I'm not convinced, to be honest with you of everything that he's saying. I mean, that's like the newspaper ad. Did Prescott Bush really put out a newspaper ad asking for some degenerate to show up? And it was tricky. Dick Nixon, I think some of the things that he's saying in this documentary are fairly far afield, but there are some good points I would really categorize this as being like Jay widener's documentary, jfkx, you can throw the baby out with the bathwater, because in that documentary, he talks about things that are so preposterous and bizarre that it's easy to go this is the cookies bullshit I think I've ever heard. But he brings up good points about the Zapruder film, like, why was the Zapruder film edited? Does the real version of it, an unedited without splices, taken out. Does that exist? And then, why was it edited? What is it that we're not allowed to see? There are all kinds of wild discrepancies with the autopsy. And then, what actually happens to Mary pinch at Meyer? I mean, did it have anything to do with JFK, or was she murdered for some other reason? There are some valid points that he brings up. He asks some decent questions in that documentary. It just gets lost in the shuffle because he's talking about such soap opera stuff. JFK is going to fake his own death and run off, and Jackie's going to run off with Onassis, and they're all going to meet together in Greece, and there's a trap door in the limousine, and you're like, oh my god, this is just so bizarre. So I think, for my money, it's just my opinion, my analysis. I think that Connolly gets into some really weird rabbit holes that are not provable and that discredit the documentary. But at the same time, he is bringing up some valid points, like American business funding the Wehrmacht and American business interests and military interests that fund both sides of a conflict that way they win either way. I mean, these are valid points. And he's also bringing up information that is provable, that's been documented even by, quote, mainstream sources. So it seems to me to be this weird pastiche of real, verified information commingled with bizarre conspiracy theories. We will cover more, more to come. Stay a little bit crazy, and I will see you in the next episode.
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