con-sara-cy theories
Join your host, Sara Causey, at this after-hours spot to contemplate the things we're not supposed to know, not supposed to question. We'll probe the dark underbelly of the state, Corpo America, and all their various cronies, domestic and abroad. Are you ready?
Music by Oleg Kyrylkovv from Pixabay.
con-sara-cy theories
Episode 42: JFK - The Men Who Killed Kennedy - "The Cover-Up"
Episode 3: "The Cover-Up"
➡️ Kennedy fires Allen Dulles and then Dulles winds up on the Warren Commission to investigate his murder. 🤔
➡️ A reporter records her vision of what happened and her story was edited to comport with the "official" narrative.
➡️ Accusations of lax security, open windows, drunken agents, and nonsensical parade routes.
All eps can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0XNiu-yutk
Need more? You can visit the website at: https://consaracytheories.com/ or my own site at: https://saracausey.com/. Don't forget to check out the blog at: https://consaracytheories.com/blog.
Transcription by Otter.ai. Please forgive any typos!
conspiracy theories, JFK assassination, Warren Commission, Allen Dulles, grassy knoll, Bethesda autopsy, Charles Harrelson, Joseph Milteer, Jack Ruby, Oswald, media manipulation, Kennedy's legacy, cover-up, official narrative
Welcome to con-sara-cy theories. Are you ready to ask questions you shouldn't and find information you're not supposed to know? Well, you're in the right place. Here is your host, Sara Causey.
Hello, hello, and thanks for tuning in. In tonight's episode, I will cover episode three of the men who killed Kennedy, which was titled The cover up. This was released in the US back in 1991 as I always say, if you have not watched this series for yourself, please take the time to do so, watch all of the episodes, formulate your own opinion, and then come back to this when you're ready. With that being said, pour yourself up a frosty beverage of choice, and Let's saddle up and take this ride. Episode Three opens up with footage of the funeral as well as the casket lying in state. People walking by to pay their respects, and people are sobbing and crying openly. And I think it's interesting in this country how we've gone from people learning that the event had happened, people watching the funeral, people paying their respects and openly crying and grieving to now all these decades later, really trying to besmirch any chance of saving this man's legacy, of trying to talk whenever possible about his private life, about his personal issues, about his sexcapades, even about his health crises. Let's talk about whatever we can that we think is negative about Kennedy. To take away from the fact that at one time, people wept openly for this man's death, one of the researchers that they interview for the series Gary Mack talks about how none of the witnesses who were there that day in Dealey Plaza described the sequence of events as happening exactly in tune with what we're told in the Warren Commission Report. This documentary wisely also points out the key role of Allen Dulles in the Warren Commission and how he had been involved with the Charlie India Alpha until Kennedy fired him, which, to me, this is just still yet mind boggling that you would put somebody with negative feelings, somebody who was fired by Kennedy in a key role to investigate his death. I mean, we couldn't make this up. If we were sitting down writing a satire, a publisher would say, That's so unbelievable, you're going to have to cut it from the script. And yet, here we are in reality, and this happened. Bill and Gail Newman are interviewed. You may have seen footage of them before they drop down and cover their children. Gail talks about hearing Jackie say something to the effect of, Oh, my God, they've shot Jack and then bill talks about seeing, you know, a piece of Kennedy's head flying off, maybe even a piece of his ear. He's not sure, but something you know, objects, pieces of body flew off, which is terrible. I know we're into a morbid subject here, but this is the reality. Bill believes at least one of the shots came from the grassy knoll, based on the report, the sound, as well as where it actually physically hit the president. Of course, we know anything to do with the grassy knoll does not comport with the official Warren Commission narrative of things. Mary Woodward is also interviewed. She was a reporter in Dallas who was there. She not only saw the motorcade, but saw the pop pop as it happened, and she went back to the office to immediately record her impressions of what had just happened. She believed that shots had come from the grassy knoll and that triple overpass area she describes the scenario of civic leaders. And the editor felt like it would just not be a good idea to rock the boat, so it became a matter of, your story needs to go away, it needs to take some place in the shadows, because we want to make sure that we don't rock the boat. We want to stick with the official narrative. This is something else that we encounter. I think in Mark Lane's documentary rush to judgment, you will hear these witnesses say, well, here's exactly what happened, here's what I saw, here's what I heard, here's the location that this activity was taking place in. But I must be wrong, because that doesn't comport with the official narrative. It's hard for us to even wrap our mind around that in today's world, because there is such cynicism, there is such distrust. I think that's almost ingrained. Trained in a molecular level in the population now, but at the time, this idea of I know what I heard and I know what I saw, but I guess I must be wrong, because the official version is different from what I know that I encountered. I think it took more bravery in that time to stand up and say, No, I'm not going to be gaslighted. I know what happened. Bill Newman says that he was interviewed by the fox trot Bravo India, but not by the Warren Commission, which naturally begs the question, if someone was there that close, why on earth would the Warren Commission not have wanted to talk to him. Why would he not officially be part of the record? We learned from L Fletcher Prouty that the protection of the President was pretty lacking. He tells the story of when Eisenhower was in office and was going to take a trip to Mexico City. Agents went down like a month beforehand, to scope out the scene, to look at any possible place, any possible opportunity where trouble could occur, and to neutralize any possibility of a threat that far in advance of a presidential visit. The idea of windows being open and security being lax that day in Dallas, it just never should have been allowed to happen. We also learned the story of agents going out the night before, carousing, drinking, some of them not being in the best condition for presidential protection. Prouty also points out the actual route. That doesn't make any sense. And I remember when I bought Jim Garrison's book on the trail, he has a diagram of the parade route, and when you look at it, you're like, God, this makes no sense. I mean, actually seeing it on paper, like that in the form of a map, it makes no sense at all. Why wouldn't he just stay on Main Why would he not just have a straight line where the car could have kept going at a reasonable rate of speed? Hi, hello. How you doing? Do all the glad handing and just keep freaking going. It makes no sense the route that they took. I mean, it's just when you see it, when you actually see, as they say, seeing is believing. That just astounded me. I'm like this in and of itself screams foul play. So proudy is talking about, you know, the dog leg turn that they make, and the policy that if the car gets below 44, miles an hour, extra protection has to be taken because you're slowing down, and there shouldn't be that kind of a sharp turn that's made anyway, because it opens up the limousine to too many potential fields of fire, which, as we know, is what happened. One of the Dallas Police, motorcycle cops, who was there that day and in close proximity, talks about how he was again. Listen, this is morbid topic. I get it. I definitely do. That's why I put an explicit warning on these types of episodes. They can be very shocking and upsetting for people that are not familiar with this. I get it. He talks about how he was sprayed with matter, blood, bits of skull, bits of brain, and he has PTSD from it as of course you would. He talks about having recurrent nightmares. I don't know how somebody wouldn't I don't know how somebody would not. Paul Peters, who was one of the doctors at Parkland, makes his statement that he believes that if the autopsy had been performed in Dallas the way that you know, Texas law dictated that it should have been rather than the body being spirited off to Bethesda and suddenly there's all this confusion. If it had happened in Dallas right then and there. He believes that a lot of the confusion about the wounds could have been solved right then and there, which, of course, leads us to believe, well, there's a reason why the confusion needed to happen. I think that's true even today. I know there are people who believe that JFK himself has become a cottage industry, and then even beyond that, the JFK Pop Pop has become its own cottage industry, with tons of books and movies and documentaries and websites and people are just making so much money off of this. Wouldn't it be a shame if we ever got a solution that most people agreed upon, that sounded rational, while I agree that it has become a cottage industry, I disagree with the idea that that's the primary reason why we don't have a solid answer? I think that that's being rather foolish. I think one of the tools that's being used even today is just throwing everything at the wall. It's like taking a handful of spaghetti and throwing it at the wall. Well, really, it's more like taking a. Catapult, like a medieval catapult full of spaghetti and throwing it at a giant wall. You get so overwhelmed with information, some of it good, some of it bad, some of it down right, flipping bizarre, crazy things that range from, yes, that makes sense. I can wrap my mind around that. I can see that as a possibility all the way to, oh, my God, was this person on crack cocaine when they wrote this? I mean, you find everything, it's very difficult to begin to follow a thread of thought and stick with it. And I think the powers that be enjoy that. It's almost like death by 1000 cuts. We will just overwhelm you. The amount of information that can be published about this. The barriers to entry are low. Just get everybody publishing about it, get everybody talking about it, and confuse the masses. Nobody's going to be able to agree on anything. It's a bit like the biblical parable about the Tower of Babel. This documentary states that there's a casket that's unloaded in view of the media like this is the public spectacle that we want the American public to be able to see. LBJ comes out, and he says a few words about we know that the world shares the sorrow of Mrs. Kennedy and her family over this event. But then meanwhile, it's alleged that Kennedy's actual body is being taken away via helicopter, and they assert that the most likely destination of the body is Walter Reed. They allege that while the body was at Walter Reed, that's probably when things were done to the wounds, the brain was removed, and then from Walter Reed, it goes to Bethesda Paul O'Connor, who was one of the autopsy technicians. And he is also featured in the other episodes, the earlier episodes as well, talks about men and civilian clothing being at the autopsy. They seem to command a lot of respect, and they would look over his shoulder, look over the shoulder of Humes and Boswell. It was like, Who are these random people? And Cyril Wecht talks about 33 people were officially logged in. So it sounds like this autopsy is a bit of a clown car. I mean, why on earth would anybody need that many individuals in the room? I know, I know somebody's gonna say, well, was the president of the President of the United States. That's why, I mean more than 30 people in a room like that for an autopsy, even for a president. Doesn't that sound excessive? Sara Lech talks about how humans and Boswell do not have the kind of experience for gunshot wounds and forensic pathology that you would expect, especially for something at this level. So why are they even performing the autopsy at all? And then you've got 33 people, maybe more in there. Doesn't that seem odd? Cyril wech talks about how in 1966 it's discovered that there are tissue slides missing. Kennedy's brain also goes missing again in the realm of things that we would just say, Huh? That seems awfully weird without accusing anybody of anything, without pointing any fingers at anybody. It's just plain weird, as Cyril elect points out in a routine murder case, this would be unacceptable. If there was a killing, the person had no friends, no relatives, they were just almost an unknown, and all of this evidence was lost. People would be appalled. The court system would throw the case out. But yet, this is one of the biggest murder mysteries of all time, and we're expected to just say, Oh, well, shit happens from this we segue into the photograph of the three tramps. If you haven't seen it before, which hopefully you're watching this documentary ahead of me, so that I'm not spoiling anything for you and you're coming to your own conclusions. But if you haven't seen it before, I'll drop a link to the photograph so that you can take a look at it for yourself. And they they make some interesting observations in this Docu series, because over the years, there have been different suspects who have been fingered as supposedly being the three tramps. A researcher named Gary Shaw points out that some people have asserted that one of the tramps is Charles Harrelson. Charles Harrelson is the, or was, I should say, was the father of the actor Woody Harrelson. I'm not kidding, if you're not familiar with this story, it takes some very strange twists and turns, that is for sure, Charles Harrelson was convicted of the murder of a federal judge, but in this Docu series the men who killed Kennedy, he says that he was in Houston, Texas at the time, and was not involved in the pop pop of Kennedy. In the documentary, Gary Mack says that two. Two independent anthropologists looked at photographs of Harrelson along with the photograph of the three tramps, and said it was 90 to 95% chance that Harrelson was one of the three tramps. Of course, they take this information back to Harrelson, and he denies that it's him. Harrelson claims that he was not involved. If he had been, he would have been killed himself. He says that if he had been approached to get to get involved in it, he would have just laughed, because it would have been an assured destruction. Anybody with first hand knowledge would have to be eliminated. He refers to an agency, whatever agency put this together, would want to kill anybody that was involved. They couldn't have any loose threads. So says Harrelson. So there are people that claim there's a high likelihood that he was one of the three tramps, and then we have Harrelson himself saying that he was not. We fast forward now to Ruby's pop pop of Oswald, supposedly, he goes to like a Western Union and sends some money to one of his strippers. We can't make this up. Yes, hi, hey, let me. Let me hit up one of my one of my girls, right quick. So he goes and sends money to a stripper, and then he just calmly walks down the ramp in the area where Oswald is about to be transferred, and does his pop pop? And that's just that there was a police officer who was there, and he says that he never saw Ruby come down that ramp, and that he will go to his grave saying that Ruby never came down that ramp. It just he didn't see it. He didn't believe that it was possible if someone could really present him with evidence that was clear that he was just misremembering or making a mistake. He didn't own up to it, but he did not see Ruby come down the ramp, just stroll down the ramp. Do the Pop? Pop like, Oh, hey, just, just another day in paradise. One of the researchers interviewed asserts that whether it was intentional or not, you know, that's up for debate, but there was an area that was left unguarded, and that's how Ruby was able to slip in. Because when they are walking you through the station, and you see, potentially, the way that Ruby would have had to have gotten down there, there's plenty of twists and turns. I mean, you'd have to know where you were going. A number one, you'd have to know where you were going, and then B nobody would be stopping you, even through these different doors and these twists and turns through this labyrinth in order to get down there, nobody would stop you and say, Hey, dude, what are you doing down here? Who are you? What do you want? Again, these things are just weird. It's not one thing. It's not one particular item when it comes to the JFK, pop, pop, it's all of these things that pile up on top of each other, like, How is this even allowed to happen? They interviewed James hosty, who was an agent with the Foxtrot Bravo India in Dallas, initially, when he was going to assist the Dallas police and other powers that be with the investigation of Oswald, things seem to be just fine, but then he's pulled off the case by higher powers, higher superiors, and told to leave it alone. This is something else that's odd, because why would you not want an agent from that, from that department, why would you not want somebody from that entity to be involved? Now, he throws in information about, oh, I didn't know it at the time, but Kennedy and the Charlie India alpha, they were trying to pop, pop Castro. And, you know, Lee Harvey Oswald was pro Castro. So there's a link. And I'm sort of like rolling my eyes, going, Okay, I don't know about that part of it, but it's surely odd to not want somebody from that agency to be involved, to tell to tell somebody like hosty, thanks for your help, but get the hell out of here. That's odd. According to hosty LBJ, does not want any kind of inquiry. It's sort of like, okay, Oswald is dead. Now. There's not going to be a trial. Let's just sweep this under the rug and move on. According to hosty LBJ, gets pressured by Congress, and that's why he launches the Warren Commission. Hosty says that there was a letter that he had received from Oswald, like back in March of 63 hosty is trying to talk to Oswald. He says it's just routine procedure, because, you know, Oswald had been a defector at one point in time, and had married a Russian woman and brought her back here, he tries to go talk to Oswald. Oswald's wife is the one who's home, and then Oswald sends him kind of a not a nasty letter, like, if you want to talk to me, talk to me, but leave my wife alone, and if you want me to go higher up and get a cease and desist order against you, I will. So hosty keeps the letter, but then, after Oswald is murdered, he's told that he needs to destroy the letter, and he says that he tears it up and flushes it down. On the toilet. They play the audio of like it's a recording. I don't believe it was a phone call. I think it was a recording of a police informant along with this man named Joseph miltier, who supposedly predicts the JFK pop, pop, because JFK was in Miami prior to being in Dallas. And so this guy, Joseph miltier, is allegedly the one that's on the recording, and he makes this eerie prediction, and he talks about, I think Kennedy is coming here on the 18th he's going to make some kind of a speech and, or No, I think that's the that's the police informant. The police informant brings it up like, I think Kennedy is coming here on the 18th, something like that. And the informant says he's going to have it like 1000 bodyguards, probably. And this Joseph Milteer says, well, the more bodyguards he has, the easier it is to get to him. The informant asks, well, how in the hell do you figure that? And miltiere says, well, from an office building with a high powered R, i, f, L, E, he knows he's a marked man. The informant asks, Are they really going to try to kill him? And Milt here says, Oh yeah, it's in the workings. The informant says, if Kennedy gets pop popped, we have to know where we're at, because it would be a real shake if they do that. And then mil tier says, well, they wouldn't leave any stone unturned. No way. They will pick somebody up within an hour afterwards. If anything like that happens, they'll pick somebody up within an hour afterwards, just to throw off the public. Now there are skeptics who say it's almost like, you know, when you go to one of those fake mediums and they're like, I'm sensing the presence of someone with an M in their name. Is there anyone here who recently lost their father? Is there anyone here who had an auntie who was short with dark hair. I mean, they just pick these vague descriptions, and then people tend to remember the things that seemed right to them and forget all of the things that fell flat. So I will drop a link to an article that says that was mil tier really the Miami Prophet, or was he just some kind of a crackpot Kook, as with anything that pertains to the death of JFK, there are various and sundry explanations, opinions, ideas, etc. For my money, I'm just going to tell you the first time that I watched this episode and I heard that recording, it had me shook. Y'all, I'm not gonna sit here and lie to you. I was like, Holy shit, this is so creepy. And it just shows you, like, the lack in my opinion, okay, which could be wrong. It just shows you the lack of care, the lack of protection, the lack of Do you really think that you need to be down here doing these tours if you're in this hostile of an environment. And believe me, I know there were people that would say, well, if JFK really wanted to go down there and do tours, even in a hostile environment, he would have done it. And I'm sure that's true, but man, this is crazy. Robert Groden is interviewed again for this episode, and he talks about this photograph that was taken in Dallas of a man that looks a lot like mill tear. This could be a coincidence. There have been, this is, this is another area where there have been various and sundry photos. Or some people say that Oswald is standing outside the Book Depository. There's no way he could have been on the sixth floor doing anything if he was standing outside. There's even the accusation that Poppy is standing out there. There's a photograph that exists of a man standing there with the same height and the same body posture. Now, spoiler alert to me, the faces, the profiles don't look the same. The profile of the man in that picture does not, to me, look like the profile of poppy. So we're in the realm of speculation here. We don't know for sure that the man in the picture is military. We don't know that it isn't, but Grodin is just saying to me, based on the way this person looks, and then the fact that you have mil tier on tape saying, Well, yeah, I know exactly how you'd do it. It's just a little bit suspicious. The sort of postscript to the story we're told in this Docu series is that miltiere was interviewed by the Foxtrot Bravo India was released, and then a few years later, he dies in a mysterious house fire. Gary Shaw brings up one very, very important point, and this is something that I try to drive home on my daytime broadcast, on my business related blogs, if they would lie to you about something like this, what else are they lying to you about when I see. Uh, phony numbers about the economy, about the job market, super low unemployment rate, churning and burning, resilient consumer. And I'm like, This is absurd. Somebody would have to be a straight up dumb ass to believe this stuff. It doesn't surprise me, to me if they would lie to you about something monumental and then keep the lie going until they're ready for you to know whatever it is they think you're allowed to know at that point in time. It's nothing to them to lie about manipulated bullshit numbers. It just isn't, oh, that's just a conspiracy theory. Well, you're tuned into a conspiracy friendly broadcast. Hello, hi. How are you? It's nothing to them to lie about these things. There was a meeting about this at Davos. We used to have a monopoly on the facts. We were the gatekeepers, but now people don't trust the media, and they want to know our sources, and they want to know how we got our information. And it's like, Hmm, do you think maybe that's because a lot of people have figured out that y'all are a bunch of bullshit artists. You think maybe that could be why? Gary Shaw goes on to say, if that's the case, then we don't have a democracy, we have a hierarchy. And if somebody steps out of line, they don't, they don't do what they're supposed to do, they can just be eliminated. Well, we're not that different from the USSR. And then this episode ends, you know, with some further depressing video of the funeral. I mean, I think that what Gary Shaw is saying there is spot on. Now, I may disagree with some of the points of the commentators in this video, some of the witnesses that they interview and their stories, we can get into debates about that all night long. But I think what they end with in this episode, that's it. That's it in a nutshell. And that applies whether you like Kennedy or you don't, even if you fall in with the Seymour Hersh Noam Chomsky crowd, and you're like, that is just another war hawk. He wasn't going to take troops out of Vietnam. We wouldn't have avoided that whole war if Kennedy had been in office. He was a sleazo and a pervert. He had parties with call girls and cut a swath through the female population of any place he stayed in. Okay, fine, okay, fine. Let's, let's just say that he was a terrible bastard. Let's go along with that line of thinking. We still need to know who killed him, why they did it. And then another question that I have is, What else has been done like that since? What are the other things that we don't know about, even if you think he was a terrible son of a bitch and wouldn't have done anything positive with his life or okay, if he had made it to a second term, he probably would have been impeached for sex scandals and for sharing a mistress with mobsters and whatever. We still need to know who did this, how they did it. Why has it been covered up for all this time? Who's been complicit in the cover up? And then what else have they done like this? You don't even have to like him as a person or like him as a politician. You still need to care, if you live in this country, about what happened that day. We can sit around and talk about, oh, this, this politician, is really going to change it. He's really going to drain the swamp when he gets up there. It's going to all be different. Will it? Has it? Has anybody tried to make anything different and actually succeeded at it? Think about that. Stay a little bit crazy, and I will see you in the next episode.
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