con-sara-cy theories

Episode 34: The 9 1 1 Money Trail

September 11, 2024 Episode 34

How did trillions go missing? Is it just a CoNsPirAcy ThEoRy that an insane amount of money went missing and then, the next day, no one cared because of 9 1 1?

I'm thinking of Mr. X: who benefitted and who had the power to cover it up?

All of the rhetoric about tërrÔr!sts sounds a lot like Operation Gladio, which used fascists and Nazis to commit crimes and then preordained patsies to take the fall for killing civilians.


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Transcription by  Please forgive any typos!


Welcome to con-sara-cy theories. Are you ready to ask questions you shouldn't and find information you're not supposed to know? Well, you're in the right place. Here is your host, Sara Causey.

Hello, hello, and thanks for tuning in. In tonight's episode, I will be talking about the 911, money trail. I'm thinking about the character Mr. X and Oliver Stone's JFK, who benefited and who had the power to cover it up. Now according to the mainstream media, let's give them their due here. Ha, ha. If you go to AP and look at their AP fact check, they will tell you no comma. The US government didn't mysteriously lose trillions of dollars the day before 911. Okay, the fact checkers say That's bogus claim. The US government mysteriously lost trillions of dollars the day before the attacks of September. 112, 1001. APS assessment false. That long circulating claim misrepresents remarks about $2.3 trillion in accounting entities that officials at the time said were insufficiently documented because of outdated technology. The entries were made during fiscal year 1999 and detailed in an early 2000 report the facts more than two decades after the 911 attacks false claims and conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theme about the events continue to surface online. One Meme being shared ahead of the 22nd year anniversary is repeating a debunked assertion that the attacks were somehow related to trillions of taxpayer dollars going missing the US government when they found a way to distract people from the trillions of dollars they mysteriously lost on September 10, 2001 the Instagram post reads, The Post uses visuals, including a photo of the Twin Towers, to suggest the attacks Were a purported distraction. But it's not true that the government mysteriously lost trillions the day before 911 instead, the long circulating claim refers to remarks that then Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld gave on September 10 about the Pentagon's business practices. The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector. Rumsfeld said at one point, but not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track 2.3 trillion in transactions. End quote, Wow, that's some interesting gas lighting and linguistics and playing semantics and twisting things into a pretzel so that you finally just get a headache and give up. No, they didn't say that, yeah. Just, okay, steamy, see, teeny, Mm, hmm, right. Except, I was alive. I was a grown ass adult see, I have to rely on history when it comes to the JFK, pop, pop. I wasn't alive in 63 I was alive. I was a grown ass adult woman in 2001 I remember seeing old rums fuck on TV talking about it. You're not. It's like, don't cite the deep magic to me, which I was there when it was written. I remember, I remember seeing him on television. I'm not going to be gaslit. And he knew he didn't really do that Sure. Of course, I'm gonna hop over now to there's an article written by Matthew Horton Woodson from july 26 2006 Whatever happened to that 2.3 trillion anyway?


It's a good question.


Many of us remembered that on September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld made the shocking announcement that the Pentagon couldn't track $2.3 trillion of its transactions. Iroquois observes, what's interesting to me is that he made his press release on a Monday in DC. I always see bad news given on a Friday, usually late in the afternoon on Friday. The exception, of course, would be when someone happens to know that there is a far bigger story coming out. I'm going to butt in for a second and say that tracks with what the fat cats themselves have admitted. I published an article. I think it was sometime last year. I'll drop a link to it, because it was on, how was it last year, earlier this year, it all bleeds together. After a while, it was on my daytime business blog about how you had FDIC fat. Cats admitting if we need to seize a bank, if we need to seize assets, if there's a wave or a rash of bank failures, we're going to close shit down on Friday night, ideally on a Friday night, we're going to do our dirty work so that John and Jane Q Public don't have time to do anything. Everything will be closed over the weekend, and all they can do is sit and stew in their own juices. They can't have a bank run, they're not going to be able to riot. They'll just have to sit at home and cool off, and then maybe by Monday, cooler heads will prevail, and it won't really matter, because we'll have the cops out there in riot gear if they try anything that we don't like. This is admitted. This is known. Okay, I'm going to return now to and this article by Matthew Horton Woodson. And we know that flight 77 allegedly piloted by an incompetent, made an aerobatic spiraling descent over Washington, affecting a 270 degree turn to strike the Pentagon from a Western approach at ground level, the side struck was the only one with an exterior exterior wall hardened against attack and was relatively empty while renovation continued relatively the unfortunate construction workers perished outside, but who were The Expendables within? From the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, December 20, 2001 one army office in the Pentagon lost 34 of its 65 employees in the attack. Most of those killed in the office called Resource Services Washington, were civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts. They were at their desks when American Airlines Flight SEVEN, SEVEN struck. Hmm. Truck. The Arlington County after action report noted that the impact area included both the Navy Operations Center and the office complex of the National Guard and Army Reserve. It was also the end of the fiscal year and important budget information was in the damaged area. And insight magazine editorialized that the Department of the Army, headed by a former Enron executive, Thomas White, had an excuse for not making a full accounting, in a shocking appeal to sentiment, it says it didn't publish a standalone financial statement for 2001 because of the loss of financial management personnel sustained during the September one, 1t word attack. High crimes of state often come down to the movement of capital, and so the high crimes generally share the gray and black economics of common felons. Money is money. It's the magnitude of the heist that's different and the means to effect and cover up the crime, yes, and part of the cover up of the Pentagon heist has been the no plane shell game played smartly by Rumsfeld himself, who misspoke that a missile had struck the Pentagon the same week Terry Meissen original no plane website was launched. It's such disinformation that has drilled irrelevance and folly into a once potentially dangerous and angry army of authentic skeptics. End quote, wow. I'm going to also draw from a report from The Corbett Report, which, admittedly, I am not terribly familiar with this website. This just is one of those things that I happened upon, probably by accident, on YouTube. I'll drop a link, of course, so that you can check it out for yourself. It's Corbett Report, 911, trillions follow the money. In the beginning, they show like snippets of news clips of various people all saying the same thing, all pushing the same narrative. Couple of times they show old chick Danny, and it gave me like freaking PTSD flashbacks to that villainous, murderous looking penguin creature. I was like, Oh, I don't want to go back to Bush Cheney. Oh. I was almost like, I had to rock myself and comfort myself like, Mother hold myself and mother myself. Like, oh, God, those fuckers. Oh, as I've said before, you know, if you were alive, you were an adult, you had half a brain. You pretty much knew that the administration was Cheney Rumsfeld and not bush. Cheney. I know that Putin has said that everybody thinks that W was a cowboy idiot, but he really wasn't. And who knows, maybe he isn't some kind of cowboy idiot. But God Damn, that was a bad time, a bad administration full of creeps and weirdos, in my opinion, and just seeing that, seeing that creature, was just like, I know no no yet. I'll tell you another thought that popped into my mind, other than wanting to just shower myself in bleach after seeing Cheney's face like, Oh, it'll be some time before I can publish episodes about Operation Gladio, because there's a pretty good backlog there. When you get into the world of conspiracy theories, and why this, and why that, and how did this happen, and who did what you've got? Endless cannon fodder. I mean, it's really incredible, but at some point, probably next year, I will publish a series of episodes where I review the BBC Docu series. There's a three a three part Docu series from 1992 on Operation Gladio, and it is horrifying. For one reason, it's horrifying, because you have the so called stay behind of Nazis and fascists, war criminals, okay, people like Klaus Barbie and the Black Prince, hardened war criminals who tortured people, who murdered people that stayed behind, because the new boogeyman is communism we want. We want fascists and right wingers to stay behind, because the communist boogeyman could be riding up at any point, and so the fascists have to be ready to help us fight these damn dirty commies, right, okay, but one of the things that would happen with these stay behind networks is they really were sleeper cells in modern vernacular, that's what we would call them, and they would perpetrate acts of T word on innocent people. In fact, one of the perpetrators said the goal was to intentionally, I'm trying to think about this because I don't want to get booted off the air. I have to, like, couch my language sometimes. But he openly admits in this documentary, the goal is to intentionally target civilians, in particular women and children, because that's what will cause the most outrage. It's not about combatants on a battlefield where this army versus this army, and people have come to accept this is the theater of war. It's about targeting innocent civilians, especially women and children, because you want maximum outrage. And he admits the goal is to do these T word attacks so that people will turn to the state for protection and they will say, whatever civil liberty I have to give up in order to feel safe, whatever we have to give away in order for you to catch these evil T words, that's what will we will do. We'll just give up our freedom in order to feel safe and secure, in order for the bad guys to be punished. And they would trot out some Patsy about like an Oswald, somebody that they had preordained to take the fall so the public could boo and hiss at this bad man who did this bad thing to innocent people. Meanwhile, the real perpetrators were always protected. So when you see this montage of T, word T, word T, word Al Qaeda, al Qaeda, it's like this feels so much like Operation Gladio. To me, we learned that in 1998 the Port Authority agreed to privatize the World Trade Center. We also get into the story of Larry Silverstein and his consortium of investors that signed, like a 99 year lease on the World Trade Center just a few months, I think, before the attacks, as well as the exorbitant amount of insurance that he takes out on the property, we're told in this documentary that within hours of the attacks, Silverstein is on The phone with the insurance companies trying to make sure that he stakes His claim to the policy. You can go to an article on The New York Times, so MSM, mainstream news media outlet, insurers agree to pay billions at Ground Zero, and you will see a photograph there announcing the deal were from left, Albert M Rosenblatt, a retired judge, Governor Elliot Spitzer, Anthony e shoras, Port Authority Executive Director, and Larry a Silverstein, the developer, four point 5,000,000,004 No, $4.55 billion As they say in the infomercials. But wait, there's more. World Trade Center owner suing Airlines for billions for 911 attacks. Larry Silverstein, the owner of the World Trade Center, is seeking $3.5 billion from united us, airways and American over the September 112, 1001 attacks endured by the Twin Towers. Silverstein's attorney, Richard Williamson, argued in federal court that damages after the attacks cost WTC owners over $7 billion One World Trade Center alone cost an estimated 3.9 billion he said, according to The Corbett Report, when the dust settled on everything Silverstein had profited to the tune of like 4.5 billion. The narrator proposes that this is just the heist that you saw. There were other more complex heists going on behind the scenes that day that you didn't see. The narrator goes into a story of marshmallow. Clinton, and you may remember that they lost a number of employees on 911, and how there's this project that was going on between Marsha McLennan and silver stream. And a whistleblower is interviewed named Richard Grove, and he talks about seeing irregularities in this software program that these two entities are building. And when he goes to his superiors to report the irregularity, he's told, just keep quiet about it. Don't worry about it. Stay in your lane. I'm like, How many times do we hear the same exact type of story coming up. Keep quiet. Shut up. Don't say anything. Stay in your lane. We're also told about a German company named convar that was hired to try to do data recovery from data that had been lost in the 911 attacks, as is shown in this corporate report, there's an old article from of all places, computer disk drives from WTC could yield clues. And this was published originally December 20, 2001 a new data recovery technique could help trace suspicious financial transactions made shortly before the T word attacks in the US on September one one, an unexplained surge in transactions was recorded prior to the attacks, leading to speculation that someone might have profited from previous knowledge of the T word plot by moving sums of money. But because the facilities of many financial companies processing the transactions were housed in New York's World Trade Center destroyed in the blast, it has until now, been impossible to verify that suspicion. That's where convar comes in. The company is helping reconstruct data from hard disk drives found in the ruins of the Twin Towers, while other data recovery companies are also involved in the effort. The company says it has a special edge, a laser based scanning technology developed about two years ago. Using the technology, it's possible to read the individual drive surfaces and then create a virtual drive, says Peter Wagner, a spokesman for the company. Our competitors mostly work with magnetic heads, which is a very tedious process, but also risky because of the fine dust created by the explosions that destroyed the towers, which was driven at high pressure into devices physically touching the drive surfaces can damage them. End quote. So this was an interesting news item that apparently went out through the Berlin Bureau and wound up on CNN in the United States. But this gives you a little tying together of what's going on here, trying to do data recovery, because there are some suspicions that somebody might have profited because they knew what was coming, and they moved massive sums of money. Isn't that interesting? Michael Rupert claims that he was told by some type of whistleblower that in the window between the first plane and the second plane, computers at Deutsche had been taken over, and internal employees were not sure, could not trace who it was taking their computers over. They show a clip of some type of foreign interview, or foreign based interview. I'm not really sure what country it came from, but they're talking to somebody. This journalist is talking to somebody at convar like, Well, what did the data that you recovered show? Were there these massive financial transactions going on with somebody or groups of somebody moving money around and trying to take advantage of the fact that a T word attack was coming or had just happened? And the spokesperson is like, Well, I mean, if you look on our website, then, like, I think the answer to your question is yes. But like, if you were to ask me officially, I would have to, like, say no, we see news clips of reporters saying, this is like our generation's Pearl Harbor. You see a spokesman saying, this is a war. Make no mistake about it, the T words have made a declaration of war against the United States. So they're priming the pump. They're making sure that people are following a certain line of thinking. They're going down a very particular, what I would call preordained path. We also learn about the investigation by the SEC to figure out was there a group of traders engaged in insider trading, essentially, who got on the stock market and bet against the company? That they knew would be impacted by the 911 attacks. They actually show a news report from mainstream media reporting on this very thing, and they show that, for example, on Thursday, September the sixth, there were 90 times more in that one day of these stock puts where they were betting against United 90 times more that one day than what would be normal. They also say there was an extraordinarily high number of bets against American as well as Morgan Stanley and marsh and McLennan. The Corbett Report says that starting in August, when you look at these suspicious trades of people betting against companies that would see their stock fall in response to 911, you see it against companies like Boeing, Merrill, Lynch, JP, Morgan, Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley and AXA. So this is another example, I think, of where we only get the tip of an ugly iceberg, like we're told about several companies, where it's like, well, if this happened, it'd have to be one hell of an extraordinary coincidence. But then when you look at the broader picture, it's like, there's no way in hell this was a random coincidence. The Corbett Report says there was also betting that Raytheon stock would go higher. They show an interesting interview with a man named Kevin Ryan who talks about how members of the bin Laden family were in Washington on September one, one at a meeting for the Carlisle group. You know who else was there, according to Kevin Poppy and James Baker. You know what? Yeah, I've just got my head in my hands. The more that I read about Poppy, the more I'm like he's right up there with Allen Dulles. You know, I think of Alan Dulles is just being a fucking scumbag, in my opinion, a fucking scumbag who had his fingers in so many dark, disturbing, evil pies. Sometime in the future, I will do a review of Gordon Thomas's book journey into madness, which talks about mind control, MK Ultra and medical torture. And it explores this question of like, you know, doctors go to medical school and they take an oath, whether it's the Hippocratic Oath, or, in another country, a different kind of oath, but they all square out this oath to do no harm. All of these oaths are basically the same, don't do any harm, take care of your patients. Work with honesty and integrity. What happens to these people to make them engage in state sponsored torture, to figure out ways of like, okay, here's exactly how much torture a human body can take before it dies or before the person passes out, and you need them conscious. It's really so incredibly creepy and disturbing. So it's like anything that I read about Alan Dulles makes my skin crawl, and you just wonder how much evil can be contained in one human like, what's wrong with people like Hitler and Dulles? What's wrong with me? Like Poppy, like, what the fuck happens to people that makes them want to do stuff like that? I just, I don't get it. I don't have some cosmic explanation for you. I'm just asking rhetorically, because I don't know what happens to people, what goes on in their wiring to turn somebody like onto the idea of mass murder and torture. I don't fucking get it, man, we see like a man on the street type interview with Robert Bayer saying, I know the guy that went into his broker in San Diego and said, Cash me out. It's going down tomorrow. In reference to 911, because the interviewer has said something about, you know that they were running drills before it happened. And that's when Robert Bear says, I know the guy that went into his broker in San Diego and said, Cash me out. It's going down tomorrow. Before the clip ends, he decides to add for good measure, well, his brother worked in the White House. We're told about Robert Wright JR and how he worked on Operation vulgar betrayal. I'm going to hop over to his Wikipedia page. Robert Wright Jr is a Foxtrot Bravo India agent who has criticized that agency's counter T word activities in the 1990s where he worked in the Chicago division on T words with links to the Middle East, especially on the issue of money laundering. Specifically, he worked on Project Bulgar betrayal, which allegedly implicated Yasin al Qadi. He wrote a detailed book which the Foxtrot Bravo India prevented him from publishing with threats of criminal prosecution. He complained that management intentionally and. Repeatedly thwarted and obstructed my attempts to launch a more comprehensive investigation to identify and neutralize T words three months before 911 he wrote the following. Knowing what I know, I can confidently say that until the investigative responsibilities for T word are removed from the Foxtrot Bravo India, I will not feel safe the agency has proven for the past decade it cannot identify and prevent acts of T word against the United States and its citizens at home and abroad. Even worse, there is virtually no effort on part of the agency, international T word unit, to neutralize known and suspected T words residing within the United States. End quote, oh. We're told in The Corbett Report documentary that this Yassine al Qadi had ties to guess who, Chick Daini. Color be not surprised. We also learn about a company called P TECH that had a relationship with this businessman, Yaseen alcani, let's talk about who else they had relationships with. When we go to Ptex Wikipedia page, under the tab notable clientele, we find Ptex roster of clients included several governmental agencies, including the US armed forces, NATO, Congress, the Department of Energy, the Department of Justice, the foxtrot, bravo, India, us, Customs and Border Protection, the FAA, the IRS, the Secret Service and the White House PTAC had a security clearance to work on sensitive military projects dating to 1997 we're told that one of the members of the 911, commission report had been involved with al Qaeda and P TECH, one thinks that would be a conflict of interest. In the last little segment here of The Corbett Report, they asked the question about the Pentagon's missing trillions, and the narrator plays a clip of old rumsfuck getting up there on September 10, making his statement about the missing trillions. So you don't just have to take my word for it that I remember it happening. I know what I saw. You can see the clip. If you choose to watch this documentary, they also show a clip from like the confirmation hearing for Rumsfeld to be the secretary of defense, and there's all this laughing. Well, how, how can you ask for more money? How do you think you can run this department when they're all this missing money and all this accounting is backwards? And he's just like, oh, I guess I'll just decline the nomination. And they're all just chuckles. There's a mainstream media news clip of an accountant turned whistleblower who was trying to track down what happened to $300 million so not even T trillion, but $300 million and he was told, Well, we don't know it's missing, but we don't know where it went. He says that when he reports it to his director, his director says to him, why do you care about this stuff? He says that he was reassigned. Who didn't see that coming? Remember what Jim Garrison told y'all, you get removed, discredited or popped so he gets reassigned, and then the whole thing is just swept under the rug and covered up. We're told terrifyingly about this group project for the New American Century, that America needed to really emerge as being the dominant power in the world. I mean, wasn't it already? I'm not sure why, why it would need to emerge. But The Corbett Report quotes from their report saying further the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor. We also see a clip from old Rumsfeld's confirmation hearing, January 11, 2001 where he says that fear, after you have an event like Pearl Harbor, it's fear that's going to really resonate with people. If you go back to one of the early episodes, a crossover episode that I recorded about JFKs book, Why England slept he was like a 2021, year old kid. Well, not a kid, be fair, Sarah, he's a grown man, but a young adult, an adult young man in college talking about its fear. It's violent shocks. People don't change their mind. They don't want to increase defense spending, unless they have violent shocks. It takes violent shocks to change people, especially to change the mind of a collective society. And what do you see going on here? It's the same playbook. We're also shown a report that says we reported that DOD processed $1.1 trillion in unsupported accounting entries to DOD. Component financial data used to prepare departmental reports and DOD financial statements for fiscal year 2000 for fiscal year 2001 we did not attempt to quantify amounts for unsupported accounting entries. We also learn that active investigations into Enron were destroyed during the 911 attacks. We see another news report from several years into the future. I believe he said it was from 2013 $8.5 trillion had gone missing. They also talked to a whistleblower who said that for 15 years her job was to falsify financial records. At the end of The Corbett Report, which they title no conclusions, which I think is pretty much the best way to put it, they quote from the 911, commission report, which I would assume is probably as full of shit as the Warren Commission Report. Isn't that always how it goes? They quote from that commission report. To date, the US government has not been able to determine the origin of the money used for the 911, attacks. Ultimately, the question is of little practical significance, what a world do I have any firm answers for you? No, I don't. We know about such things as the black budget, there's just this empty hole of money, and we don't really know where it goes as far as military and defense applications are concerned. And as John and Jane Q Public were never going to know, I have some suspicions. I will put it that way, especially after watching that BBC docuseries on Operation Gladio, because there was one of the whistleblowers, I guess you could say that talked to the BBC, and he was talking about how these Nazis and these fascists that were part of the stay behind network were getting paid. They were getting paid a salary, allegedly by the US government, and he'd be like, Oh, this Nazi was getting five grand a month, and that Nazi was considered to be more important, so he was getting six grand a month, and this Italian Fascist, he was not as important, so he was getting two grand a month. And you're sitting there like, what? Why? Why? Just full stop. Why? But then it's like, are any of those dollars, my tax dollars? I don't want any of that money going to some fucking Nazi or Italian black shirt that supported Mussolini. I don't want it going to finance the murder of civilians. Is it money that has just been printed up willy nilly? You know, fiat currency, Nixon takes us off the gold standard, and then all hell breaks loose. Is it just from the printing press, this fake bullshit money, fiat currency. Are we in a bind economically because of all of this nightmare fuel that we're financing? We're not going to know, but that's my suspicion. When we start talking about the missing trillions, whether you're talking about 911, or you're talking about later on into the future, I imagine it's going for weapons. I imagine it's going for payoffs, for information, as well as black holes. I don't even want to think about like honey trap scandals and all the kinds of morally reprehensible things with someone like tefri tepstein, because he wasn't operating in a vacuum. He wasn't making those videos just for himself. I don't think, I don't think that was his personal blackmail library. I think that was being done by higher powers. I think tepstein was just the organizer, but I think he was working for somebody. Judge for yourself who that would be. So where's the money? What the hell actually happened that day? A point to ponder, stay a little crazy, and I will see you in the next episode. 

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