con-sara-cy theories

Bonus Episode: Inflation & Economic Weapons

"I'm the one who taught the Pentagon how to use economic weapons." 😐

➡️ Does America believe it's an empire?

➡️ Is there any way out of the debt we're in?

➡️ "the myth of dollar permanence"

➡️ "How did you go bankrupt?" "Two ways: gradually, then suddenly."

➡️ Massive food inflation = riots.

➡️ "We used to be a manufacturing nation."


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Transcription by  Please forgive any typos!

Welcome to con-sara-cy theories. Are you ready to ask questions you shouldn't and find information you're not supposed to know? Well, you're in the right place. Here is your host, Sara Causey. 

Hello, Hello, and thanks for tuning in. I'm going to do this episode as a bonus episode for the con-sara-cy theories podcast because I have so many episodes produced and stacked up. I don't want to interrupt my flow over there. So I will release this as a bonus episode on my nighttime conspiracy theories podcast, and I will release it as a regular crossover episode for my daytime Causey consulting podcast. In this episode, I want to talk about inflation and economic weapons. I recently watched the video titled we're on the cusp of Civil War and World War Three facing real risk morons Pentagon advisor, which was published on ITM trading on April the second. The reason why I'm subscribed still yet to ITM trading is because Lynette Zang used to be there, but they're still putting out some good content now that Daniela Cambone is on not really sure exactly what happened there. I wish Lynette Zang was still there. But she does have her own channel, I will drop a link. So if you want to keep up with what Lynette Zang is doing, I highly recommend her I think she's got a great voice. And a really awesome perspective, very truthful, very down to earth about things, especially about currency lifecycles. I wanted to talk about this video because even though I'm not familiar with this guy, Kevin Freeman says he's the host of the economic war room. This is not an endorsement of him one way or the other, because I simply don't know him. I'm not familiar with him. But I feel like they bring up some topics in this video that are very important. And it meant something to me to get on the air and talk about it. Straight away. One of the things that Daniela asks Kevin about is his quote, that in the first 221 years of our nation's history, meaning America American history, we accumulated $10 trillion of borrowed debt. However, in the last 15 years, we've added almost $25 trillion. And the pace is accelerating. Kevin calls it a monster from a sci fi movie, If only that were the case. His response is interesting because he talks about America as an empire, whether it's people who want to see America as an empire, or America itself, that fancies itself an empire. He says empires last on average 200 to 250 years, which is a scary thought. It's scary for a number of reasons. I have to say that tickled my ear a little bit because I have a yet unpublished blog post that I intend to release at some point on the conspiracy theories blog. And I've titled it the American empire. And in this I talk about JFK his letter to Prime Minister Nehru, where he says sometimes perhaps we are inclined to talk a little too anxiously about the colonial origins of the United States, now nearly two centuries in the past, but like many others, I grew up in a community where the people were barely a generation away from colonial rule. When JFK went to Ireland in 1963, he visited Arbor Hill Memorial Park, which was the burial site of 14 of the leaders who were executed for their participation in the Easter Rising. And he commented that visiting Arbor Hill and watching the Irish Army Cadets was the highlight of his entire trip. Sadly, pretty shortly thereafter, the same Irish Army Cadets would participate in Kennedy's own funeral. I also talk about David Talbots book The Devil's chessboard, I will at some point, record a series of episodes about that book over on the conspiracy theories podcast. Wow, wow, wow, wow. Wow. If you have not read it, I highly recommend it. It's nightmare fuel. I put it right up there with Dave McGowan's book program to kill in terms of a book that you read and then you're not going to sleep so well at night for a little while. It just really. Mm hmm. Terrifying is upsetting the things you learn. It also inspired me to start watching a BBC documentary about Operation Gladio. That too, is nightmare fuel. These sleeper cells for lack of a better term. I mean, in today's nomenclature, that's what we'd call them. The sleeper cells of stay behind Nazis, SS officers, Italian fascists that sided with Mussolini, that were supposed to stay behind it. Europe and not be punished for war crimes. But to be on standby just in case the communists decided to forge into Western Europe, although they really didn't just stay silent. There were other things that went on absolutely horrifying information. In the devil's chessboard, David Talbot writes, but the strongest link between the dulles's and the looses meaning Henry Luce was their shared conviction that they were driving forces behind what Henry had christened the American Century, loose coined the term in a 1941 Life magazine editorial, calling for the United States to take a dominant role in global affairs exerting upon the world the full impact of our influence for such purposes as we see fit, and by such means as we see fit, in effect loose was calling for the United States on the brink of entering World War Two to replace Britain as the new world empire, not by holding overseas territories as in the passing colonial era. But by flexing its military, commercial and cultural strength, loses missionary vision of American power, which would find echoes in a later generations embrace of American exceptionalism meshed neatly with that of the Dulles brothers. But while Luce could only preach about the historic imperative of American power, Allen Dulles was in a position to act on it in quote. I think there are plenty of power brokers who absolutely believe that we have an American empire. If we think about what Kevin is saying there, all right, if we can see the point that we have had an American empire, then we have to also concede the point that empires typically last two to 250 years on average. That should be troublesome when you think about what's actually going on here. I've spoken before I've written before, about how I feel like we're in this economic jalopy. It's being held together with duct tape and baling wire. At some point, the wheels are gonna fly off of this damn thing. And who knows what's going to happen? We had a fat cat, if you go back and rewatch that documentary and did a podcast podcast if I could speak properly, a podcast episode about an age of easy money, where Richard Fisher from the Fed admits outright that the system died completely in 2008. All the blood went out of it, it died. So if we think about this system, being on life support ever since what's going to happen when there's nothing left? That can cannot be kicked down the road any further? People get so hyped up on dollar supremacy, American exceptionalism? Oh, he would just never I'm in love with him. No, we on top of the world forever, really believe that at your own risk. Kevin talks about the debt path and how Jerome Powell himself of the Fed has admitted that we're on an unsustainable path. Plenty of talking heads and fat cats have admitted this. I don't feel like that's new news. I think you have a lot of people out in the public who turn a blind eye to it. They don't understand it, or it just seems so remote from their day to day life. People are trying to hang on, in some cases, by their fingernails because of what's going on with the economy, unemployment, inflation, etc. So the idea of 34 or $35 trillion of national debt, it's like, what does that even mean? I can go and watch the debt clock ticking up and up and up and up and up in real time. But I don't feel any connection to it. Why? Why should we care? Well, again, when we think about the economic jalopy, the day is going to come maybe not in my lifetime. I'm not going to sit here and oh, you've got three more days. You've got two more minutes you've got one more month I don't get into that YouTube style of clickbait. I hate that mess. I feel like it's so deceptive. When somebody's like, Well, you got three more weeks until dot dot dot. And then you listen to the video. And they're like, Well, I mean, I don't know. No, wait a minute. You just said we had three more weeks until something and then they just admit it was Clickbank to get you to watch the video. I don't like that stuff. So within my lifetime, I don't know. I have no idea. All I can tell you is that based on currency lifecycles which Lynette Zang talks about a lot based on what Kevin is saying here about the lifespan of empires. The absolute debasement of the US dollar, we're on borrowed time. So even if this national debt seems to be some foreign thing off somewhere in the ether, and you know, like Ultron says in the Age of Ultron, movie finance is so weird, like it's just digits on a screen, it's numbers going by and we don't even have any real connection to it. The bill is going to come due at some point that the jalopy will finally be out of gas, the wheels are going to come flying off And then what I mean, I kind of hope I'm not alive when that happens, just selfishly speaking. You know, it's like how Khrushchev was quoted as saying the living would envy the dead. If somebody actually did use a nuclear bomb, I would just prefer to not even be around when the economic collapse happens. Who knows? I'm just telling you, at some point, the bill will come due. He also talks about BRICS, and how the point of BRICS is to challenge the dominance of the US dollar. He says those who believe in the myth of dollar permanency are fooling themselves. I agree. He mentions that at some point, the dollar is not going to be the world's reserve currency anymore. He compares it to being like the cleanest dirty shirt in the dirty laundry pile. At some point, you're gonna keep wearing that shirt and wearing it and sweating in it, messing it up to the point where it's just too foul, or it's falling apart. It's unwearable. Likewise, he doesn't know when this is going to happen. He's not saying it's gonna happen tomorrow or next week or next year. At some point, though, we know based on history, it will occur. He brings up a Hemingway quote that I think is so spot on. How did you go bankrupt two ways gradually than suddenly, I've heard Lynette Zeng talk about this same phenomenon, things happen slowly, until they happen very fast. And that's what tends to happen with financial panics, financial collapses, etc. I mean, Kevin predicts something like a really bad treasury bond auction that will kick off a financial panic, and everything will happen gradually. Now see, we also had a fat cat. Swiss banker telling us the same thing over on itMs channel not long ago, I have written a blog post about that as well. I'll see if it's up. By the time I published this, I can't remember between business blogs and personal ones. Sometimes my brain is a little bit like a scrambled egg. I've got so much writing in reserve that I haven't even published yet. Because things are happening. If you know what you're looking for, things are happening rapidly. But to the general public perception they're not. But anyway, this was banker was talking about the same thing. We're in a trickle. We're not in an eruption yet. We're in a trickle. And I think that this is a really auspicious time to get clear to get savvy about who you're listening to. and for what reason, and really understand what your preps are. I know people don't like to hear that. If I record an episode or I write a blog post about prepping people tune out by and large. And yet, those are really the the messages that people need to hear the most I think he talks about economic weapons. And in particular, this idea of we will attempt to remain the world's reserve currency, we will attempt to remain the top dog through military force and military might will try to buy people off will threaten you will have coup de TOS will depose people that oppose us, et cetera, which absolutely made me think of David Talbots book, The Devil's chessboard, because we see this earlier in history. Where you you run afoul of the Charlie India alpha, you run afoul of us or Western world business interests, you're just simply not going to be in power anymore. You play ball the way that we want you to. And if you don't you go bye, bye. And that's just the end of you. I recorded a podcast episode here on the conspiracy theories broadcast about PB success. And bananas. You don't mess with the United Fruit Company. You don't mess with the Charlie India Alpha. You don't mess with bananas. You don't try to make things better for impoverished people. You don't go for land reforms. You let these multinational corporations come in and take whatever the hell they want in your country. So I think Kevin's point is a valid one. There may be some kind of Sturm on drawn to stay on top that will involve coup de TOS trying to buy people off trying to throw our weight around, you know, and I hope to god that's not a point that initiates the use of nuclear weapons. But man, I'm telling you within my lifetime, you start thinking about the buildup and these games of nuclear chicken and warfare chicken that go on where it's like, at some point, somebody's gonna go nuts and hit the button. At some point, there will be an accident. At some point, diplomacy will fail within my lifetime, somebody absolutely could start a nuclear war. We've been on the brink of it for so long that we feel like it's impossible like we've been right here at the razor's edge. Therefore, we're not ever really going to go past the razor's edge. And who knows, maybe we won't. Maybe it's all one big psyop we're Designed to think that we're right on the brink of nuclear warfare at all possible times, when really we're not. Maybe it's just one big gaffe? I don't know. I just wouldn't be surprised. Let me put it to you that way, I would not be entirely surprised if we saw the the use of nuclear warfare within my lifetime, I hope not, I pray not. But man, we've got a lot of situations that could take us in that direction. And what Kevin is talking about here, throwing our weight around, we're the American empire, the dollar is going to be on top, we're going to be the top dog forever. And if you don't like it, we'll just nuke you. And that's a real possibility gang, it is. Now Kevin claims that he was a like an advisor or a consultant to the Pentagon and also to the D. I A, that he was telling them about how to use economic weapons and telling them, they can be very effective, but you shouldn't abuse them, you shouldn't be overly using them, which I mean, to use the phrase du jour Come on, man, the power once it is obtained, it's not given back once they have a tool in their arsenal, they just use it and abuse it. So I mean, if you're going to teach people how to use finance and economics as a form of warfare, of course, they're going to do it and do it and do it and do it repeatedly. He brings up another good point, I think, like American sanctions, not meaning as much as they used to, because as he asserts, Putin had built up his gold reserves. So the American sanctions really didn't mean anything. Oh, you're gonna slap my hands, you're gonna threaten me, you're gonna withhold some kind of foreign aid. Okay, good. I don't give a shit. Because I've got gold and reserve and gold is worth way more than American dollars, which, let's be honest, that's true. You look at how far the dollar has fallen since Nixon took us off the gold standard. And then the Swiss banker that was on ITM says, really, when you look at the US dollar in comparison to gold, the US dollar has actually lost 99% of its value. So yeah, if you've got a vault full of gold, and somebody's like, Hey, I'm gonna take fiat currency away from you. Go right ahead, knock yourself out. He makes another good point about how wealthy people are not impacted by inflation as much as middle class and poor people. Because the wealthy fat cats have ways of being able to diversify their investments to put a hedge of protection around themselves to just do other things, they already have more money ipso facto, or otherwise, they wouldn't be called the wealthy, fat cats. And they're able to better protect the wealth that they have. So someone that's already living paycheck to paycheck gets hit by inflation, and that paycheck is not going as far then you also see discount and dollar stores raising their prices, in some cases going out of business entirely. And people saying, I rely on these places for basic necessities, for food, for shampoo and conditioner, for deodorant for toothpaste, for just the normal things that a human being desires on this planet, food and water and shelter, and you know, the ability to clean myself when I get dirty. I'm relying on these dollar stores and discount centers for these items. And now I can't afford them. Or now this is not an option anymore, because the stores have closed down. Wealthy people are better able to cope with this inflation. So it doesn't bother them as much. And in fact, I would take it a step further than Kevin, a lot of these people know how to profiteer off of what's happening. It's like how Warren Buffett said when everybody else is afraid you should get greedy. When everybody else is greedy, you should get afraid. They know what they're doing. He rightfully talks about the legend of Marie Antoinette saying let them eat cake. And comparing that to the CEO of Kellogg's, who was like, hey, maybe you should just have cereal for dinner. I've talked about and written about before I did that during the Great Recession. There were times that that was the option there were times I only had seven cents in my bank account. I would go through like old coat pockets, old purses, I'd look under the floor mats of the car. I'd look around couch cushions sometimes I'd Panhandle at work Hey, can I borrow a quarter so I can ride the turnpike home? Whatever I had to do to just make it through that period of time. And I remember not having any groceries in the house except for a box of generic Lucky Charms. It was like a whatever they call the generic version magic leprechaun man or something like that. And skim milk. That was my dinner that night and then it was my breakfast again the next morning until I can get paid and go to the grocery store and get something else to eat. It's not pleasant and in my opinion, which could be wrong. It's not healthy either. mean when you think about having something like a chicken breast and some vegetables, as opposed to having a bowl of cereal and some skim milk. We know what One is going to fill us up and make us feel better. He talks about things like street riots and political warfare. And in particular, riots that take place over famine riots that take place over massive food inflation. And along with historical examples of times, when this has happened, the question for the American audience becomes could that happen here, and you will have people that will say, Oh, no, who just never happened in America, the land of plenty in and around Earth, it might happen in some developing nation somewhere, but it would just never happen in first world America yaja. He talks about food prices in the Arab Spring, I'm going to jump over now for a quick second to One of the driving forces behind the Arab Spring, some contend is the high cost of food. A combination of shrinking farmlands, weather and poor water allocation is helping contribute to higher prices and in turn, anti government sentiment according to analysts in quote, when people are hungry, when people can no longer afford food. Hell, yeah, you're gonna have problems. This is just common sense. around minute 21. In this video, he brings up another really good point about how we're making money off of money. But we're not manufacturing anything. I immediately thought of that scene in Pretty Woman, where Edward Lewis and I intend later on, this is going to have to be way later on, because I've got so many episodes already packed and stacked for the conspiracy theories. But I will publish an episode about how the character Edward Lewis in particular, really represents speculation and a lack of production in the US economy. And so Edward Lewis play by Richard Gere is sitting there and he's like, we don't make anything and we don't build anything. And his lawyer smoothly replies, we make money. That's really what the US economy has devolved into. And I know I harp on JFK a lot. But one of his goals was to really ensure that the American economy was based on production, and manufacturing, and to reward investments in America that were long term and that stain in America. So instead of having people with tax havens and funneling their money out of the country, and rewarding speculative behavior, the goal was to make sure the economy continued to grow. We avoided these boom bust cycles, recession, inflation, we kept things relatively stable and we continued to manufacture to produce when you juxtapose that the Chinese GDP is like 36 38% based on consumption, whereas US GDP is about 70% on consumption. I've written and written and written and talked and talked and talked about the chickens come home to roost when the consumer is tapped out and cannot consume any more. Yet you have created an economy that space so heavily on consumption, what do you think is going to happen? Kevin is making a similar point here. We've structured the economy on speculative behavior on derivatives on trying to make money on money instead of actually producing something. I mean, it's not difficult for me to look back on what JFK was trying to do. It'd be like yes, if only things had gone in that direction. But of course, that's not what the power brokers want. They like this speculative casino environment. I'll also release an episode about the Enron scandal because you had these traders on tape. You can listen to it if you if you listen to that Enron documentary, the smartest guys in the room. You can hear this tape recording of them laughing about how they turned the California electrical grid into a casino. And they were mocking little old grandmas that couldn't pay their electric bill. These fat cats don't give to poops about you. They don't they don't care about your sorrow. They don't care about your poverty. They're in it for the buck. Remember, this is what Carl Fox But Fox his father says in Wall Street. This guy doesn't take any prisoners. He's in and out for the quick buck and he doesn't give a damn about people. Hello. He talks about CBDCs and people being cut off. I've had enough caffeine. I'm not supposed to have any more Starbucks today. So I can't go get that third cup of coffee. Isn't it great that the cbdc already knows what's good for me. He compares it to the people in New York that wanted to be cut off from soda pop like you've had your your Big Gulp is too big you've had too much soda pop so you should only get a smaller size. Why are you not self regulating here? People think that government regulation and having big brother do all these things for you is great until it really happens and then they're gonna wish they didn't. But cbdc certainly could be weaponized. You can have another form of weaponized currency here with you're not allowed to buy gasoline today. You've hit your went on caffeine. What if it becomes food rationing, you've had enough of your Soylent Green for today. I know that sounds dystopian. It sounds like a sci fi movie. But we have to consider these things. Kevin makes the point that whether a crisis is manufactured or whether a crisis springs up organically, they absolutely will take advantage of any type of crisis situation. And it could be that an economic or financial crisis of some kind is used to usher and CBDCs. It may not even require that. I mean, I really think that we're already on that path. I think it's an inevitability. And people need to just be prepared as best they can. They need to understand that this is coming. I think, in particular, when we look at what Jerome Powell has already said that small to medium banks are going to be the ones that fail this time around, it won't be too big to fail. I feel like you will have some people that will clamor for a cbdc I'm scared about what happened, my bank has failed. I don't know what to do, oh, well, you can get bailed out 100 cents on the dollar. If you take it and CBDCs Well, of course, people are going to do that. You have them. You buy a very delicate part of their body at that point, of course, they're going to go along with it. He also talks about the possibility of world war three. Interestingly enough, in that Operation Gladio documentary that I've been watching, one of the commentators says that actually the Cold War was World War Three people didn't realize it didn't think of it that way at the time, but that's how he thought of it. I just really found that profound. It was almost like a cold bucket of water in the face. So whether we think about World War Three impending or that World War Three was the Cold War and maybe World War four is going to spring up. Is that a real possibility? Yes, it is. And I think with what Kevin is pointing out here, whether something's springs up organically, there's a false flag event, there's a manufactured crisis. It can be any of these any and all of the above could be used to usher in agenda 2030 CBDCs, you've done nothing and UVB happy, a variety of issues, a variety of like a melting pot of heinous possibilities that all come out with the fat cats profiteering. The power brokers getting even more power, while John and Jane Q Public get squeezed. At one point, Daniela Cambone asks him, do you think that enough people could rise up and say, No, we refuse to do this? We don't want it. There could be like a counter protest against this and humanity could really save the day. And he's like, Well, yeah, it's possible, but I wouldn't bet my whole future on it. Like, exactly. That's how I feel about all of this. Regardless of who you're listening to, you know, whenever they start in this stuff about people are waking up. There's a great awakening, John and Jane Q Public are gonna rally against the fat cats. We're winning the globalists and the WEF, and the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission and the CFR, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, and Bill and Melinda Gates and all these people, they're shaking in their boots. They know that humanity is awakening, okay, I just roll my eyes. And I'm like, you know, to me, this sounds like control oppo. I agree with Kevin like, yes, it's possible that there could be some kind of backlash and some kind of big protests, counter protests, but I wouldn't bet my entire future on it either. I think you've got so many people that are lobotomized that exist in celebrity gossip, and social media nonsense. They're not worried about these things that actually really matter. They're the very people that get blindsided in a crisis. And they're like, I just can't believe that this happened. I can't believe that I lost my job. I can't believe there was another hour and we got locked down again, I can't believe my bank failed again, believes immediately they're there all the time, the ones you see on TV, or in your circle of friends whining and crying, wanting somebody else to bail them out, because they didn't freaking pay attention. They had their head up there behind. I really think you know, I'm not gonna sit here and give you any hot air and hopium just because I'm wrapping up this episode. I've really told you what I think my opinion which could be wrong is that you need to be prepared, not scared, not paranoid, not hyper vigilant, but prepared. And then once you reach the point where you say all I can do I've done financially, spiritually, mentally, physically, I'm in the best shape that I possibly can be to go into a crisis. And that's it. It's a wrap. You have to just get into some positive thinking, like Peter McWilliams says you can't afford the luxury of a negative thought. When you've gotten your preps done. You just gotta get your mind. Right. Get your spirit right. Figure out what will I do in a worst case scenario? I really think the Hemingway reference there of how do you go broke gradually, then suddenly? I really think that that could be such an appropriate analogy for the US economy. It's going to feel like nothing's happening. Nothing's happening. All of these preppers are Chicken Little until something really significant and catastrophic happens. And then everybody's like, ooh, lucky I believe it boiling up and you don't have to be in that category of person. You don't have to get blindsided. You can do what you can do to stay aware and stay prepared without being scared to death or paranoid. Take good care of yourself. I will see you in the next episode.


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