con-sara-cy theories

Bonus Episode: "They Shot Him Down in the Night..."

September 15, 2024

"The day after the crash, former U.S. President Harry Truman commented that Hammarskjöld 'was on the point of getting something done when they killed him. Notice that I said: when they killed him.'" - Wikipedia

I was given an audio file from an anonymous source near Ndola who shared with me that Dag Hammarskjöld's plane was shot down in the night. 


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Welcome to con-sara-cy theories. Are you ready to ask questions you shouldn't and find information you're not supposed to know? Well, you're in the right place. Here is your host, Sara Causey.


Hello, hello, and thanks for tuning in. In tonight's bonus episode, I will be talking about the mysterious plane crash of Dag Hammarskjöld. It happened sometime around midnight, September 18, 1961 and since we're getting close to that date, I wanted to hop on the air and talk about that, as well as a mysterious audio file that I received from someone in proximity to Ndola who is certain that hammer Schultz plane was shot down. Choose your frosty beverage of choice, and we'll settle up and take this ride, I decided for this episode to revisit Mads burgers film Cold Case Hammarskjöld. I'll drop a link, because I did record an episode over on my daytime podcast in December of 2023 titled Cold Case Hammarskjöld and why it matters. And actually, as I started to go down the rabbit hole of who killed JFK and why, who killed Dag Hammarskjöld And why I realized that I needed to make a spin off. I needed to have a personal nighttime podcast. Because people that are tuning into a daytime broadcast to hear somebody opine about the economy or about freelancing, about the job market, job interviewing, etc, they may not necessarily want to hear that same person opining about JFK conspiracy theories and Dag Hammarskjöld and all of that. So it was kind of funny that it started over there, and now we're here. There are definitely parts of this documentary that I will never forget, but I wanted to refresh my memory, so to speak, and revisit it for this episode, The film opens up with Mads dressed all in white, and you'll learn later in the film that it's in homage, but not a flattering homage, more like in reference to Keith Maxwell and the symar. And he has two different typists that are helping him compile this story. And really it opens with him saying, This could either be the world's biggest murder mystery or the world's most idiotic conspiracy theory. If the latter is the case, I am very sorry now for the purposes of this episode, I do not want to go down the Keith Maxwell slash cymar Rabbit Hole. That needs to be its own separate episode. And I think unfortunately, whenever we start to get into the life and death of Dag hammershould We so often get diverted into this weird side road that turns into its own private hell of what exactly was this guy, Keith Maxwell, doing? How many henchmen did he have? Was he LARPing? Was he for real? Was this actual and true? Was it fake? Is this all a hoax? Were these people crazy? I mean, what was actually going on with these people? We go down that rabbit hole and we wind up leaving the actual death of Dag hammersholed behind, and you'll see that happen in this documentary where essentially Mads is like, well, we're not any closer to the truth about who murdered Dag Hammarskjöld, but I didn't really care about that anyway. So now we're gonna focus on Keith Maxwell and the SAIMR and you're like, but wait a minute. Wait a minute, we're still on cold case HammarskjöldRight? I mean, what? What's going on here? So I'm going to tell you up front, if you're tuning in, because you're hoping that I'm going to go deep and wide into the Keith Maxwell conspiracy theories, not in this episode. I really want to keep the focus on this question of what happened with the plane who killed dag hammer. Was it really pilot error. Wink, wink. You know, we get a lot of that in the JFK, JR death story. Was it just pilot error? Oops, a daisy, shit happens? Or was sabotage involved? We see Mads flying into the indola Airport in 2017 and he has with him Joran Bjork doll, who is like an investigator slash person, who says that he had received from his father a piece of metal that was believed to have been from Dag hammershoulds plane. The Albertina Mads shows some footage of Dag Hammarskjöld boarding a plane on September 17, 1961 this is believed to be the last known footage of him that was ever taken, because he would die shortly thereafter. He shows a brief clip of JFK address to the nation on the death of dag hammer. It's in the public domain, and it's very brief, so I will play that. I know that I'm speaking for all of my fellow Americans, expressing our deep sense of shock and loss in the untimely death of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Dag Hammarskjold. Dag hammsels Cause dedication to the cause of peace. His untiring labors to achieve it, his courage under attack, his willingness to accept all responsibility in trying to strengthen the United Nations and make it a more effective instrument for the aspirations of the hundreds of millions of people around the globe who desire to live out their lives. Those efforts of his are well known. It is tragic and ironical that his death came during a mission he was undertaking in order to bring a ceasefire in Katanga. I am hopeful that the members of the United Nations recognizing his untiring labors will attempt in the coming sessions and in the years to come, to try to build the United Nations into the effective instrument for peace, which was dag Hammer's great ambition. I express my sympathy to his country, the government of Sweden, and I hope that all of us will recognize the heavy burdens that his passing places upon us.

 As Mads points out the death of Dag Hammarskjöld reverberated around the world. Mads tells us that, officially, the plane crash was caused by pilot error. It was a simple misreading of the altimeter. The UN later has their own investigation, and they leave it open this decision of, was it pilot error, or was it deliberate sabotage of some kind? I'm thinking again of what we have in America with the murder of JFK, because initially you have the Warren Commission assuring us that it was Oswald acting alone from the Texas School Book Depository period. He was a lone nut, cuckoo commie, just crazy. He also murdered JD Tippett for no real reason. He was just a loser and a loner and a kook. Case closed. But then later you have the HSCA saying, well, actually, it probably was a conspiracy. Now we're not going to weigh in on who the conspirators were or why they did what they did, but all these years later, we'll say, yeah, it probably was a conspiracy. Okay, go forth and live your lives. Don't worry about it anymore. I think we see the same thing playing out with the death of Dag hammerschool. Officially, it was pilot error. Somebody just read the altimeter wrong, flew too close to the ground, went into a forest and crashed the plane. But then later you have the UN saying, Well, we're going to leave it open. Was it pilot error, or was it intentional, deliberate sabotage? Mads summarizes the question very well. He says that from the beginning, there were people that were skeptical of the official report that it was pilot error. People suspected that he had been murdered. So there's our question, was Dag Hammarskjöld murdered? And if so, who did it? Mads labels the crash site and Ndola quote, the perfect kill zone because it was far away from prying eyes and prying ears. Mads also goes over some of the basics of what was going on historically at the time union mini air, moist to shambee And how, as he says to shambhi, is sort of a figurehead for union mini air. And they also bring in a bunch of mercenaries, which that's something to get further into whenever I do create the episode about Keith Maxwell and the SAIMR because it just seems like an absolute hotbed of mercenaries and soldiers of fortune and people that have no loyalty to anyone. I mean, they are just whoever they need to kill or torture or disappear, as long as the price is right. They're completely fine with it. As Mads says, these mercenaries are hardcore. They're fighting against the UN troops. So you have, according to Mads DAG, hammered thinking that this would be a relatively simple fix of bringing in UN troops to push out these mercenaries make the situation more peaceful, but perhaps he underestimates the enemy and how brutal they are. And by that, I mean the mercenaries that are there as soldiers of fortune, that they don't care who they kill, as long as the amount of money they're getting is correct. Un soldiers as well. Civilians are killed, and it turns into a giant disaster for the UN some of the nations feel that Dag hammershould has gone beyond his mandate, beyond his station. He's gone rogue, if you will, and they want him to clean up the mess in the Congo, I would argue. I mean, and look, I'm American. I feel like I have the right to say this. I feel that it really boils down to corporate interests. We see this throughout American history, and not really American history in terms of John and Jane Q, public, average, normal, ordinary citizens. What I really should say is the history of the Charlie India alpha and how they organize coup d'etats. And it's nothing to them to get rid of a democratically elected leader in another country, core in our country, as far as that goes, you can count JFK, but it's nothing to them to just scoot a troublesome person out of the way. So in my mind, it's like you have a scenario of this region. Katanga is so wealthy in minerals and natural resources, we don't want anything to potentially damage that the wheels of progress and the wheels of industry have to keep turning. So listen, buddy boy, you need to get your Scandinavian ass over there and fix our problems. Mads has done a pretty good job in just a few minutes of laying the groundwork for the average viewer to understand dag has gone over there hoping to broker some kind of peace, hoping that he can reason with Moise to shambi and at least get the warfare to stop. I mean, the ultimate goal would have been for Congo and Katanga to be reunified and to stop this secession. But in the short term, in the immediate term, to make the fighting stop, to make the warfare and the killing stop for a while, the wreckage, I guess, what, what they had, what they could find, of the Albertina, which was the plane, was kept in a sealed hanger. But then Mads tells us, in 1962 they take it all out and bury it. I have to say, in some respects, this film is a dark comedy. It is truly bizarre at certain points in time, and comedically. So that's like Mads and urine lay out some equipment. They're going to go to indola. They're going to go to the wreckage site, as mere as they can tell where that is. They're going to go out there with pith helmets, which Mads says is to protect their Scandinavian skin from the sun. They're going to take shovels, they're going to take a metal detector, and so you see this Don Quixote style quest, that they're going to go on thinking that they're going to find pieces of the Albertina and excavate it. And you know, as the viewer of this film, there's no way in hell they're going to be allowed to go to the burial site of this wreckage and actually excavate anything. We learned that urine's father had been a diplomat working for the UN sometime in the 70s. Joran's Father visits the crash site at Ndola He was given a metal plate, which allegedly came from Dag Hammarskjöld's crashed plane. There were holes peppered into this metal plate. Yorins father takes it to the Swedish government to ask if they want it or would do any kind of investigation on it. They tell him no.


Around 2011 Joran goes to the area and starts to track down witnesses. This was one of the key reasons why I wanted to go back and revisit this documentary, because I was given an audio file, and it's not going to be difficult for me to keep this person anonymous, because this person is anonymous, even for me, I don't know who he is. Sincerely, I don't. I was given this audio file, and this person, the most that I know is it's an older man who lives in the area of indola, and he is convinced that dag hammer shoals playing was shot down. There was no random pilot error. It was met with sabotage. I will play a clip for you after I talk a little bit more about. Joran's Witnesses have to say about what they saw, I will play an audio clip. I want to be clear that this is not the person himself speaking. I hired someone to do the voice work in order to completely protect this person's privacy and anonymity, and to keep him truly anonymous, I just hired someone to do the voiceover work, but to read the transcription of what he said on the auto audio file that I was provided. We'll get there momentarily. It's important to urine to talk to black witnesses, because they were not taken seriously. He wants to go back and find people who they know what they saw because of racism, they really weren't allowed to speak, and if they did speak, they weren't taken seriously. One of the witnesses said that he saw the plane, and he wasn't sure what happened, because suddenly it was like the lights went off at the airport. There are multiple witnesses who say that they saw another plane in the air, and that this other aircraft was shooting down dag Hammer's airplane. One of the witnesses said that he went to his boss, who was a British man, and said, what happened? We heard this loud noise, and it was like the lights went off at the airport, and the man just put his finger up to his mouth and said, like, don't talk about this. Yorin tells Mads that there was a bright red flash that people in indola saw the radio controller, however, claims that he did not see a giant red flash in the sky. The controller takes notes, but for some reason, destroys his notes the next day. Where have we heard a story like that before? Hmm, I'm thinking back to Kennedy's autopsy, and how we're told that Humes burns his notes and then says, Well, I reconstructed them from memory. I burned the originals because they had Kennedy's blood on them. And you know, I didn't want them to become objects of morbid curiosity, so they were better getting consigned to the flames. I'm detecting a pattern here. Joran goes on his quest to try to figure out who the killers were. Before I get into that chapter of the story, I want to take a pause here and play the audio. This is, again, not the person speaking in the raw audio clip that I was given. I do not know who that anonymous person is. I want to protect his privacy. So this is a voiceover person reading the transcript of what he told me, winning the premiership of the Democratic Republic of Congo, they couldn't follow each other. Mobutu kidnapped Lumumba. Lumumba was brought into the Katanga Province, where they had put him in acid. They beat him so badly and they dissolved him in acid, the only things that remained were his teeth. He was placed in sulphuric acid because your bone is a calcium phosphate. So he was dissolved completely. Now they will apologize, apologize for what? Because they were conniving with the Americans. They came to realize that with priest Lumumba, they would lose all their concessions in DRC. So it was the Belgians and Americans in the process, they had to kill because everybody was associated with communism. That's why, at the same time, there was tension between the United States and Russia on the Cuba crisis. But now Dag hamarsk was UN Secretary General, so he decided to come to prevent war between the Katanga province and so on, because they moved Patrice Lumumba from Kinshasa to bring him home to Katanga. The first Katanga government under Moise tushambe seceded from the DRC to have its own identity because of the copper and minerals and so on that hamarskoid was coming to sort out the mess, and that's when his plane was shut down. It crashed in Zambia, in dollar, that's where it crashed. It was shut down due. During the night. They shot it while it was crossing into Zambia. I don't know where they shot it precisely, but it was during the night that they shot it, and it was found during the daylight. That's why in United States, they are still fighting very hard to point out who killed John Kennedy? They are blaming it on Oswald that he was associated with intelligence. But at the same time, it appears some of Kennedy's Secret Service, some of them knew that something would happen when he went to Texas. They were telling him not to stand just wave, but he preferred to go up in the motorcade, and it was easier to shoot him down that way, then the other guy, the mafia guy, shot Oswald, I think the Kennedy family knows, but they don't know how to go about it, how to reveal it. J Edgar Hoover, when he was director of FBI knew, but at the same time he hated JFK, so that's the name of the game.


That's an interesting collection of thoughts, and it's intriguing to me how these three seemingly disparate people intersect, Patrice Lumumba, Dag hammarsk and John F Kennedy, and it also makes me wonder how many of the same figures in the shadows, people that we don't see, people that will remain unnamed, were involved in the deaths of All three of those people. I mean, it definitely seems that, when you look through history, whenever someone stands up and says, I'm not going to let corporate America or big business railroad the shit out of everybody, we don't want forever wars. We want to try to make peace. We want to try to bring order from chaos. Wrong answer that person's not around anymore. A lot to think about here. On that note, Joran begins his own quest to figure out who killed Dag hammerscholt, and in London, he meets this man, Charles Southall, who's a former agent of the November Sierra alpha, which Mads quite rightly labels as an organization that spies on the entire world. I laughed out loud the first time, and this repeat viewing, laughed out loud whenever he says that, because it is so true. You will also see Charles Southall figure into Susan Williams book, who killed hammerscholt, I will release a podcast episode about her book down the road. I have so many episodes that are already stacked up and ready to go. There's quite a time delay between me sitting and recording and then when it actually hits the air. But for the time being, file it away in your mind that Charles Southall is a name that you will hear again. Southall claims that he was stationed in Cyprus and he had the evening off, but somebody comes over and tells him, hey, you need to come down to our listening station because something big is going to happen. So he goes, and he's told, something big has happened. This is history, and this recording is out of Africa, and it's only seven minutes old. Sao says that the recording was of a man that they were aware of. He calls him a Belgian mercenary pilot. He was referred to as the Lone Ranger. He was in a fuga Magister plane. And he says, I see a transport coming in low. He says he's going down to take a look at it. The next he says he's going to take a run at it. After that, you could hear shots firing. He says, I've hit it. There are flames coming out of it, and then quickly, he said it has crashed. South Hall says at the time that he heard the recording he did not know that it was the plane that was carrying Dag hammershold and his staff Mads and urine go to the crash site hoping that they can excavate something, as Mads points out, there were no photographs taken of Dag hammershould's body in situ. In other words, the way that it was found after he was killed. We don't have photographs of that. The first photographs were taken after his body had been moved and placed on a stretcher. We also learn that there was a playing card tucked into his shirt collar. A civilian photographer named Norman gets a call from someone in the police department asking if he had heard anything about the plane crash of Dag Hammarskjöld. He says, No, he throws his equipment in the car and rushes off to the site. Strangely, it takes 15 hours to find the wreckage and Dag hammersholed body, even though the crash is about eight miles from the airport, the other crash victims are burned. Some are burned very severely. Dag hammered is not burned at all, and he's just laying on the ground, almost like in this repose. The civilian photographer says that he and a policeman have a conversation about Dag Hammarskjöld. And the policeman allegedly says, Did you know that playing card that was tucked inside Hammarskjöld's collar was the death card? The photographer says, the death card. What do you mean? He goes with the ace of spades. It's a death card. The first time that I heard anything about this story at all, I was watching Oliver Stone's documentary, Destiny betrayed, and they talked about how dag hammer dies in this mysterious plane crash. Everybody else is burned up, but not him. He's located not burned, and with an ace of spades playing cart tucked in his collar. And when I heard that, I was like, wait a minute, what? Hold the freaking phone? What? That's not a mysterious plane crash. That's a hit. Somebody didn't die through pilot error or some accidental cause. If everybody else is burned, they are not, and they have a playing card tucked inside their shirt collar, a message is pretty clearly being sent. I will also add that there have been stories that there was a bullet hole in Dag Hammarskjöld forehead, but this hole is airbrushed out of the official autopsy photos. Yet again, I feel like I've heard this story before, because think about all of the confusion and chicanery that went along with JFK autopsy. You have all kinds of theories, ranging from someone like Liggett coming in and making alterations to the body. To it wasn't a body, it was a wax dummy. To anything that was inappropriate to the Oswald narrative was just simply airbrushed out and the real photos have been destroyed. It's like, Yeah, I'm I feel like I have heard this story before. It seems to be following a pattern. A commission is put together in 2013 trying to as so many of us have asked this question, who killed Dag Hammarskjöld? Trying to figure out the answer to that question, they request documents from the November Sierra alpha to figure out, does this recording exist, the one that Southall says that he heard. And they are told that any recordings they might have of that nature would be classified, top secret, and they wouldn't release them because of national security. Hmm, yet again, you know, I feel like this story is awfully familiar, because I feel like there are still a number of records about the JFK murder that are still being withheld from the American public under the same grounds of national security. So you're talking about Dag Hammarskjöld and JFK, both have been deceased for more than 60 years. It definitely begs the question, what could still be so incendiary, who could still be alive that was involved in the murders that it would still be national security. Don't you find that odd? Mads explores the questions of, could it also be possible that a bomb was planted on the plane, because the plane was left completely unguarded for about two hours at the airport, so we're just shy of 30 minutes in on cold case, hammersholed, and we start to get into the territory of Keith Maxwell, the symmar operation, Celeste. And I really want all of that to be its own separate episode. The Black witnesses are clear about what they saw. They're consistent that there was some type of sabotage that took place that night. The person in the audio file that was sent to me is certain that hammer Scholes plane was shot down in the night and. I will publish an episode talking specifically about Susan Williams book, who killed Hammarskjöld in the future. But I want to segue just for a minute to the Prologue of her book in 2005 major general Bjorn EGA, a Norwegian who had been the UN's head of military information in the Congo in 1961 with the rank of colonel, suggested that Hammarskjöld had a round hole in his forehead that was possibly consistent with a bullet hole. Now 87 years of age, he explained in a statement to the Norwegian newspaper, affin Poston that straight after the crash in 1961 he had been sent to indola to collect the Secretary General's cipher machine and his briefcase, and had been allowed to see his dead body in the mortuary. The body seemed to have a hole in the forehead. She quotes now from that interview in the Afton Poston. He was not burned, as the other casualties were, but had a round hole in his forehead on photos taken of the body. However, this hole had been removed. I have always asked myself why this was done. Similarly, the autopsy report had been removed from the case papers. Again, I asked why. He added, when I saw Hammer's body at the hospital, two British doctors were present, but not very willing to cooperate. However, I noticed the hole in Hammarskjöld's forehead in particular. End quote, I'm going to scoot down just a little bit, but I'm still in the Prologue. The hypothesis that these two photographs were doctored would be consistent with Major General egg as concern that the Secretary General had a round hole in his forehead, which had been removed in photographs taken of the body. In a further statement to affin, Poston egas stated that a Norwegian historian, Dr Bodil Katarina nevdal, obtained a photograph of the body and had it analyzed by crime scene technicians. They established that hammer Schultz forehead had been touched up in the photograph. End Quote,


She also writes the theory of doctoring would also be consistent with the experience of Knut hammered, the Secretary General's nephew, who flew to indole immediately after his uncle's death in 1961 the northern Rhodesian police gave him a set of photographs of his uncle's body in the mortuary, which showed him with a smooth forehead. But soon afterwards, a young policeman named David Appleton discreetly took him aside and gave him another set in a manila envelope, Appleton quietly commented, you may find these interesting. In this set of photographs, injuries to the head were visible. End quote. Chapter Seven of her book is titled, The white settlers investigate, because, after all, that was going to be the official word, the charcoal burners, the people of color who witnessed what actually happened that night. No, we're going to dismiss them. It's all about what the white folks say happened, and the official narrative. So what do you think was it pilot error? It was just a, oh my goodness, shit happens, kind of accident. The pilot was, for some reason, flying too low and wound up in a forest, and it tore the plane to shreds and killed everybody on board. And that was just that. If so, why was everybody else burned except dag hammer shoals? There was even a man who survived for a short period of time and was taken to the hospital, but he had burns on him. Dag hammersholed is not burned at all. So how would that be? And then, what do you make of the story about the hole in the forehead, if it wasn't a bullet hole, if it was just a scrape or some other type of injury that would have happened in the crash, what would have been the necessity of airbrushing it out? Why would he have a playing card of any kind, let alone an ace of spades? Why would he have a playing card tucked inside his collar? Why do we not have any photographs of the body exactly where it was whenever the first person or group of people came upon the crash site? Mean that's forensics crime scene 101, you don't touch anything, you don't move anything. You're very careful about not disturbing evidence. So why do we not have a photo of Dag Hammarskjöld where the body was found? That's awfully strange. And then what do we make of the South Hall story and the November Sierra alpha not saying to that commission in 2013 Oh, you're full of it. There is no such recording. They just simply said like, well, if such a recording exists, we couldn't give it to you, because it's top secret and national security. Wink. I. Hmm, I find it very hard to believe, personally, that it was just a pure accident, especially in listening to the witnesses who so clearly say, No, there was foul play. There was another plane that was in the air, and it shot down Dag Hammarskjöld's plane, and then the lights go out at the airport and there's a big red flash in the sky. Why would it have taken so many hours for search and rescue, especially when you're talking about the crash not being that far from the airport? You know, down the line, I'm going to publish some episodes about the funky plane crash of JFK Jr, and you'll see a similar theme. The waiting for search and rescue to actually happen is way too long, and then when it does happen, the search and rescue efforts are going way far afield from the actual crash site. Why would that be? I feel like the death of Dag Hammarskjöld follows a pretty clear pattern of obfuscation and official stories that just simply don't make any sense. You must decide for yourself. I will record an episode in future, also about the death of Patrice Lumumba, as the anonymous source talks about I mean, what was done to him is really horrendous nightmare fuel. But his combining of these three figures, Patrice Lumumba, Dag Hammarskjöld JFK, is pretty savvy. I don't know who he is. I don't know what kind of inside information he has or how he's gotten it. I find it endlessly fascinating. Who killed Dag Hammarskjöld? Why? We'll have to explore those questions together as the podcast goes on. Do I believe that it was pilot error and an Oopsie daisy? Who could have seen this coming act of God, accident. No, I don't stay a little crazy, and I will see you in the next episode.


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